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0 posted 2005-07-03 10:03 PM

It wasn't s'posed to end this way,
For this wasn't in our plans,
It ends and interrupts the life
We shared that was so grand!

For 4 and Thirty years as One,
We weathered life's stormy sea,
And together we made it through--
For there was a You and me.

We shared such joys and happiness,
As well as many aches and pains,
And each other's life we'd bless
And see each other through the strains.

You e'er were such a strong One,
Though frail in body, not in mind,
You were my life's bright shinning Sun
And my life's most precious find.

I ne'er dreamed this day would come
You are gone and I'm all alone,
A total eclipse of my dear Sun
Leaving an empty heart and home.

It wasn't s'posed to be like this,
But "Come and grow old with me,"
For now its true that we will miss
"The best" that was "yet to be!"

I tread a sad and lonely path,
Surrounded by my memories,
The life we planned, was not that--
But to have You e'er by me!

Rest in Peace, my Lovely One,
I'll be on after a while,
And once again, When Life is done
Together we'll share a glad Smile!

[Written in memory of my dear Wife,
Linda (Shull)White, who passed
away after a wonderful life and
a valliant struggle on June 15,2005]

© Copyright 2005 David L. White - All Rights Reserved
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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
1 posted 2005-07-03 11:26 PM

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.  May God heal your broken heart and lead you on the path of recovery.  It is a beautiful poem and it sure does express your heart.  I could feel your pain as I read your words.  You have a wonderful talent and I hope you will continue to write; believe me, it is healing to write poetry.

Jesus lives in my heart!  He can in yours too!!!
Sheri Liegh Adams
[email protected]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2005-07-04 07:07 AM

Words don't seem to be enough to express how sad I am for your loss David. Your poem says it all though. Remember the love and the life of your wife and she will live forever. She's in God's hands, safe and free of pain. Take care of yourself.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2005-07-04 01:58 PM

The sadness is present ... the beauty of the past ... still present~

My thoughts and prayers have been constantly with you since learning of Linda's passing~

Knowing your strong faith ... I am certain He will carry you through~

Continue to write it, my friend ...
the ink is a balm in times like these~
Love and *Huglets*

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
4 posted 2005-07-04 02:38 PM

Dear David,  Thank you for sharing this. I can only imagine how immense your void must be at the present time.

May our Lord give you strength to sort through your pain and beautiful memories in the days ahead. You'll be amazed how many you've both touched through the years, will now return to pray for or help you in other ways, maybe even a story from a past inspira-tion they received.

I do pray you'll posting more again as time allows.  

Again, I'm sorry for your loss and will pray for your healing, David.

God bless,

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2005-07-04 03:01 PM

David, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your wife.  She has been in my prayers. I do hope that in time, you will come to find comfort in the beautiful memories that the both of you created in your time together.

My prayers are with you and your family.

Member Empyrean
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6 posted 2005-07-04 03:10 PM

David...My condolances for the loss of your wife...although I can tell she is not really lost, she will always be with you.  
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
7 posted 2005-07-04 06:21 PM

Dear David:  You have been in my thoughts and prayers!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
8 posted 2005-07-04 07:50 PM

I, also, was very sorry to hear of your loss, David. I will pass the information on to Pepper, unless you wish not.

I have no words that can ease the grief but at least you know there are many friends here with you in their thoughts. Be well.....

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
9 posted 2005-07-04 10:33 PM

David...I am sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at this time.
God Bless,

since 2004-04-05
Posts 451
10 posted 2005-07-04 10:35 PM

Dear David,

I am so very sorry about the loss of your beloved wife. May the loving arms of God embrace you during this time of sadness and pain. May he grant you the strength to bear your loss. And may your dearest wife rest in heavenly peace with all the angels.

Love in Christ,

'When you find a dream within your heart, don't ever let it go.
For dreams are the tiny seeds from which tomorrow grows.'

