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Poetry Challenge!
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since 2006-04-07
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0 posted 2006-04-07 11:03 PM

why do we run into the streets killing each other
giving headaches and broken hearts to our mothers
why do we use force instead of persuassion
police instead of peace
why do we use drugs also called brain plugs
and not treat our body like a temple or shrine
all the way down to the spine
why do ask kids if they know the art of drug dealin
instead of what they're really feelin
why are single mothers on welfare
and not have an HMO or proper health care
why are dads nowhere to be found
makin sure the kids are safe and sound
why can status quo
determine whether your friend or foe
how can someone call a girl a hoe
and make her feel oh so low
why not take it to the max everyday
makin sure we go all the way
why do we feel afraid to stand alone
especially when we make out our own


© Copyright 2006 oscar de jongh - All Rights Reserved
since 2006-05-03
Posts 400
outside in the rain
1 posted 2006-05-03 04:12 PM

well, the song I heard when I first "fell in love" was at a party, and it was "you and me" so, here we go..

~there you were
i didn't see anyone else around
it was just you~
should i walk up to you?
should i wait?
I don't know,
But i shouldn't anticipate
there you were
it was just you
i dont know what to do
but i fell in love with you
just me, not you.
haha, sorry, that was really lame, im not in a serious writing mode right now, and i would rather NOT think of my first love...

My tears of love are a waste of time if I turn away

i have decided to love, hate is too much to bear
-MLK, jr.

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since 2000-06-25
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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
2 posted 2006-05-09 03:23 AM

AMEN!!!!  I have felt this for a very long time!!!!  Finally, somebody else who feels the same way.  I especially often wonder why women are called "hoes" when men do as much sleeping around as women do!  Just watch Maury in the morning and you will find one guy who is the father of 5 children by 5 different women.  What do they call him???  Awesome poem!!!!!!!!

Sheri Adams

Jesus lives in my heart!  He can in yours too!!!
Sheri Liegh Adams
[email protected]

since 2006-05-10
Posts 72
3 posted 2006-06-25 07:08 PM

sometimes I felt like I was the only one that loved someone that didn't love me back.. I guess it happens all the time. Yay finally found a person who understands. Thanks
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