The Alley |
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repetative |
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since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981![]() |
Well since this is the alley, I'd just like to say that I'm getting sick of poems without feeling. How can you write a poem about "true love" and not even know what it is? If you are going to write about something as fantastic as love, at least give it an interesting title or MAKE IT WORTH MY TIME. I don't mention names, because there are several talented romantic writers, and I would regret it if I hurt anyone over this, but I just wanted it known that it's begining to get a little repetative. [This message has been edited by Wind (06-28-2003 10:01 PM).] |
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Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Okay dear girl I'm guessing here but you know something about love, right? How about an example of one of your writes on love for me to read, eh? And your point is certainly a good one. ![]() If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. |
Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
Love is never having to say your title isn't interesting? (sorry, couldn't help myself *smile*) (p.s. this ought to date some folks) |
SEA![]() ![]()
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676with you |
how can you say they don't know what true love is? Your definition may not be theirs...and as for what is an interesting title? Good grief, that is subjective.... ![]() |
Toad Member
since 2002-06-16
Posts 161 |
Perhaps it’s your failings as a reader rather than the anonymous author’s failings as writers, without examples it’s hard to judge either way. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
how original is a toaster? but when you want to toast your bread what do you use? (laughing at Tim's response) [This message has been edited by Local Rebel (06-29-2003 09:13 AM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Tim just dated me. LOL... Wind, I agree, titles are quite worthy of more than just a word or two from the poem to make it interesting. I try to come up with interesting titles that mean something to the poem, as well as to draw the reader in. Sometimes that process is as difficult as writing the poem itself. As for readers who are repetitive with their love poetry, that is subjective. Is it a young love with no experience? Is it an old love that has found itself in a rut? Is the writer nervous about putting their true feelings out there, and run rings around the topic, for fear that someone may read "too much" into the poem? Love is so mercurial in substance, meaning one thing to one person; something entirely different to another. I think, if I may suggest, is that you do read a lot, and it seems what you are reading is fairly much the same "roses are red, violets are blue" stuff. But to the writer, it may very well be their first attempt, and they have come here to grow in their writing, and are looking for some positive, constructive feedback. All I can suggest at this time is to be an example to other poets. Write your poetry as an example of what you would like to see from others. Of course, not everyone will write like you, or even similarly [thank goodness for individuality]. But I know for a fact, that poets such as Pete, Tim, Nan, Kit, Poet deVine, and SO many others, have taught me so much from their writing, and I am always inspired by so many here that I am lead to new and different ways of writing, as well as a continual stretch of theme. Ok, so I got off on a tangent. Perhaps, LOL...I was repetitive. |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
no, I am not saying that I know anything about true love, but sometimes it just bothers me to see it written over and over. And most of the time, you can see if there is feeling in someone's work. And I may not know what it is like to be in love, but I love my family, my friends, so I do know something. I took a risk posting in here, because what people say often blows up in their face. And I understand what everyone here is saying, but you people must be able to relate in the slightest bit? And no, I am not giving examples, because that might hurt someone I care about. I think you know the difference between repetative and a missread poem. If I don't understand it, I usualy say so, or I like it because it was too deep for me to understand. That is a totaly different topic. Sunshine: Isn't one of the big points of growing to take risks? I thought that was how you learn. [This message has been edited by Wind (06-29-2003 11:52 AM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Risks are subjective as well. I think you're on the right track, Liz - I would like to see some poets take a chance and be more daring with their poetry. It could be that they are in their "comfort zone", however, and this is all they can offer at this time. I don't think this has "blown up" on you. I always believe it's worthy to bring in what is on your mind, especially in the Alley. ![]() |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
Tahnk you, I'm glad you understand where I am going. Or am I just good at argueing? Oh, I don't think this has blown up (yet ![]() I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war, |
Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
