The Alley |
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Click here if you need to scream about something! |
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since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981![]() |
if you are upset, just put it all down here. I don't care, scream your head off if you have to |
© Copyright 2002 Liz - All Rights Reserved | |||
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
sigh...I clicked...and I still need to scream--but I won't. I think I'll go light some candles instead--try to refocus this energy to the other side... but thank you. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I just wanna know one thing. Where do screams go when they are edited? [This message has been edited by serenity blaze (10-28-2002 04:00 AM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
...the same place sighs go when they're not, Karen. ![]() my scream tonight: Rhyme. It's bad enough everything seems to rhyme, but does it have to all seem like the Hallmark card type? Urgh... it's like a "Poetry" assembly line. Urgh. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I'm working on it C... working on it. ![]() but give me the damned assonance a little bit o grit in m'language? (since we're putting up a fuss?) |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
and btw...C? I've tried free verse? however? must say, I seldom see you sing "sing-song?" Perhaps there is happy medium? (hmmm? toe tapping...) |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
I know how you feel when you can't get something to rhyme, but when I start, its like I'm a poetry machine, But I just can't find that darn button! |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
something to scream about? oh I got plently, I rarely use Alley, being used to screaming silently inside.. but ok I could do with screaming... I just finished college, (well 3-4 months ago and I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life, the job I thought I wanted isn't I want right now, and my skills are limited, I studied animation at college and there aren't many of those companies here, all the employment classifieds have those scary words "experience necessary" I have these visions of myself trapped in a non creative job for the rest of my life.... it just makes me want to scream. Ok I feel slightly better having vented that. The ladders of life that we scale merrily Move mysteriously around So that when you think you're climbing up, man In fact you're climbing down-Nick ca |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
OK, but you better turn the volume down. Thanks, I feel better now, even though the problem didn't disappear. Can't I just hit the delete key for that??? |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to go back to Puerto Rico and eat my mommy's food and feel safe near the beach. The United States is getting to me ![]() |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
I am screaming at the politicians, again. Will they ever shut up? GRRRR!!!!!!! Why didn't that make me feel better? |
since 2002-10-12
Posts 2981 |
I don't know, alwayd helps me.... |
quietlydying![]() ![]()
since 2001-06-10
Posts 935the wonderful land of oz |
i'm not mad, and i don't need to scream. but i must say how much i can't stand stupid people. they drive me nuts!! they're everywhere!! /jen/ i'm so bitterly disappointed. betty, i think it's time you leave now. |
lildevil Junior Member
since 2002-11-21
Posts 47missouri,usa |
if you want to here me scream please go to ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am tired of this on this thread i am tired of typeing peace out |
aaron woodside Member
since 2001-09-26
Posts 256 |
Ok a place to vent anonumously. Sweet. I have one big thing right now that needs to come out and my usual phone venter is out of town. First this is to a girl named Jill. You can see the poem I wrote for her in the Teen section(nudge, nudge) ![]() I don't understand you at all. When we first met you and I both agreed we were perfect for each other. We had so much in common it's not funny. We talked that first night on the phone for over 3 hours. 