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0 posted 2004-10-11 04:51 PM

Where is she now ?
Child of light and laughter.
Only times river knows
And it will not say

jacki 10/8/63-27/8/04

© Copyright 2004 michael bennett - All Rights Reserved
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Canada eh.
1 posted 2004-10-11 05:07 PM

She is resting peacefully in the arms of our loving Father.
I am so very very sorry for your loss Michael.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers have been and continue to be
with you and the family, and your daughter Jacki's family.
Heart hugs, Nancy.

~Autumn..the year's last, loveliest smile.~

Member Ascendant
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2 posted 2004-10-11 06:36 PM

Arthur, I am very moved by your poem. I too am sorry for your loss.  Enchantress is right.  Jacki is in God's light and at peace.  

believe in what your heart feels...

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2004-10-11 07:06 PM

Arthur, I am so very sorry for your loss of light, and heart.  Please know she is among the best of all people now...and I will say a prayer not for her tonight, but for you, that you will allow your grief to swell, then ebb...and know that your daughter is Home.

Please, feel free to write, or send a note, or just sit quietly, and I will be there with you in spirit.


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4 posted 2004-10-11 07:09 PM


Perhaps jacki has met a new friend, my daughter Michelle.  She passed on at the age of 8 in 1974.  I understand the pain of this kind of loss and my thoughts are with you.  

Larry C
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5 posted 2004-10-11 08:09 PM

I lost my daughter Ginger at 28 years of age two plus years ago. She died suddenly. So it is with a sad and knowing heart that I read your poem. My writing here at PiPs did incredible things for my healing. I only hope it does the same for you. We will be proud to rally to your support if you'll let us. God bless you and may you find strength enough to celebrate her life. She would be proud I'm sure. Peace dear man and courage too.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
6 posted 2004-10-11 09:19 PM

Dear Arthur:

Your poem is very touching!  We lost our only grandson, a few years ago, so can share a little of the grief you are feeling.
He is always with us, though we have gone on with our lives.  I'm sure your daughter remains by you side in memory! I hope you will continue to share with us, your feelings.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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7 posted 2004-10-12 09:37 AM

thankyou all for your support
I cry most days
yet I know she would have been the first to say
"now stop that"
She was all light and laughter
I ask -why her?
but there is no answer
I ask-what more could I have done
I should have told her how much I admired and loved  her more often
Apart from that-i could ahve done no more-yet still I feel inadequate
One day at a time


Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
8 posted 2004-10-12 11:01 AM

Michael, there are so many caring people here at Pip who can help you through this trying time.
Perhaps if you try writing it out..
another poem...I know it helps.

We are all here for you...
You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers..
and like you say, it is 'one day at a time'.

Believe me, she knew how much you loved and admired her...she knew.

~Holding you close wishing I could take away the pain, Nancy~

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
9 posted 2004-10-12 11:01 AM

In the face of inadequacy, we each find our own footing, on the better days.  On the hard days, we are being held by a force larger than we will ever know.

My mother's name was Jacqueline, "Jackie" to her friends.  She passed on much too early - and I still had things to learn from her; secrets of her life that were never revealed in time.

And I know the loss of younger than I friends and family members...this is a most difficult time, Arthur, but if you are moved to write [and perhaps be guided by your daughter's hand], then you will find not only a minor release, day by day, but compassionate hearts here, to hold you up, and to pray you through...

You are right, about what your daughter would say to you.  Especially if she was all light, laughter, and love...

write to her.  For her.
For you.
And for us.

Always, Karilea

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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
10 posted 2004-10-13 03:25 AM

Dear Arthur,
Your poem and this whole thread really touched my heart. We are all here for you, my friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Heart hugs,

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
11 posted 2004-10-13 05:29 AM

Michael, having lost my sister this summer,I know the grief and
"Apart from that-i could have done no more-yet still I feel inadequate"

it is hard and the tears still come most everyday, the only good from it all is that her suffering is over...

no one's words can really take away the pain of loss, and time really doesn't heal...but time does allow the  sweet memories to overcome the last ones and allows one to be able to go on.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2004-10-13 09:18 AM

Even before I came in to PiP this morning, I was outside and this thought came to me -

Beyond the day after forever
there is a place we'll meet
We will hold one another close
renewing memories so sweet~

I wasn't sure where it came from,
or where it was supposed to go ...
but then ... I read your loving post ...
and I knew~

Your Jacki awaits the renewal of loving memories ... and I believe that in the meantime she knows you will write the feelings of this loss ... thereby assuring that others are touched~

Thank you for this ... I truly understand~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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13 posted 2004-10-13 12:07 PM

Arthur, I know this ache of losing someone so very close to our hearts.  There are no words I can offer that can help but please know you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.  When I have been hurting I have found Passions and my writing to be a source of healing....
your friends here will lift you and help you through this time.  Hugs.

