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Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown

0 posted 2002-07-15 11:53 PM

She called to wish me happy birthday
Even sung the birthday song to me
He heard her on the other phone
As she sung to me you see

He walked into the room afterwards
Tossed a twenty dollar bill at me
Gave me a quick kiss and off he went
With his friends he celebrated you see

It wasn't his birthday, it was mine
But about mine he never did care
I've grown quite use to being forgotten
It just doesn't seem very fair

Sue 7-15-02

© Copyright 2002 Sue Graves - All Rights Reserved
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
1 posted 2002-07-15 11:55 PM

Very good write.

Cold hands means a warm heart

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
2 posted 2002-07-16 12:00 PM

Happy Birthday, Sue...
I hope you got to celebrate it with someone else.
~ Birthday hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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3 posted 2002-07-16 12:18 PM

Happy Birthday
Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside
4 posted 2002-07-16 12:28 PM

Happy Happy Birthday to you!  
Why not change the locks with that twenty!
Some men are such fools!!  

I said 'some'~

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2002-07-16 01:01 PM

A belated Happy Birthday to you~

This is just too sad for words~
Sending *HUGS*
Love you~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Music Maker
since 2002-07-07
Posts 152
6 posted 2002-07-16 02:57 PM

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Let him get plastered
The sad old Ba***ard,
Happy birthday to you.

I really do wish you all that I would wish for myself, and as much again.   The cake is on the table, the red candles burning in the silver candelabra, a bottle of champagne is on ice:  One day you will have these things - Trust me !!!   You desrve them.  Sunny and I just for this moment send you a special red rose.  ---->@
Kind thoughts,
John  XX

Grass won't grow under feet that don't move.

[This message has been edited by Music Maker (07-16-2002 02:59 PM).]

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
7 posted 2002-07-16 03:04 PM

Sue, I know the feeling..after 32 years.(30 in the same home)..I received no acknowledgement from him last month (I gave him a small party for his)...despite allowing him to remain living on the property until the divorce is finalized.

Happy Birthday Sue, and a big hugggg..I know it doesn't help...I use to get those mushy cards..apologizing for not showing enough love, but I wanted it daily, not once a year in a card.


Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown
8 posted 2002-07-16 04:39 PM

  Thank you!

Madame Chipmunk
  Thank you, Lyra! There was no celebration for me. I sat here in the house. And, I mowed the front yard. Thank you for the birthday hugs! I sure needed one.

  Thank you, Kellie!

  Thank you! You know, if we didn't live on his mothers land, I would not only change the locks on the doors, but I would tell him to pack his bags and get out.

Marge Tindal
  Thank you my friend. And, thank you for the hugs. Your friendship means so much to me. I hope you are feeling better.

Music Maker
  Oh my! Cake and candles, even champagne! Thank you! And, thank you and Sunny for your friendship. Also, for the special red rose.

  Thank you! And, thank you for the hug. He doesn't even give me a mushy card or an apology. As for love, I don't remember how that felt. And, I am like you, I would want it everyday, not once a year.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
9 posted 2002-07-16 08:14 PM

(big hugggssssss) Oh Sue, I'm so sorry that happened, sweet friend, he should have respected your birthday more and stayed to talk with you and be there for you! (sad sigh) This is sad but well-said, sweet friend, now...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE, WE ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH, NOW BLOW OUT YOUR CANDLES AND MAKE A WISH!!! (kiss on cheek) You are a wonderful and special friend to us all, sweet friend, God Bless You! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Sue, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
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Ohio, USA
10 posted 2002-07-16 08:22 PM

words filled with pain - a great poem revealing lots of emotion - life should be different...Paul
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2002-07-16 09:32 PM

Happy Birthday, Sue!!!

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
Posts 7081
On A Journey To The Unknown
12 posted 2002-07-16 10:43 PM

Mistletoe Angel
Thank you, Noah! You are so sweet. And, thank you for the hugs.

Thank you, Paul!

A party for me? Wow! Thank you, Balladeer! And, thank you Balladeer for the hugs!

[This message has been edited by SmartChick (07-16-2002 10:45 PM).]

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