The Alley |
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Critical Analysis-A Lion's Den! |
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Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
I wasn't sure exactly where to post this and found it to be a challenge to direct this issue. I have posted a few of my poems in CA and was unsatisfied with what I didn't walk away with each time. Someone saying they would get back with me and never did and other times no responses at all. I do not expect this forum to be as communitive as OP#3 but good grief...lighten up. I think many of us write for the shear pleasure or as a hobby. But even for those more serious writers I don't think they need this kind of ridicule. I have viewed some of the poems and comments and am amazed at the lack of TACT when critiquing someone's work. HARSH. I personally have not fallen victim but felt sympathetic to those putting themselves out there to find they were eaten up. I have noticed that one will even justify his obscurities by saying he's had one too many. How about just an apology and rectification for the lack of tact. ie. If you called upon a professional painter to come look at your house after you painted to ask for advice on touching it up...would you want them to suggest that you just get another house or have him re-paint over everything you just did? Disheartening... None of us are born poets we are made. We can not be made by tearing away at something we make from our soul. If you say that CA is not for sissies, you are right, but I can not see that it is a place of growth at this time. If you are going to critique someone's work, use your knowledge of word usage to address the author with some "class." Thanks to Alicat and Ron for allowing me a place to rant. ![]() |
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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Julie, I went to the CA Forum and didn't see what you were talking about...could you give me an example...point me to a poem or something. (I don't usually go there.. I'm not an expert on form/meter, etc so I can't critique). Thanks. ![]() |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
I have recently begun posting there myself. I haven't noticed anything like what you're saying here. Could you lead me to an example? HTML is on here in the alley.... maybe you could post a link. Or just e-mail it to me. I posted a couple of poems and it's been a very rewarding experience over there for ME, so far. Most comments had "meat"... something which I could sink my teeth into and refer to in order to work on my poem. I didn't feel "torn down" at all. In a couple of instances, I have received detailed critiques from both Brad and Trevor. (One from Trevor was almost a BOOK! hehehe) Anyway, I have not experienced a lack of tact or harshness so in order to understand your post, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Julie. -doreen |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
Well, the only personal attack, to my knowledge, was directed at me (and that wasn't meant seriously). Personally, I want the place to get even more detailed (maybe we should change the title to Lion's Den?) ![]() If you've spent any time in the poetry world (on the internet or elsewhere), people here are still being relatively nice. As for not getting back to you on your poem (that was directed at me wasn't it?) -- sorry about that; I will get back to you in due time (if you still want me too). Poetry is personal and to try to get a real critical forum going, you're going to step on some toes and bruise a few egos. I don't know if it would help, but maybe we should set up some ground rules? I just figured people probably wouldn't read it anyway. ![]() Brad |
Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
Doreen: I can see why you are not able to relate to this. Your an excellent writer and of course your critiques would not be harsh. This is an observation more than a personal experience. Maybe those who I believe to be ignored or to have received harsh replies don't mind or maybe they do...hopefully soon we will find out. This is not to speak of every piece that is posted but there are a few where I was glad I was not the author. Brad: I don't agree with you about the only attack being on you. I strongly feel that critiquing can be done without attacking the style or subject matter; the poets are not asking if you prefer such generalities; they are asking assistance with flow, meter, rhyme. Not what your preference is. If its not your cup of tea then critique something that is. Objectivity is the key and ending a statement with something positive is something any good instructor/professor will tell you. Taking a little care when commenting on someone's poem would help that forum a whole lot. You have the advatage of not having that person standing in front of you and popping off with whatever comes off the top of your head. Use the advantage of thinking about what you want to say before you say it. Objectivity and tact. I am not pointing out you or anyone else but this to me is the aura of CA. Just my opinion. ![]() |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