3 hours. Without knowing each other before. We talked about EVERYTHING. You had a great time being with me the next night. You said you loved hanging out with me and you wanted to do it again. We kissed, and not just some childish peck or drunken make-out, but a real kiss, full of emotion. I was so nervous, I hadn't met a girl like you in ages. You were what I wanted, what I thought I needed. You were nervous too. Do you remember how you were shaking when we pulled up to my car. I asked what was wrong and you said you were nervous and scared. I asked why, you said you didn't know but that you knew it was me. I asked if that was bad and you said no. You said it was the good kind of nervousness and you were scared I wouldn't like you. But I did, and I still do. We talked later and you had already changed. You still liked me alot but you thought we were rushing things, and I agreed. I laid off some and you too. But we still got along so amazingly well. I could talk to you about anything and I did. I told you things I had trouble telling my best friend of 10 years and I didn't worry. I knew you would understand and you did. You told me things you have only talked about to your best friend and I understood. We both agreed we didn't want to jump into a serious relationship but would let things take their time. We talked 2-3 times a week for long periods of time. We got along so well, I still can't express that. You were even the one to say it first. You said we got along so well, you couldn't explain it. You said it was beyond belief. We seemed to be on the right track. Everything was fine. Then you met him. Todd. How I so hate that name now. I didn't mind much that you went out on a date with him, cuz you were set up to go out with him on a blind date before I ever met you. But, I don't understand what happened next. I mean what the Hell? You said you didn't want to jump into a serious relationship, but you start having him as a B/F less then a week after you told me that. I just don't get it. I confronted you on the issue soon after that. We talked. You said you couldn't explain why you did it. You said you felt so bad about how you treated me. Your exact words "I don't understand me, I met a guy like you who is perfect for me, and who would care for me so well, and I tell you I want to take it slow so we don't ruin it, but then I go jump into a relationship with him. I stabbed you in the heart and I don't know why." Well, WHY? Figure it out. You did it for a reason. I said I guess I'm just not good enough, or that I did something wrong. You said not to feel that way cuz I did nothing wrong, and that I don't deserve this. You said I was good enough. You said I would make an awesome B/F for you, and that you still liked me more then a friend. What the Hell am I supposed to do now? Sit around and wait? Leave? I mentioned just stopped talking to you and you said I should still talk to you. You said you loved talking to me. You said I'm still the cutie you fell for.* I told you I wouldn't leave, I wouldn't stop talking to you. I told you I didn't know what to do either though. You knew my best friend told me to just leave you and find some other girl and you still asked me to talk to you. You said my best friend was wrong. You said I still have a chance with you. But you expect me to wait? That's not fair. I liked you and I chose you over Laura. Laura, the girl I've written so many poems about, the girl who I cared so much for. The other girl who played me for all I'm worth. She still does, and I let her. And now you expect me to let you play me too. Why should I continue letting people walk all over me? Just cuz I'm the nice guy who won't tell someone off, just cuz I'm the type of guy who lets girls do that. Because I can't stand the thought of hurting you or her by telling you both to get lost like every other sane guy would. Because I have hope. You said I still have hope for us to get together. I wish I DIDN'T. Hope sucks. Hope is just delaying the inevitable. Hope makes the pain continue, far longer then it should. You are already starting to feed me just enough to keep my hope alive, so I don't leave. Laura does it already. I hate hope. Let it die for all I care. Maybe then I could get on with my life. You chose him over me and you don't know why or you won't say. You said you have never lied to me and I believe you. So just figure out why you chose him and tell me. Cuz right now the only way I can take it, is that I'm not good enough, though you say I am. That I'm not cute enough, though you say I am. That we don't get along well enough, though you say we do. That I failed you, and you say I didn't. You tell me one thing and then do the exact opposite. If I would be such a great B/F for you then why are you with him? If you loved talking to me so much, why have you not called me in a week? I haven't called you either, but that's cuz I don't want to pressure you. If I'm so wonderful, then why do you make me feel so worthless? I don't feel any better, but I had to put this in writing and my journal is so hard to write in anymore. I must be doing something wrong with girls cuz somethng like this has happened before and it took me over a year to finally lose hope and just quit talking to Steph. Then she goes and calls me 4 months after that and I fell right back into her trap. I guess I'm just a sap. I'm so gullible. I fall so easily. I wish I could just be an ass once in awhile, like everyone else. ex animo, Aaron Woodside *(Not to sound conceted, but I guess I am one of the so called "lucky" ones. Being cute is not all that it's cracked up to be. I guess I'm one of the first to complain about thinking themselves attractive and not vice versa. You are held to a higher standard then everyone else. Everyone expects you to do everything perfectly. Girls always think your a player. ALWAYS. Some don't even take the chance to get to know you since they think you will just hurt them. Yes, it's a bad example but it has happened to me.) There are no great men, only men in great circumstances. [This message has been edited by aaron woodside (12-24-2002 04:51 AM).] |
