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Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England

0 posted 2002-07-30 06:57 PM

With hand in hand, and hearts entwined
they knew the smile of fate
Their love was written in the stars
Each soul had found it’s mate...

Through passing years, the smiles and tears
became a bond of love
A love that lives beyond life’s door
returning in a dove...

Her beloved husband passed away
too soon, too suddenly
And as she stood beside his bed
though gone, he helped her see...

~~ a dove ~~

a symbol to us all
of love so pure and true
On wings of white, in peaceful flight
onto their roof it flew...

The service passed, with friends and family
bidding sad farewell
She left the little chapel in the town
where they had dwelt...

Her sister’s strength protected
as the car drove slowly home
A shield against the times ahead
when she would be alone...

At driveway’s end, she gazed upon
the old familiar sight
Their peaceful home, it’s silence broken
by a bird in flight...

On wings outstretched, it flew towards
the car parked in the drive
And in her heart she felt his love
knew it was still alive...

She watched the dove fly straight
onto the roof above her door
Her love had sent this promise:
“I will leave you nevermore”

She felt his spirit cover her
a blanket of his love
And peace became the gift he gave
his message in a dove...

This is a true story, one of life's mysteries that we are privileged to witness rarely in our daily lives.My dear friend's sister very recently lost her husband, her soul mate for many years. They were inseperable during their lives together.
The day he passed away at the hospital, the dove was seen immediately after his death.And after his farewell service, when she arrived home, the same dove was seen as she pulled into the drive.It, to my knowledge, is still living on the roof of her home.
Doesn't this make you wonder?

Open the door and let your adventure begin!!!

[This message has been edited by Sunnyone (07-30-2002 07:07 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 Sunnyone - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2002-07-30 07:05 PM

"She felt his spirit cover her
a blanket of his love
And peace became the gift he gave
his message in a dove..."

(tears fall down my cheeks) Oh my gosh, this beautiful poem had me flooding in tears, my heart goes out to your friends' sister's loss of her husband but I know this just has to be a sign. (BIG HUGGGSSSSS) Oh my gosh, when the time is right, you must share this with her for I truly believe his loves spirit is that dove and is crooning words of unforgetable love and promises to her forever and ever! (wipes tears) God Bless You, sweet friend, you have a golden heart of a dove too, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Sunnyone, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Member Elite
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somebody's dungeon
2 posted 2002-07-30 07:06 PM

Yes, it does make one wonder. And it is a beautiful poem.
Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
3 posted 2002-07-30 07:10 PM

Noah, thank you so very much, and although I have never met the lady, I will pass on your thoughts to her sister, who is a very dear friend. It will mean a lot, thankyou  

WhiteRose, thank you also, and I know that this little miracle has given me new insight into the fact that love is much stronger than we, as humans, will ever know.

Open the door and let your adventure begin!!!

[This message has been edited by Sunnyone (07-30-2002 07:27 PM).]

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
4 posted 2002-07-30 07:18 PM

Please ignore this is an error, thank you

[This message has been edited by Sunnyone (07-30-2002 07:25 PM).]

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
5 posted 2002-07-30 08:05 PM

Oh I believe this could and did happen...
Oh yes...very easily.
I want to say more but feel I would be rambling...
A beautiful write dear poestess!

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England
6 posted 2002-07-30 08:12 PM

thankyou, Enchantress, and yes, it is a very real story of fact. My dear friend just called me today, because she was so amazed by this happening. What is so unusual about this, is that doves are not common in England. I leave you with that, and once again, thank you!  

Open the door and let your adventure begin!!!

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7 posted 2002-07-30 09:34 PM

Dear Sunnyone, I must thank you for sharing this beautiful and awesome love story.  It's indeed a very special gift and message.


Keep counting your blessings

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
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highways, & byways, for now
8 posted 2002-07-30 09:38 PM

Sunny - nice to see you again. Great write and full of thoughts...


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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
9 posted 2002-07-30 09:52 PM

Sunny, what a fantastic story. I'm so glad that these kind of things happen, to bring us comfort.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2002-07-30 09:56 PM

It's wonderful to have you back with us ... and this is a lovely story you share poetically~

Does it make me wonder ?  Not really ... I learned a long time ago that the spirit is a marvelous thing that flies on the wing of many earth-creatures~

Love your telling ... thanks for sharing~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
11 posted 2002-07-30 11:40 PM

hello mycafe, and it is nice to meet you!
Yes,it is a very special love story, and one that I am happy to put into words for my friends.  Thank you so much...

hello Bill, and it is nice to see you again too...seems like the family takes leave of absence now and then, but we all gather round the Passion table to catch up!! Thank you...

hello Sandra, and yes...we all need to hear about love's possibilities I think. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and thank you, lil sis!

hello Marge, and thank you for your kind words and welcome. I, like you, believe that all things are possible, and that love has a power that goes beyond reasoning sometimes. It's good to see you again, my friend...

           and to all!!

Open the door and let your adventure begin!!!

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Member Seraphic
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12 posted 2002-07-31 12:39 PM

I thought this was absolutely superb even before I read that it was true. *S* Knowing that your poem is based on actual happenings just makes it more tenderly beautiful. *S*
Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
13 posted 2002-07-31 03:29 PM

Thank you, Suthern, as I am glad the trueness of this one came's an unusual happening, but one I will always enjoy thinking about...

Open the door and let your adventure begin!!!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
14 posted 2002-08-01 05:06 AM

Wonderful thoughts to embrace Sunnyone...James
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