Senior Member
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11 posted 2005-07-04 11:06 PM

I would like to thank you one and all, for standing with me and hlding me up in your thoughts and with your prayers.  Thank you both Poet friends old and new, I know I am in good company.  
  Though I have been away for quite some time, I can still feel at home here, for I was one of the ones, which encourage the beginning of this particular forum.  I am glad that it is still here and there are many to carry on the spiritual messages in verse to help touch the lives of others, even in an unearthly, or heavenly way.  As I am able I will plan to make a come back here and on the other forums, which I used to frequent.
I would be glad to hear from  any of you via e-mail at [email protected]  
Balladeer, I would be pleased if you would pass on the news to Pepper, another dear sweet friend I met here.
Blessings to you All,
  David L. White

Every Day's a Blessing
And Gift-Wrapped from Above,
Share it with another
And Spread the Father's Love!!!

May You come to Know His Best Blessing

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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12 posted 2005-07-04 11:41 PM

You are in my prayers every night, David.  I am so sorry.  I lost my husband on the 4th of July after 21 years of marriage.  Love, Joyce
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Qld, Australia
13 posted 2005-07-05 06:00 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss!

Your wife will always reside in your heart!  Remember those wonderful times together and smile, for she will be smiling there in your memory of her.

May God Bless you in your time of grief.


Member Elite
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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
14 posted 2005-07-05 07:25 AM


I'm sorry to hear of your wife's passing.  I am sending angel hugs and prayers your way sweetie.  

Take Care and God Bless!!!!

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Member Seraphic
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15 posted 2005-07-05 12:13 PM

I am so very sorry for your loss, David. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dennis L. White
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Michigan, U.S.A.
16 posted 2005-07-06 08:01 PM

Dear Brother,
   I share in your tragic loss, knowing you both over the years, a dear brother and a sweet sister-in-law.  Linda was a "one of a kind" unique individual who brightened and enriched so many lives. Knowing the depth of your love and devotion for each other I can not imagine the pain and sorrow you are feeling after being together for 34 years.  Though the void is immense,  you have many friends and family to stand beside you, shoulder to shoulder as you weather the stormy days ahead. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
   You've expresed yourself well in this poem and our hearts are touched by your loss and the subsequent grief.  Please keep writing.
Your brother and friend,


Jesus knows and Jesus cares, we do too!

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17 posted 2005-07-08 12:00 PM


I am very very sorry to read here of the loss of your wife for 34 years, but I am also very happy to see your name here again on these pages and do hope to frequent here more often myself. I can only imagine what it might be like to lose someone as close as this. I do appreciate your closeness through the past few years and for allowing me, I feel, to be a small part of your family. I agree with your brother in saying that you are not (you are not) alone. I do pray for you and for your strength and that God would be ever close to you and your family during this time of grieving, of restoration, and of recovery. God bless you, David.  



Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
18 posted 2005-07-10 12:11 PM

David, I am very sad to read of your loss.  May you find some comfort among friends and in expressing your feelings here at PIP.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
19 posted 2005-07-10 09:43 PM

May He hold Linda close, as she's His angel now - and may He give you strength to carry on in the days ahead.  God Bless, m'friend...
Senior Member
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20 posted 2005-07-13 03:56 PM

I'm so sorry about the loss of your wife. Your poem beautifully expresses your feelings & loss.

Street Heart
since 2002-09-05
Posts 349
21 posted 2005-08-26 02:14 PM

Marge notified me about you,David.I'm very sorry and my heart goes out to you.I can only say to you what has been said to another fellow I know very well who had been together with his love for nearly 50 years and was separated by death...think on how blessed you were to meet her,to share for as long as you did,to know there is a binding that will never be broken even by this separation,for your mutual love is of the kind that will never be false nor will it  ever end.Think on the rarity of your closeness,for what you shared unfortunately is not found by all.You were blessed and still are blessed.It is never an easy road when the one you loved most has been taken away.You feel totally alone.But,honestly, this is not the case judging by the heartfelt support I see within this page, and I am certain that those who are closest to you,including your brother,share with you in all.

Love never dies,my friend...she is still with you.

Peace to you,Geoffrey    

If a man has not discovered something he is willing to die for,his life is not worth living.

Martin Luther King,Jr. Detroit,1963

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