aaron woodside Member
since 2001-09-26
Posts 256 |
Sorry about the grammer and punctuation errors. ex animo, Aaron Woodside There are no great men, only men in great circumstances. |
CloudedDreams Member
since 2002-11-23
Posts 210My Fantasy Realm |
My true mother is someone i love as a mother, but hate as a person. She has reputation which I can't she "gets around" 14, she had an abortion, 16, she had my older bro. 18, she had me. I could be her sister!!! The reason her and my father got divorced id that she was cheatin' on him w/ multiple people. She visited me once and every night she had a differnt person She never calls She purposely ignored me online. She wants nothing to do w/ me and I resent that. ok,,,,, i feel a little better Yes there will be tommorrow, but will you be there to greet it? |
OtherSideOfTheMirror Member
since 2002-12-19
Posts 245 |
Aaron, Aaron, Aaron. You sound like the ultimate sweet heart and I am very sorry about Jill... NEVER EVER AGAIN say "I wish I could just be an ass once in awhile, like everyone else." First off, you don't wish that, because if you did you'd be like every other hotty out there (and I assume you're a babe...) that won't give the sweet gals the time of day. And also just imagine the sweet girl that hasn't yet caught your eye but has been watching and waiting, and you know she exists... well if you handle this wrong, what's she to think? And imagine the girls, which I am one of, who are sitting there after their bfs have been horrible to them, and reading this or seeing you and thinking "So there is hope in the Y chromosome?"... Well I'm sorry but if you give up and give in and become just another ass in the world, I for one will at least stop reading your poetry! Now as far as your grieving, I don't think I can be of much help. Usually I'm one for comedy, and most certainly sarcasm, but it doesn't seem the internet allows this too much, but I hope you find some source of joy that will at least distract you from what you're currently experiencing. Much luv 'n feel better... -othersideofthemirror |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
I don't want to scream. I just want to curl up on the floor and go to sleep for a long long time so I can forget about life and what a goddam mess it is. K |
aaron woodside Member
since 2001-09-26
Posts 256 |
Agreed, sleep is my saving grace. No worries and no problems. It's a shame I just don't get enough sleep as it is. Thnx Cassi for the reply, but I still think guys that treat girls badly have it better then "nice" guys. Girls claim they want nice guys but who do they usually go for: the ones who will treat them like crap. ex animo, Aaron Woodside There are no great men, only men in great circumstances. [This message has been edited by aaron woodside (12-28-2002 08:06 PM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
People usually get pretty much what they deserve. The girls who fall for guys who treat them badly are getting what they deserve (at least, if they stay longer than it takes to find out what they are). The guys who get the girls who want to be treated badly are getting what they deserve, too. Why would anyone want to willingly join this not very elite club? I'm curious, Aaron, if you would go to your boss or teacher or minister and use words like asshole? This isn't a bar and most people are polite enough to not use offensive language in an obviously public setting. I think it's particularly offensive at a site for writers because, like most profanity, it's a trite cliché with no real meaning. I'd appreciate it if you could find better ways to express what you mean? |
aaron woodside Member
since 2001-09-26
Posts 256 |
![]() As to your question, well yes and no. I work in a union warehouse and that type of language is not only accepted, it is the standard. Even from Management. So yes I do use that language to my boss and he uses it back. He has called me worse names then that and I him. I guess I just forgot where I was. But I see your point. If I believed in organized religion, then no I wouldn't use that language to my pastor/minister/preist. As it is I do not use that type of language when worshipping or conversing with God. She wouldn't like it you know. ![]() Also I know that type of language is vulgar and it is not usually in my main vocabulary, but because of my habit of using it at work, it does sometimes slip into my mainline speech. My apologies. ex animo, Aaron Woodside There are no great men, only men in great circumstances. |