One of the things that we should do when we mature Wind is to look at things from the other person's perspective. That is one of the points Sunshine so ably made. It is something that most of us are not able to successfully master no matter our age. You are looking from the perspective of, if I recall right, a thirteen year old. I took the time to review some of your comments to poems. Suffice to say, the poetry you find deep and full of meaning, others might not. In no way is that meant to be a negative comment. It is just a comment on life. People express their feelings differently, and most certainly when dealing with personal emotions such as love. Personally, I find a lot of my poetry as corny as all get out, but my wife seems to like it, so be it. A great many folk have enough deep meaning in their lives already, including with issues of love, and seek to read and write poetry as a release. It is good to expand oneself as Sunshine indicted. Some of older fogies have already expanded enough, in more ways than one, and therefore are writing for different reasons. So, feel free to rant away, but don't feel too harshly of us who do not write your style of poetry. Take care. |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
I prefer people who write differently than me. Most people do. And I understand if someone writes a corny little poem about love, it happens. But go use smart serch and tell me how many poems are repedative and lack confeidence and feeling: thats what bothers me. We all have things that bother us, and this is mine. age has nothing to do with it. And I do look at things from the other person's side, but some make that near impossible. I can't tell if you don't understand what I'm getting at or don't agree with me. I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war, If you can tell me something worth fighting for -coldplay [This message has been edited by Wind (06-29-2003 12:28 PM).] |
Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
I think I have a fair to middling idea where you are coming from Wind, and I have a fair idea I have woefully failed to adequately explain to you my position. For that I will take blame. I just ask that you might at least think a bit on your comment that you have as much maturity as does a prostitue on the issue of love. I think the root of our inability to adequately communicate our positions lies within that statement. Take care and have a nice day. |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
I was thinking of coming back to edit that in fact. We all make mistakes. Thank you for understandiing. |
Nightshade![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962just out of reach |
You know Wind...I was reading this thread and thinking about what you have asked. I think...and this is just my opinion, but perhaps you see soo many posts about love because this might be the author's only way of voicing what he/she would wish to say face to face with that certain someone, if they only had the courage. Writing it down and posting it here is much easier and the comments one gets makes the heart pitter patter as if the one it was written about had given us a blushing smile. As for titles....oooooh, I am not good at picking titles myself. But as they say..."never judge a book by it's cover." hugs to you sweet one. Chris ![]() |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
thanks, Chris, your reply was the kind I like to hear. I understand exactly what you mean. I guess if that's how they express themselves, it's fine, it just bothers me the way they go about doing it. I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war, |
garysgirl![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237Florida, USA |
Hello Liz, I guess I'm as good an example of someone who writes love poems as anyone. I may get repetitive in my writing sometimes, but it's because writing those love poems is what I had rather write than anything else.....and the one who they are written about loves them. So, that's really all that matters to me. And when someone writes about love, a person who reads it can tell if it's from the writers heart or not. I guess I'm talking in circles. What I'm really trying to say (without hurting anyone's feelings) is that I write my poems for myself and how they make me feel...and how they make my love feel when he reads them...knowing that they are written for him. Like Tim said...his wife loves them...well whoever else is writing love poems may have a signigicant other who loves theirs, too. Another thing...not everyone has the ability to write poetry on just any subject that comes to their mind. So, they write about the things that mean the most to them. Sorry I started getting long-winded, but this struck something with me. I wonder why?? |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Excellent point Ethel . . . Let me ask you this Liz? At least be happy for those of us that CAN write about love . . . no matter how they do it . . . they still feel it. Do you write for me? I dont think so . . . I know I write for me and hope others like what I am feeling, grateful I have a place to share it. The day you see a love poem come from my pen . . . well that will be one day when I guess I am happy . . . I know where you are coming from but maybe everyone doesnt want to see dark or pitiful writing either . . . think about that. All of the writers who write about love must look at some writes like: Good God that person! But we are all different - is what makes the place PIP indeed |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Blame it all on Hallmark..evil |
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