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Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla

0 posted 2002-11-10 07:49 AM

A Colors Cyme

I heard a whisper soft and free
Whispering a song to me.
Deep from in the shadows gray
Sweeter than the sweetest gay

It folded from some daffodils
From golden petals drooping spills
Throwing odors to the breeze
In wistful touches of a tease

I drank it with a thankful pause
And gave a smile to show applause
It was the sweetest kindest show
That rode upon the wind in flow.

It held me on a path of dream
It weld me to the gardens gleam
It softly took my hand in stay
And offered me a moments play.

A moment of a colors cyme
A moment of a phantoms time

© Copyright 2002 Seymour Tabin - All Rights Reserved
Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
1 posted 2002-11-10 08:29 AM

Seymour, I loved this poem..and I learned a new word which your poem illustrated nicely

It folded from some daffodils
From golden petals drooping spills
Throwing odors to the breeze
In wistful touches of a tease

so pretty...


Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
2 posted 2002-11-10 08:31 AM

Almost as pretty as you.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2002-11-10 08:34 AM

Sy, you made Spring
touch Fall...

and a thankful poet reads you...
yet again.

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2002-11-10 08:37 AM


Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
5 posted 2002-11-10 09:22 AM

Beautiful Sy!
Your morning pieces make me feel warm and good.
Enjoyed this with my cuppa.
~Morning hugs~

~I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before.~

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
6 posted 2002-11-10 09:43 AM

Thank you sweet, hugs back and have a good sunday.

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940
7 posted 2002-11-10 10:12 AM

This is simply......

   just plain ~pretty~ Mmmmmm, nice!

Thanking you, as ever
for sharing your talent,
we are so blessed,

Warm regards,

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2002-11-10 10:51 AM

My friend ... this is just AWESOME~

The serenity of the soft petals of your thoughts wraps me in a morning glow~
I like this one ... very, very much~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
9 posted 2002-11-10 12:54 PM

Thank you so much for the warm nice.

You are a sweetheart.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

10 posted 2002-11-10 02:47 PM

It folded from some daffodils
From golden petals drooping spills


and those will be my waaay cool lines for the day....

"drooping spills"

I do so love the way your mind works.!!

SO Stinkylove? what was in those petals?
Raspberry tea??? *L*

Love the imagery and intend in this gem of pen Sy-babes.

*whispering winkies your way*

No one has ever shown me how to see the world the way I see it now ...
and I never saw blue like that before.

~Tom Kimmel~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
11 posted 2002-11-10 02:56 PM

Seymour darling heart, you don’t know how awed I am of you when you write like this. That you can write well I acknowledge, when you write and the image is as clear and fresh as this is I applaud you, when you do so and my spirit lifts to dance I stand and shout well done. Without doubt you are inarguably a fantastic writer, I can almost smell the flowers and feel the touch of a spring. This is truly one of your utter utter best. I love this utterly utterly YOU are an amazing writing and this is incredibly beautiful.

Softly wrap me in your sigh
Take me to the place of why
Don’t leave me in the dark too long
Sing me breeze’s golden song
Whisper again the words I need
With this music my soul feed
As long as I can come in here
I know that beauty will appear
Written in words of elegant grace
That lay on my soul like fine lace
Let me walk in your dreams my friend
Until my days are at an end
       When I read you I know why
       I love the words written by Sy

Love and warm stuff
As always

Breathe through the heat of our desire
Thy coolness and they balm
Let sense be dumb let flesh retire
Speak through the earthquake wind and fire

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
Posts 7470
A Mountain Paradise
12 posted 2002-11-10 03:33 PM

Sy, I'm late today and no tea, but I sure loved this just the same.

'...It held me on a path of dream
It weld me to the gardens gleam
It softly took my hand in stay
And offered me a moments play...'

Fantastic words ... hugs, Marti

"I am not afraid of STORMS for I have learned how to sail my SHIP."
Louisa May Alcott

(I'm not changing this, please don't ask!)

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
13 posted 2002-11-10 03:43 PM

(smiles) Oh Seymour, this is wonderful, sweet friend, I could see the golden rosepetals flowing on the breeze and spreading with a Midas touch the beauty to all! (big huggsssssss) I love it, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Seymour, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
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Realms of Light
14 posted 2002-11-10 04:10 PM

Good afternoon, Mr. T.!

Dear Mr. T., you have made my day
With these colorful "moments play"

~ May your life continue to be full of colors--and may you always be able to see them! tehe


Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
15 posted 2002-11-10 04:38 PM

I was only watching the bees collecting  nectar in the breeze. I just love honey.
And I my Tinkerbell as well.

You are spoiling me. But I love it.

You are a dear, thank you so much.

Thank you my friend.

Earth Angel
Just love your comments.

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
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Florida, USA
16 posted 2002-11-10 05:07 PM

Mr. Seymour, I'm late today, too. Been having computer trouble...still am....Ugh!!
But, as always, I look for your poetry when I get a chance. It is always like a fresh cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino or a nice big Vanilla Coke....both of which I simply  L-O-V-E.
Your poetry is always refreshing to me, no matter what the subject...beautiful.
Thanks for sharing your heart and your thoughts.

"Love makes the world go around"
~~with love and hugs from Ethel~~

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
17 posted 2002-11-10 05:35 PM

Sy, it's good to be back...I love this, it's magical and free-flowing and as always you use great imagery and intent.  My hats off to you dear poet

Take care,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

Member Elite
since 2001-12-04
Posts 3945
Texas, USA
18 posted 2002-11-10 08:43 PM

What a pretty poem, it evokes a quiet contentment.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

19 posted 2002-11-10 08:55 PM

So very lovely, Sy!
Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720
Tamarac Fla
20 posted 2002-11-10 09:09 PM

Thank you for reading and commenting.

Thank you so much and I'm so glad you are back.

Thank you for the nice comment.

Thank you for the lovely.

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