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Open Poetry #22
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Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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0 posted 2002-08-28 07:13 PM

August winds howl around your sleeping
I sit at our window watching fields of space
looking out for that fly-by passion of yours
it never seems to show itself to me.

I cannot bear to lay aloof and stare at
this dream I am grieving while it awaits
patiently for my leaving
all wound up like the fat belly of a little Ben
filled with alarm
waiting for that thievish hour
when it steals me from you.

I love you
sometimes I don’t
though you might find that incomprehensible
It is true, I think.
What does it matter if I love you or not
My skin doesn’t get any warmer
and it’s through nights like this one
I wish I didn’t.

© Copyright 2002 Dark Angel - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2002-08-28 07:18 PM

(big hugggsssss) Oh my gosh, I have missed you so so much, sweet friend, this is a sad but powerful poem and I'm sorry youn feel this way and wish for the day to come and give you a love that makes your heart feel warmer and safe! (sigh) This is touching, sweet friend, I'm so happy you're back, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
2 posted 2002-08-28 07:31 PM

I just read Noah's response to your poem. Now there's a man who is warm and caring-- no woman would feel the need to express herself with such blatant pain as you have.
Remember, after the dark nights come the sunny days. Take Care

Love, Light & Laughter

serenity blaze
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3 posted 2002-08-28 07:34 PM

Hey gorgeous...gawd I've missed your still shot poetry! and this?

"all wound up like the fat belly of a little Ben
filled with alarm"

makes smile with so much "clever"--

e me, you.

(I am being weened off of chat modes...sigh)

big wet smooches to ya!

Janet Marie
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4 posted 2002-08-28 07:52 PM

looking out for that fly-by passion of yours
it never seems to show itself to me.

I cannot bear to lay aloof and stare at
this dream I am grieving while it awaits
patiently for my leaving
waiting for that thievish hour
when it steals me from you.
What does it matter if I love you or not
My skin doesn't get any warmer
and it's through nights like this one
I wish I didn't.

Well just slap me in the face with a mirror why dont ya.
Welcome back girlie...good to read you again..
I just sat here shaking my head at have written my feelings as if you read me mothy mind..
this is a "i wish i had wrote this" for sure.
and its a keeper.

In the space between now and then
I lost the fire, lost a friend
and Ill never be the same again
Still, I believe in the innocence
we gave away.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

5 posted 2002-08-28 07:58 PM

You posted it...oh honey, huggles to you, brave lady.

Brave for so many things - amazing how brave we have to be sometimes, just to get through days with our nearest and dearest.

You'll do it, I know you will.

Love to you


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

6 posted 2002-08-28 07:59 PM

Um...sorta forgot to say how much I love the poem too
since 2002-08-25
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London, England
7 posted 2002-08-28 08:03 PM

Great expression, feeling it load and clear
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2002-08-28 08:54 PM

A Wowser of emote ...~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095

9 posted 2002-08-29 12:38 PM

Noah, thanks  for your sweet reply I really do appreciate it you know that?...
this poem was written a few weeks ago so I am fine now

Earth Angel, I agree with you Noah is a warm and caring man indeed
thanks for your lovely reply.

Hey Luscious, jeez I've missed you FULL STOP!
Glad to have made you smile m'dear and I'm smiling back at ya. Thanks for the wet kisses heh andare you been weened of emails as well? hope not.. please email me dear.
and thank you so much for stopping by and your lovely reply. a wet kiss back

JM.. Thank you  so much for the welcome back.. and as far as reading your mothy mind.. you know how we Gemini's are

SB... thanks honey..oh and guess what? I felt you the other day.. you were right there beside me.  

Zall, thanks so very much

Marge, thanks you for your lovely reply

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since 2000-06-26
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Blue Heaven
10 posted 2002-09-04 03:56 PM

Had I not been looking through my library I would not have known of this beautiful yet sad poem. I guess shame on me for not being around as much as I should, but I would have thought someone might have bounced it my way.

Lovely poem Mmy-- hugs n such other affections as is deemed appropriate.


There is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar.

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11 posted 2002-09-04 04:10 PM

Maree!  I didn't see!  I'm so glad Jamie brought it back so I could read it...

You pulled this from a hurting place...and made me feel it real...excellent writing!

hugs to you.  

brian madden
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12 posted 2002-09-04 08:11 PM

filled with alarm
waiting for that thievish hour
when it steals me from you.

Love is strange like that. It makes us feel like we are on top of the world one moment then drags into sorrow. I believe that we carry our loved ones with us always, so we are never really apart from them. wonderfully written.

Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich W. Nietzsche

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13 posted 2002-09-04 08:31 PM

Maree, this is soooo powerful. I'm glad to hear things are going better now. Why is it that things can be so difficult around those we are so close to...well, I guess it is just because we are so close to them. But we do survive, you know? Great to read you again.

God bless America, my home sweet home.

since 2002-03-22
Posts 279

14 posted 2002-09-04 09:06 PM

~So pleased to find you here, to feel your words again. Reading, breathing them here and how I miss your writing. *Peace Maree, peace.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

15 posted 2002-09-04 10:56 PM

second reading...

(J holds me personally responsible for some reason...tch, men )

hugs girly

Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
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Blue Heaven
16 posted 2002-09-04 11:31 PM

second reading...

(K thinks I hold her personally responsible for some reason...tch, kiwi women  

hugs girly


There is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar.

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095

17 posted 2002-09-05 02:19 AM

Jamie, er um ahem Hi! yes shame on you for not being around lol, but shame on me for not bouncing it toward your corner of cyber space hmmm I had meant to I promise.. I  forgot... really. er forgive?
hugs and love to you and thanks for your lovely reply and the ever subtle elbow prodding heh.

Hi Martie, yes thanks to Jamie heh and I thank you for the Wow and your lovely reply.
hugs back to you dear.  

Brian, thank you so much and yes you are so right we do carry them with us always.  

Elizabeth, how are you honey? Thanks so much for stopping by and having a read and for your lovely reply and yes we do survive.

Alicia, so good to see you here as well  
and for your lovely reply... peace to you too m'dear.

Kamla and Jamie sighhhhh ... please make up your minds heh.. and um why?  


[This message has been edited by Dark Angel (09-05-2002 02:26 AM).]

Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
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Charlotte, NC
18 posted 2002-09-08 11:42 AM


I am so glad I was looking through archives, or I'd have missed that. thank you Jamie for bringing this back up!

This is an awesome poem baby, though full of much sadness you convey your heart and soul beautifully as always. your words are so wonderful to read again. I'm back to stay now...and so glad you delighted us with this!

love you.

"if irish eyes are smiling...they are probably up to something" :)

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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
19 posted 2002-09-08 12:05 PM

MAREE...this is so very good a poem,  makes
one think and say IWIHWT!!!!  And I am
happy this feeling is past...

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