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0 posted 2004-01-06 01:26 AM

hmm...not sure if I'm going to get any responses to this seeing that there was not a one other topic in here but I'm highly annoyed and I need a place to vent!
      Ok the thing that is just bugging me like none other lately is the people that post their poem and right next to it write "Plz Respond." I don't think that there is an actual rule or anything about not being aloud to write that but honestly! Half the time I don't even want to read the poem once I see that, I mean not only is it spelt wrong(On purpose,grrr..)its like the author is begging you to read it. What happened to letting the poetry speak for itself? It seems to me that a poem will get read and responded to if the poem is good and evokes emotion and if it does not do that it will not get a huge response, isn't that the way of most things? You say something inlightening and people will respond to you without you needing to plead with them to. Perhaps it is just me that these words bug, but recently it has been happening quite frequently and they irk me something awfull! These people need to have a little confidence jeez! whew...Ok I'm done...thanks for letting me rant!
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1 posted 2004-01-06 06:43 AM

LOL...the best place for ranting IS the Alley, so this is the place for your post.  As for the topic?  Me, too!

Second irk?  "Untitled".  Sometimes I'm as happy with the title as I am with the post - sometimes I even think that the post didn't do the title justice.  A title is SO important to draw one's attention to what may be behind the next click.

Thanks, Bella.  I needed that!

Marge Tindal
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2 posted 2004-01-06 09:47 AM

While I may not 'like' seeing it ... I can fully understand a new members need to include it, as they are not necessarily familiar with all the ins and outs of Passions~

Given a little time and more familiarity with the way PiPTalk works, I'm sure they eventually catch on~

Now 'untitled' is harder for me to understand, as I look at the title as being the doormat that invites me to enter the poem ... most important, I feel~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
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         [email protected]

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3 posted 2004-01-06 12:09 PM

I won't bother saying much more than that I basically agree with you.

As for a solution, well, what I've always done is mention to them that I normally don't respond to "please reads," and that I know of other members who make a point not to as well (which I used to, at least), but that I forgive the first offense, and then go on to respond to their post/poem.  Any further "please reads" by that author I just plain overlook.

Although nowadays I read and post mainly in Sanctuary, and there's not really any rush in that place...

Faith is a fine invention
When gentlemen can see
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency.
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Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2004-01-06 12:46 PM

been goin' on over 3-1/2 years.

Poet deVine
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5 posted 2004-01-06 01:02 PM

Sometimes the 'please read or reply' member hasn't been around long enough to know that we try to read everything. I question if THEY are reading and replying..sometimes if they don't, they tend to get ignored. My advice? Keep reading and replying as much as you can and you will find others giving you the same courtesy without being asked.
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6 posted 2004-01-06 02:53 PM

I think maybe the ones who put "plz respond" are looking for more than a quick "good write",or "liked the read".So too, I've read a few things here, that I felt were a bit,,,well, odd, and instead of saying anything,,,just didn't reply. No harm intended or done,,,,,,.
To each his own,,,,,
Give them a break,,,,,they may be nervous,,,,or really in search of critique.....and
enlightened,,,is spelled with an "e", not "i"
take care

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

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Member Seraphic
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7 posted 2004-01-06 04:03 PM

LOL... My titles may not be profound... but I took to heart what one of my professors said... if it's not worth a title, it's not worth a reader's time.
Member Rara Avis
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8 posted 2004-01-06 05:12 PM

Your professor apparently never read Emily Dickinson, then. Out of 1,775 poems, she titled only 24. Trust me, she's well worth a reader's time.

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9 posted 2004-01-06 05:26 PM

That's a bit of information I did not know about, Ron.  Thanks for showing us both sides of the coin!
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10 posted 2004-01-06 07:41 PM

Wow, thanks Chris....and here I was thinking how jaded I've become about so many things..only to look back to that post and get blown out of my seat by my cynicism. Guess I'm getting old or something.

Now where's my walker!

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11 posted 2004-01-06 11:38 PM

heh...thanks to everyone who replied. I love hearing what other people have to say on topics like this. It always brings out so many views and I can see it from other angles. I'm glad that this irks other people too and I can see what some of you are saying about the whole new members thing, didn't think about that before! It still bugs me..but in a slightly more Enlightened(hehe) way now!
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Member Seraphic
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12 posted 2004-01-07 09:50 AM

Ron: That particular professor was too full of himself to make room for classics. *G*
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13 posted 2004-01-07 11:54 AM

oh,,and btw babe?,,,,look at the title you used ,,,lol

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

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14 posted 2004-01-07 02:19 PM

I used the title on purpose, because it was the subject of my rant, I'm not that hypicritical!
~Live and Laugh~

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15 posted 2004-01-07 11:11 PM

I dig it kiddo,,,,,just couldn't help myself......take care

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

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