Actually, recent studies on self esteem show that positive comments without validity inhibit personal growth. If someone is constantly being told how great they are, they don't do anything because, well, they're already great (and certainly don't want to take a chance that it might just be an illusion). I admire Doreen as a poet as well but I've also read poems by her that I have not liked and have told her so. The biggest problem with Critical Analysis right now is not negativity or harshness but the lack of any comments altogether. People are posting poems and not giving any comments on other poems. Now, if someone is really a brilliant poet, that's probably okay. But I don't think anyone of us has reached that level yet. One way to improve is to share opinions openly and honestly in detail (it really shouldn't matter if it's positive or negative). Civility is also important but I don't see anyone not being civil yet. This poem is great! This poem sucks! Both of these comments are useless and inappropriate for the CA forum. It's why you feel that way that really counts. Why is 'I know where you are coming from' or "How true" or 'I feel the sentiment in this poem' really better than me saying "I disagree" or "I don't like this type of poem". When I say that, I'm trying to show the writer that maybe my comments are biased and may not be of use. Actually, there is no type of poem that I don't like but poems that I'm really just tired of reading. If you just start reading poems on the internet, you'll begin to see the same thing over and over again (almost always with the claim to originality). I want to read something different. I make an active effort to comment on as many poems as I can (a compliment in itself if you think about it) -- but I'm not going to lie. With so few people commenting right now, why in the world would you want me to stop? Brad PS There's no such thing as objectivity. Just different points of view. |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
Hmmm..... lack of tact, being ignored... hard to judge those comments... seems to me I have been on both ends, but that is the mine field one must walk when posting in CA. I post either in CA or Dark Passions, CA because I want true critique of my work, and Dark Passions because most of what I write fits there best..... However, no matter where I post, I recieve little or no input and the input I do recieve borders on helpful to useless. Do I like people telling me they like my work? Hell yes! Otherwise I wouldn't post. Do I get bothered when someone critques my work with little tact? Well.... maybe initially, but then, after a second or two, if the comments are directed at my work, I use them for improvement. What was my point? Damn, can't seem to remember.... ------------------ Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. JP |
Lost Dreamer Member Elite
since 1999-06-20
Posts 2464Somewhere near the Rainbow |
I myself have just got brave enough to step over the line and post 2 of my poems to be critiqued. I asked personally for the person I call my teacher to jump in and tell me about them. She has done 1 so far and just from that one I have already learned. From what she found in that one I know when she gets to the other one she's gonna have a field day, but that's what I need now. I will never grow more knowledgeable in my writing if I don't risk getting honest opinions on my work. I have not been writing that long only a year and a half, and everything I have learned has been from her, or here at Passions. There is so much amazing talent here how can one not learn. Now because I am new at this and looking to get better I am not experienced enough to go out there and critique someone elses work, I do not have the knowledge yet that so many here have, so please do not look badly at me for posting in CA, and not responding to others here. I would love to if I could, and in the future that just may be possible. I look forward to any advice anyone here has for me. I have ventured out of the kiddie pool, and now am diving into the deep end. Thanks all for listening. |
Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
Brad: I will send you an e-mail due to the lengthly response. ---- JP: I hope in the future, you can get more input for your poetry. And I am sure that the postings you have made an effort to respond to are appreciated. ---- Lost Dreamer: Thank you for your comment. We need everyone we can to express how they feel. I am glad you are happy with what you are getting. Maybe it is me and I am being too empathetic, thinking if I was on the receiving end of some of the critiques. It just looked like from observation that criticism was getting too personal...I have been known to be wrong...well maybe once or twice. |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
Julie- First- thanks very much for your kind words complimenting my writing. *blush* I have received many harsh critiques, however, in my very brief history of posting poems on the internet (a little over a year), and they don't bother me.... I take what I can from them and leave the rest alone. Sure, there is something to be said about tact when critiquing, as you so aptly pointed out. But, I'd rather have a tactless insult which states the reader thought my poem sucks and has no merit, then makes a valid point about an area which could use improvement, than a response like "great poem". Well, that's a lie. Sometimes I enjoy the attention and praise of a simple "well done" or "nice one" as much as anybody else. But not when I'm actually ASKING for a critique in a forum set up for critiquing. Did someone else just say that? hehehe Anyway, thanks again for your kind words. Brad- What do you MEAN by you read poems written by me that you didn't like????? how DARE you? If you *admire* me as a poet, you MUST like EVERYTHING I've EVER written!! I don't remember you ever telling me such a thing! ROFLMAO----hehehe, j/k. Keep those brutally honest critiques comin' for my poems at least, Brad! dp [This message has been edited by doreen peri (edited 10-10-1999).] |
Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
We now resume our broadcasting day with a speach from the deniable adn discreditable Trevor Max Davis....who will be talking to anyone bored and foolish enough to listen. What's all the hub-bub about? (Trevor pulls a stuffed corn pipe from his green moth eaten sweater and creeks into an old rocking chair.) Let's see here.... ahhhhh....yes.....critiquing (Trevor lights his pipe, {the one the neighboors claim smells "funny"}) I will now show you all a magic trick....I will contort words.... Julie you said.... "This is not to speak of every piece that is posted but there are a few where I was glad I was not the author." That's a pretty mean thing to say....that you are glad you didn't write certain poems....are the poems not good enough?? J/K ![]() Trevor on subject matter and style, etc.: A good, original story is just as important as any technical aspect of a poem (maybe even more important) and needs to be commented on as well....for example.... The man walked into the bar The man mow-zied into the bar The man, the bar The bar was filled by the walking in man The man filled the bar by walking in A bar, a man Bar, man Man, Bar and soooo on...... kind of gets tiring reading about a bar and a man even though meters have changed and wording has least it did for me. (Trevor teeters in time with his cat's tail as he bathes in the waves of a fallen breeze [hey there might be a poem in that line]. His grandchildren run to him and sit on the porch with bright eyed anticipation of another long-winded story) "Grandpa Trevor, Grandpa Trevor!!! Tell us another story." "Well kids have you heard the one about tact??" How does one be tactful when they dislike something and are being asked for their honest opinion? "Great poem but I really didn't like it." "Terrific poem, the only suggestion I have is to change everything." Perhaps there is no easy way to say "I didn't like it", no right way or wrong way but rather the truthful way. I feel like I'm really babbling on this posting and not really saying much except for a lot of words flying their own tangent highway.....I apoligize for that...... I first visited this place in the beginning of this summer (because of the suggestion from someone whose name rhymes with Doreen Peri) and was disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm.....I returned once again because another friend suggested I check it out, now it seems there is a little more fire in the breath of the young poets here and I find it refreshing. I've been seeing a lot more indepth and articulate critiques in the last little while and I think it's great. One must remember to be careful how a tone is interpreted within the written word. Something that may read harsh to one may read thoughtful to another....If I was to write, "You suck!!" to say someone like Doreen she'd probably giggle and start talking about sandwiches again, if I was to write it to Brad....he'd probably say, "Yeah I know", one simple phrase interpreted different ways though I never wrote a single thing in my pencil....I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think anyone is intentionally writing anything that they think is harmful but rather the exact opposite....I don't think I've read a single critique where everything in it was "negative". All of them have had some encouraging words and constructive criticism. Now part is directed toward Julie....I personally would like to read the critiques you are referring to....I'm curious to know if you think some of my critiques were too harsh. I hope you are not confusing harsh with honest or blunt or direct....there are differences. Harsh would be saying, "Honey that dress looks about as pretty as a ****sicle", blunt or direct would be saying, "Honestly I don't think that's a very pretty dress."......and what most people here would probably say..."Wow Honey!!! That's such a great dress!" J/K ![]() Trevor "the Bloody Finger Pirate" of three seas and two Great Lakes. |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
Trevor! Geez, did you spill the bloody mary all over your finger again? Quit foolin' around and come on over here and help me make this sandwich! Please? ![]() |
Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
Doreen, One order of Trevor coming right up...literally ![]() |
Iloveit Senior Member
since 1999-09-02
Posts 1121NM |
well, I ended up here at the alley cause I am stuffing envelopes at work and was looking for reading material to keep occupied, and julie, I am not sure what you mean either, have seen no really bad critiques. I find the lack of responses to be the worst offense. I will read a poem, and not be able to critique or give an opinion period other than "I don't understand this" (which either says something about me as the reader or something about the poem), and so ask the author to discuss it with me and clarify the meaning, and I wait days and days and they never post again. This I find frustrating. and on mine, even if I am stubborn and hard headed and changed not a word on one of my poems, I learn from critiques and try to apply it to my next work...I love reading a good critique, brad's and trevor's on any poems, not just mine, help me lots, they help expand the mind and let me see things in more than one way, and that is a good thing, I am not always right, *g* I found that out the hard way. and I am hungry, stayed in for lunch, trevor and doreen are you guys sharing that sandwhich? *g* oh and doreen, have been interested in your further comments on your poem God don't tell no secrets(please excuse if I didn't get the title quiet right, but I loved the poem)....hope to see you in