neveah5 Member
since 2002-11-22
Posts 197Ohio |
Yes Aaron, she's right. dont ever wish to be like all those other "typical males". you definately sound like one of those great guys that girls like me wish we could find...except i already found one of them. ![]() now as for something i need to scream about--i hate people who will be super nice to your face and even buy gifts for you on special occasions and then turn around and scr*w you over, and still act like nothing happened the next time they see you! how can people do that? how can they live with that on their conciences(sp)?? its wrong, especially when they do it to someone who was nothing but good to them and respectful and invite them to their home. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Nightshade![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962just out of reach |
I just want to scream everytime I try to write something "deep" and it comes out like Christopher a Hallmark card. Now if I had the money that Hallmark has, that would be great - but I don't. I just want to be able to finally get the words down on paper that I know my brain has stored somewhere....uugggghhhhh.....whaaaaaaaaa ![]() |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
This is the reason for a CD collection. Let the Germs, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols and X do the screaming for you. ![]() |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Or Our Lady Peace - Not Enough, that song. That screams a lot, loudly. Not as loud as your ones Mikey...but loud enough for me... ![]() |
gemjop Member Elite
since 2002-11-18
Posts 2587Pencilveinia, USA |
i am ssssssoooooooooooo stressed!!!!!!!!! i'd like to say; I HATE ASSIGNMENTS. |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
*fumes silently* I can't say what I'm angry about, but.... AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sighs* Much better |
defenestrate Junior Member
since 2003-01-10
Posts 46nc, us |
to the one for whom i justify my mistrust of everything in sight- 8 years. 8 years of history-good and bad. i sacrificed more than anyone ever did. for you. and how do i get repaid? with a middle-school styled note telling me that you think we should take a step back and live for the day. which would work for me, aside from the fact that instead of living what you said, you went and slept with him instead, following with a note about wanting to be friends. a lie within a lie within a lie. after months of making up excuses for your being cold "oh, being unemployed is stressing me out-i'll be better about it when i get a job". lies. the lot of it. but i decided that i was going to give you another chance this time-you wouldn't THINK of leaving me for someone else again. that was just a nervous breakdown. lies. i could have just snapped your neck, but instead, i hit bottom. again. i'm ashamed of myself. i'm ashamed that after 8 years of your habitual lack of straightforward communication about anything that might be harder than smalltalk, i still trusted you. i put my heart on the line for you, and you micturated upon it like you didn't even notice. and then you have the gall to pretend it's important to you that we remain close, somehow. carefully worded sidesteps all the way. just because you don't confess, doesn't make you innocent. and after all of this, you have the gall to be passive aggressive to me, to issue idle threats at every turn that might contain me and the truth in relative vicinity. to bait me just like your mother would bait you. to act self-righteous when the only person who cared enough to try to save you tried to express his despair over it all. i burned some of the most valuable years of my life trying to help you be at peace in your own skin. well, it looks i succeeded. too bad you're too cool for the only person who was willing to take the time to listen, to hold you when you were reliving the trauma you clung to, to repel, by any means necessary, anyone who tried to hurt you. if it weren't for the boy, i would not even be able to rationalize the thought of interacting with you in any way, shape or form. but here i am, trying to figure out how to see you as a human being, instead some divine curse meant to wither my faith in the world i live in. i was right. you're not worthy of my contempt. but i sure wish you had acted like those 8 years were anything more than the buildup for your grand climax, your great performance for everyone on earth but me. but i will find closure. every effort you have made to suck me dry of energy is, in fact, made in vain. if i have to burn everything that bears your name, if i have to pen 1000 songs, and countless pages of poetry to cleanse myself of the stench of your lies, if i have to replace my limbic system with folger's crystals, i'll do it. and i'll never sink to the level you have again and again. i'll never break my word to you. because it's done more for me than you ever have. and i deserve better than to join you in the ranks of lesser traitors. i will release myself, and i will walk my path, alone if necessary, until i reach its end. i hope you find happiness-but it will never again be at my expense. (breathes) (edits) [This message has been edited by defenestrate (01-12-2003 11:19 AM).] |
