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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2004-07-05 03:06 AM


I've got to go on a diet.

I ain't here to scream about it.

Just grumbling.

Now go ahead, ask a coon ass how to start a diet.

The coon ass will answer,

"First y'make a roux..."

© Copyright 2004 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-07-05 03:18 AM

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2 posted 2004-07-05 04:55 AM

first let me say LMAO at that are you nuts? mmm..nuts, with hot fudge...mmmmmm...whip cream...
Local Parasite
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3 posted 2004-07-05 08:16 AM

Could you believe that I'm on a diet?

I'm doing the 1500-calorie-a-day thing.  Well, at least, I aim for 1500 but usually end up at around 1750 or 2000, which is still less than the average male of my uh, body type, expends in a day.

My advice is to get a buddy to diet with.  Not only will you have someone to go out for subway & diet coke with, but you'll have a little nagging voice other than the one in your head to help you out.  It's been working for me.

Another thing I've been doing?  Read the bible... it'll help you feel better about suspending temptation and earthly pleasures, etc.

"God becomes as we are that we may be as he is."  ~William Blake

Paula Finn
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4 posted 2004-07-07 11:09 AM

LOL me too uh favorite? or at least the one that works for me...the old air force diet...all the grapefruit, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and tomatoes you can eat or drink. Trust me it works and works well.
Dark Angel
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5 posted 2004-07-07 05:42 PM

I had a salad for dinner last night while I watched hubby and son have chillie chicken Enchilada's ....sigh

planning on having one for lunch today(a salad)...heh I said planning. Hopefully I'll pull it though.



The clouds never expect it when it rains, but the sea, changes colour, but the sea, does not change.
~Stevie Nicks~

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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6 posted 2004-07-07 09:25 PM


I thought I WAS on a diet.


I've almost completely cut out the chemicals in my diet--now they want me to pay attention to FOOD too?

But? I remember how I knew for sure a friend of mine had actually gone as straight as she claimed.

She was fat and had a job.

IZZAT what's next?




Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2004-07-08 10:18 PM

If a man winks...
I'm not fat anymore.
It could be a tic, of course,
but I'm not asking....


Titia Geertman
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8 posted 2004-07-10 09:17 PM

Feeling fat??? It's all in the head they say, but..uh..uh...then my head must have sunk into my belly

My opinion: diets work only for a short time and then change themselves in overweight, because no one is capable of being on a diet forever.
Conclusion: diets won't help at all in the long run. In the long run they will stress you out and you will end up feeling fat and sick, so what't the use.

"One apple a day keeps the doctor away"
Ever tried that one and still stayed healthy?
One apple isn't much, is it


Like scattered words will flow

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9 posted 2004-07-11 06:00 PM

Wanna hear something weird?  No diet, it was just grapefruit season and I ate one for breakfast, alone, first thing, everyday for about six weeks and dropped 15 pounds.  Yes, I still ate sweets, treats etc.  Continued eating grapefruit until the season ended.  Alas, five pounds heavier, hmmm, nothing lasts forever.  Can't wait for grapefruit season!


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

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