The greatest beauty on earth, is
found in the hearts of those
who love....

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Member Rara Avis
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
14 posted 2004-10-13 04:58 PM

It will not say.....but be assured; in time it will show you.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
15 posted 2004-10-13 09:57 PM

Arthur ... I am terribly sorry for your loss. There can be nothing worse than losing a child. It just rips your heart out; but, with the love and support of family and friends, slowly you find peace and calm. Please know my prayers go out to you for that peace.

I am sure jacki is in the tender, loving arms of our Father.

Hugs to you, Marti

Larry C
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United States
16 posted 2004-10-13 11:14 PM

I can't stay away thinking of your loss. I pray you find peace and courage. And when you're ready I'd love to hear of her life.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Elite
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17 posted 2004-10-14 07:17 AM

A strong feeling of loss in this question.
Very compact, yet it opens books of questions that humans have always asked.
Yes "only times river" knows the answer, everyone asks the river at one time or another...but because it is mute,
the only thing we can do is share our feelings with each other. I am sad that you had to write this...but glad that I read it.

Member Ascendant
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Ala bam a
18 posted 2004-10-14 07:40 AM

As we grow older
And hair turns to gray
Our thoughts and our bodies
Change in some ways.

A friend or a loved one
Pass on leaving grief,
They leave us with memories
That touch us so deep.

The soul never dies
Nor the memories depart
They'll talk to you daily
And live on in your heart.

Time brings us healing
It takes quite a while
But their soul lives within you
And will soon bring a smile.

May God bring you peace
May your heart quickly mend
May your tears turn to laughter
Till you're together again

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
19 posted 2004-10-14 07:12 PM

It's especially hard to lose a child. You expressed your loss so beautifully in such a simple, elegant way. Your loss saddens me but your poem gives me hope that in remembering, she is not gone.
Member Elite
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20 posted 2004-10-14 10:40 PM

The world has no answers
for why one leaves too soon.
To find an understanding is
like flying to the moon.
When we're in such sorrow
we can only ask one boon.
That wherever our departed is
She sings a happy tune.

My deepest sympathy on your loss.  Ken

Through rubble and trouble and dark of night
The yawn of a dawn will hasten the light

passing shadows
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21 posted 2004-10-15 03:56 AM

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in the shadows
22 posted 2004-10-15 09:59 AM

Death is hardest on the living.  She may in her own way and on her own schedule let you know she is OK.

I wish you peace.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
23 posted 2004-10-18 08:15 PM

this is so lovely and touching....Welcome to Passions

Read between the lines
look deep into each word
and you will understand the
depth of my soul (GE)

Member Elite
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Ohio, USA
24 posted 2004-10-18 09:13 PM

deeply said and felt words of love that keeps a loved one alive - you write it well - Paul
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25 posted 2004-11-06 10:57 AM

Just one more hug for you   

Member Ascendant
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26 posted 2005-01-18 11:38 AM

Arthur, As you see, many of us have been in your place.We understand and are here for you.Please do not hesitate to write. It must be a part of the reason we feel the need to write it down. Do so, and we will read. And in reading will share with you your sorrow. best, marty
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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27 posted 2005-01-18 02:13 PM

and another hug and wish for peace to come swiftly to you and yours..

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
28 posted 2005-01-18 02:51 PM

Dear Arthur,

I see it has been some months since this was first posted.  I hope some peace and understanding has come to you.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Having lost a child six years ago next month, I know that it takes a long time but time does continue its healing process.  You were blessed to have your loved one, no  matter the time she was given.  Hold tight to the good memories.  Love, Joyce

since 1999-09-26
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deer park, wa
29 posted 2005-01-20 04:55 PM

I feel for you loss because I've had my own, and couldn't stop crying thinking about it. We all have to leave this world and go on to another. Though it is hard to understand we all leave something behind to carry on. There are always reasond we are all here. Look for the best of what was left behind in your memories and hold on to the value it holds. May God bless and keep you and your lost one.
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