Spiritual Journeys #2 |
What Does It Mean To Die? |
Marie777 Member
since 2007-01-30
Posts 93MI. |
What Does It Mean To Die? (#1) We cringe when a child asks, “What does it mean to die”? We want to be so careful and not make the child cry. We shrink from talking about this issue death To answer the question we must not lie. Is death the end of the story or is there life to come? What life does he have if now we buried our son? Can we help the dead or talk to them at all Will we see again the precious one? Each belief you ask today, a different answer gives. How do we know if the dead die or if he lives? Is he a spirit that has wings and takes flight Is there a part of him that thrives? “God formed man from the dust of this earth “Breathing into him breath, life and worth, And “Then” man became a living soul”. The soul is this Being, and this his birth. Gen. 2:7 The soul, a combination of the dust and breath of God. And the breath/spirit returns to God at death. Breath and spirit here, the same in Greek The spirit here is God’s own breath. At death the dust returns to the ground where it came, And the spirit/breath of Life, (one in the same) Returns to the God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7 is where this came. The Lord says, “every Living Soul belongs to me, “The Soul who sins is the one who dead will be”. We all have sinned and subject to death. We are not immortal, only God is you see. Ezekiel 18:3-4 and 1Timothy 6:15- Continued….. By, Marie D. Glass 5/9/2005 What Does It Mean To Die (#2) We no longer can remember when once in death we be No thoughts pass through, there is no memory. Their love, their hate and jealousy have vanished. Nothing under the sun will they do or see. Ps. 6:5 and Ecclesiastes 9:6 The living know that they shall die, the dead know not a thing Ecclesiastes 9:5 “I will sleep in death” Psalm’s 13:3 does ring. Lazarus sleepeth….he is dead, Jesus says in John 11:11-14. In death we cannot speak or even sing. But death doesn't last forever and time we do not know The Righteous will be called to heaven for to go. We shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye No longer to lay low. At the Last Trump, for the trumpet will sound And then, will the dead be raised from the ground, And not till then, will we be changed And then, immortality will be found. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 The tunnel of death is a quiet, peaceful sleep Not something for which we need to weep. We can be in comfort knowing they don’t see All the pain here suffered while they are asleep. Continued… By, Marie D. Glass 5/9/2005 What Does It Mean To Die (and Live Again) #3 I am the Resurrection and the life, believe in Me And you’ll have life, even though death you see. Job asks God to hide him in the grave Knowing to it, he would not always be a slave. John 11:25 and Job 14:13-15 He had faith in the Coming of the Lord, for He Who is our life appears, and Jesus we will see. Be not ignorant about those who fell asleep Or grieve as those who never bent a knee. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven above With a loud command, with the voice of the archangel thereof, And with the trumpet call of God, and the dead first Will Rise to meet the Lord, He has come for the Righteous with love. After the dead have risen, we who are still alive and are left Are caught “Up” together with them, even from the tallest cleft, To the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. “Therefore Encourage Each Other With These Words.” (Proving My Child that I care). 1 Thessalonians 4:13, 16-18 by, Marie D. Glass 5/9/2005 ======================================== |
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