aaron woodside Member
since 2001-09-26
Posts 256 |
AMEN!!!!! I'm sorry you got screwed over by a girl, and believe me I can sympathize with you, beyond belief. It's sad how the saying that goes, "the ones you care about the most, are the ones who will hurt you the most" is absolutly true. Life just sux sometimes and it's all becuase of some stupid relationship. Good luck with this. if you figure out a way to get over it, tell me. Put it on the news, I'm sure there are countless other guys across the world who need the help too. ex animo, Aaron There are no great men, only men in great circumstances. |
defenestrate Junior Member
since 2003-01-10
Posts 46nc, us |
actually, writing that provided me with some closure in and of itself. i'm feeling quite a bit more at peace now, though i'm sure i have a little angst left to try and pipe out at some point. i just need to figure out how to summon my muse for writing.. |
KristieSue![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-01-31
Posts 1460PA, US |
Aaron, nice guys finish last BUT women save the best for last? Sounds horrible.... and, not all women are looking for "Bad guys". Guess when the right one comes along, we know it, and all the past is brushed away.... gosh I hope that's the case ;-) |
nichola_louise Junior Member
since 2002-08-17
Posts 24Adelaide, Australia |
ok i am just going to vent...... i am madly deeply in love with the sweetest guy in the world. i want to marry him. he has feelings for me, but at the same time whenever anything gets close to being intimate or personal he pulls back. and this frustrates me, i have tried talking to him about it, tried to find out why he pulls back but he can't or won't explain. i scares me. i have poured my heart out to him, i have given in and trusted him after not trusting anyone for so long, but it seems he doesn't trust me...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........i wish i understood........i wish he would explain... he means the world to me and i dont want to lose him, but it feels as if he is already lost.. Josh, if you ever read this, know that i love you, and whatever is holding you back can be sorted out. nothing is unforgivable, nothing is unsolvable......please just tell me what is going on i love you Nichola |
KristieSue![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-01-31
Posts 1460PA, US |
lets see....trying to decide what to scream about first.... 1. My friend and I haven't spoken since Saturday because he doesn't listen to anything I say anyway. I told him this and I guess he is choosing to not speak to me at all now.... 2. I do in-home nursing for a man with MS. He is deciding that he no longer wants me as his nurse. I chose to have personal conversations with him, revealing that I've had sex before marriage. We've talked about everything....and more than once. I thought this was no big deal. Now, I find out he hates his mother for sleeping around, and decided now he can't stand me. 3. Now I'm in danger of losing my home, everything....cause I can't afford to miss one paycheck... there's more, but I think those are the biggest things.... [This message has been edited by Ron (02-24-2003 11:18 PM).] |
PoetryIsLife![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-10-27
Posts my boxers... |
K said: " I can forget about life and what a goddam mess it is." Amen to that. *fumes about everything* ~Titus "On the plains of Hesitation lie the blackend bones of countless millions, who, at the verge of victory, sat down to wait, and waiting - died." [This message has been edited by PoetryIsLife (02-28-2003 10:54 PM).] |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
*sigh* i need a car |
Amara Member
since 2003-02-23
Posts 158East of the moon, west of the sun. |