critical ![]() oh and julie, one more thing, I totally agree with what was said above, we are all just people, you take what you can use and discard the rest, not everyone will see exactly what you meant your poem to be....but something is better than nothing. I recently posted a poem in critical because I felt uneasy if I the author got my point across, and got only one response from a reader who said it was vague. I looked at it and looked at it and finally posted in open poetry and got applause from some of the poets that I really admire. Now I didn't write it for applause, but a "BRAVO" from a poet like hoot will make any one feel a little better about writing. my point? it is all relative, you take what helps you, and if someone posts something off the wall, disregard. and heres hugs, glad to see you bringing up points such as these, it helps everyone to discuss ![]() [This message has been edited by Iloveit (edited 10-19-1999).] |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
Julie...Well, just think? Hell, they tear me up where-ever I post?....And you're right in one respect for sure...Doreen, JP, Balladeer and so many of the others are just plain pros! I don't post in the Critical forum cuz I am already aware of the quality of my garbage? I guess if ya wanna critique..ya gotta take the good with the bad? Yassee? I don't really want a critique that badly..but I can always depend on Balladeer or LongJohn or deVine to tear my old butt up anywhere? Hmmmm?...yanno? I think you've brought something to my attention? Gee! I've been unjustly critiqued many times just for breathing? (Of course every breath I take is to make a smart ass remark, act insane, or to get on someone's nerves?).....never mind....I'm just rambling....I guess a little tact would be good....(And I have as little as anyone around!) |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Toe - Does this mean you're not gonna be tactless any more???? ...or any less???? ![]() |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
Nan....yes it does |
Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
doreen: Thank you for your input; I have learned a lot these past weeks about these things and hopefully I can clarify and upgrade what I've learned. trevor: should market that comment, you even show your creativity in a debate. May I say I enjoyed the read. I think you have taken things a little far to the extreme. Allow me to clarify myself on some of your responses to my comments: "terrific poem but I didn't really like it" about a response like..."I really liked your imagery and theme but would have chosen a different form because I believe it would relay your emotion about the subject better." Get the idea. I do agree with your statement regarding the tone and relationship between the author and person critiquing. This is a recent lesson I have learned. I also have learned that when someone has taken the time to critique that they do have care behind it otherwise they would just move on to something else. I am not trying to seek a mode of candy coating for this does nothing for a poet. Just think balance is a good I demonstrated. Being vague about your opinions or leaning one way. I believe that just saying great poem in this forum is pointless, if it is that great in (your) opinion why not say why...getting a full picture. I can say I don't like watercolor paintings but I can say also that I liked the colors used in a particular painting also. Toe...I enjoy all your poems, never a day when you didn't bring a smile and a good chuckle to my face. So if all those big bad boys are too hard on you, I will have a hug waiting for you. Thank you all for your comments and input it has helped me a lot in seeing things in a broader perspective. ![]() ------------------ Julie ------------------------- Almost all our misfortunes in life come from the wrong notions we have about the things that happen to us. >Stendhal |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
Julie...I am happy to join Brad as moderator in CA and hopefully between the two of us we can give the poets that post the attention they deserve. I think because of our difference in styles Brad and I will make for a good combination in Ca and it will prove benificial to all who post. |
Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
hoot: Thank you. I have popped in Ca from time to time...and it has much improved in the quality of sugguestions...and Thank you Brad. |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
Julie, Don't you think Hoot is a great addition? I do. Ha!! I haven't changed, though. Everyone else has moved toward me. The terribly conceited and arrogant Brad who desperately needs a good spanking (from my wife of course), ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Julie Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739Houston, TX |
Hoot is DEFINATELY a great addition. I for one have great respect for Hoot; a wonderful writer, her suggestions and comments are always honest and with integrity, plus being of service to her community. Can't do any better than that! Brad: You are wonderful too! It has taken me a while to kind of get to know you but after I did I was pleased to know the some of the churnings of Brad's mental wheel. I don't know a whole lot about you but I do know you care about Passions and poetry and that is enough for me. ------------------ Julie ------------------------- Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.~Les Brown~ |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
Okay guys...I'm blushing here. But thanks, I do my best. |
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