Does needed to cry count? I guess I could might help... Today at school we had to do a block run in gym. (A timed run, for a certain distance...around the school, basically.) So, we start running, and then a group of girls (10-14) decided to cut (you know, so teh run's shorter.) They got a really good time, and all went inside. Then me 'n' one of my close friends came in, and then a bit later our other friends. The teacher said our times were really good, and today's times were all good. Alicia (my friend) was like "I wonder why." The teacher asked us if anyone skipped, and me and Alicia ended up saying yeah, some people skipped. We said no names, just that some did. Later the teacher asked the class to step forward if the cut, and a bunch did. They got in trouble, etc., the works. They all said I told the teacher who cut, names and all, and they're MAD. A couple asked if it was me who told her who, and I said no. I didn't! I just said some skipped! They were talking in the change room, and sayign how Alicia was too nice to tell, it had to be me. (Yeah, I'm not the most popular. Never have been, one of those things. These things seem to happen every once in awhile.) Then they started sayign how awful I was, etc., and that they were gonna make my life 'A living hell.' In their words. Then a couple walked by after school, talking about me (so I could hear), and a whoel bunch walked by and called me names, and all sorts of things. I mean...yeah, I feel kinda like crying now. It's not fair! I didn't even tell! I didn't! And, I mean, why does everyoen hate me so much? Am I so easy to hate? Am I such a mean person? Sorry for my horrible typing skills. Blurry eyes, you see. Thanx for listenning. That's what we, as heroes, do. We live as if the world were like it should be, to show the world what it could be. |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
*big huge hugs* Just remember this: YOU DID NOTHING WRONG Sometimes you find a friend where once there wasn't one. Sometimes you find a love where once there was a friend. |
KristieSue![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-01-31
Posts 1460PA, US |
I'm tired of being lied to! I'm tired of paying for trusting someone! I'm tired of losing people because I can't tolerate lying! This last one is NOT something I want, and I Don't know how to fix it. I want it to be over...and I don't want it to be true. But, it is... and that is killing me. Not because I never had forever love, but because I lost a forever friend. I don't know what was real and what wasn't. It's killing me inside because I really have lost trust in every human on this earth. I just want to sit here and never leave my home again. If this person betrayed me, everyone will. My light at the end of the tunnel is a train, and I wish it would just run me over already... and see, y'all, sometimes someone realizing how you feel about them (even though they misconstrued (sp) that!) isn't the best thing. They make a fool of you and blow it all out of proportion and mock you.... and leave you wanting to never trust, care for or love another person on this earth again. |
Skyfire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-27
Posts 3381Riding |
I can taste blood in my mouth... not good ![]() Sometimes you find a friend where once there wasn't one. Sometimes you find a love where once there was a friend. |
Child of the Stars![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-07
Posts 1658Ann Arbor, MI |
i burned my tongue on chinese food. ow...when will the cravings stop... empty arms |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
cravings? smiling now...they don't stop. (and in case you are expecting, that reminded me of a story---everybody yawn and make a quick exit--) BUT..I had my children close together and they were toddlers and if you think I'm crazy NOW? Hrmph! But I recall calling my mom on the phone, moaning, "When does the whining stop???) and she replied, "You are 31 years old on the phone whining to me NOW--IT NEVER STOPS!!!" (see how I come by my natural nurting instincts?) ![]() |
Kielo Senior Member
since 2002-02-11
Posts 1109 |
heh... a friend of mine... her mom has weird cravings. My friend was telling us "She eats ice cream with pickles!" I thought that was kinda cool... but that's just me. Her next comment was "And that's when she's NOT pregnant!" heh... Yes. That is my only interesting comment related to cravings. As far as wanting to scream... Now... that's an entirely different story. I think I should like very much to scream at myself. I'm so naive... *sigh* I haven't ruined anything yet, but if I'm not careful, (to use the words of a friend) "everything will go to hell." Yes. BUT! I am surprisingly well the past month. Its very pleasant to be so happy all the time. ![]() Kielo I know only one thing, and that thing is that I know nothing. |
Bec Member
since 2001-02-23
Posts 475Canberra |
I will scream, cry, throw things, whatever you'll let me do. Without going into details, I have just been fumbling through life since a major break up two weeks ago. I thought he was the love of my life, but now, well, I guess not. Every one has been lovely, but they can't stop the nights I lie awake thinking "what if". "What if" isn't going to change things, but I'm pretty lonely and just wanted to talk. Bec "Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you." |
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