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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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0 posted 2001-09-25 10:46 PM

After all that has happened, why is it still possible that someone is able to get past airport security with box cutters and razor blades in a brief case? Why? Why are the 'security' people and the airline involved not brought to task for this unbelievable breach? Why are they not arrested as well? The man was trying to prove to his wife that it was not safe for her to fly (and he did, stupid as his tactics were, for sure, but he proved his point, didn't he?) Who is more dangerous and deserving of jail, him (he called the FAA immediately and told them he was able to pass through with the items and wanted to report the lack of security and the possible threat that that lack of security could mean if someone had evil intent) or the airline and security company, who just don't seem to get it even after a national tragedy that would never have happened if security were taken seriously by the airlines? Personally, I would give the guy a medal and throw the other people in jail. I would absolutely refuse to fly if I were a pilot or flight attendant until security were taken as seriously as it should be. How dare they continue in their apathetic attitude toward their employees and their customers? The awarding of security contracts to the lowest bidder absolutely has to stop. I would think that after what has just happened that that would be a no-brainer (?)

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doreen peri
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1 posted 2001-09-25 11:15 PM

i didn't hear this story

do you have a link or reference so i can read more about this?

this is unbelievable.....!!!!

i have so much to say and i keep typing it and then deleting it and retyping it and deleting it and dammit.... why?...... i guess, bottom line..... i just want to know why, too, to so many things

thank you, denise, for posting this....

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
2 posted 2001-09-25 11:40 PM

I agree, a link would be good. There are so many incredible rumors circulating right now and, frankly, this story is a little hard to believe.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-09-26 07:08 AM

As I sat here reading this ...
I heard the very story on my ABC News television station.
Thank you ... certainly should bring us an awareness that we need to be continually diligent in checking out these incidents.

This one 'made the news' BEFORE a tragedy could occur ...
When does the 'next' one give us the terrorized horror to live all over again ????

Thank you, Denise~
I'm searching for an 'online' link !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2001-09-26 07:36 AM

And ... here it is -

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Senior Member
since 2000-05-28
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Plantation, Florida
5 posted 2001-09-26 12:45 PM

Yes this is very true, as is the true story of the man who was able to pass through Hartsfield airport in Atlanta with a gun on Monday.  I was at the airport picking up my husband on that day. Atlanta's Hartsfield airport has the highest passenger volume in the world and it has failed to detect 249 rifles, 192 loaded weapons 76 unloaded weapons, a pipe bomb, two dynamite bombs and two hand grenades since 1997!  
This I read today in an article in the Atlanta Constitution.  It has had 759 breaches of security since 1997 but has still violated LESS security breaches than 7 other U.S. airports including Los Angels and Phoenix!
The starting pay for airport screeners is $7 dollars an hour, 25 cents an hour less than what the average airport food-court worker earns!
This is scary.

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since 2000-05-28
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Plantation, Florida
6 posted 2001-09-26 12:51 PM

Here is this scary article;

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

7 posted 2001-09-26 10:30 PM

Thanks for coming up with the link, Marge. I hadn't even thought to look for the story on the web. I had been hearing it on my local news on the radio during the day and then on the local evening news last night. I had mistakenly assumed that a story this outrageous would have made the national news yesterday as well and not just here in Philadelphia. I guess now-a-days truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Thanks for your link, too, Romy. I found a link online at work today from my local ABC affiliate, Action News, listing a few other airports, one being in Florida, where similar incidents occurred, but I can't access it tonight, for some reason. If anyone wants to access it, it's on about halfway down the page under Action News. I was very glad to hear today that President Bush is setting up tougher standards for the airline security problems. That added a touch of sanity to all the insanity that abounds but it will take quite a bit to restore any sense of trust in me regarding our overall safety on land, air or sea, especially when security matters rest in the hands of companies that care more about their bottom line than anything else. I think we all need to demand that this can no longer be acceptable. We can no longer assume that our best interests are being considered. We have to insist that they are. Write your congressmen, write the President, speak with your wallet or pocketbook to these companies, be they airlines, trains, ships, whatever, that you will not use their services unless they can convince you that they have serious safeguards in place against terrorism. Secure cockpit doors and armed Marshalls are not enough. Terrorists can still blow up planes if they can sneak a bomb on board, or if they can plant bombs along our rail lines and in bus terminals, cruise ships, etc. I think we can learn all that we need to learn about this subject from Israel. God help us, especially if we haven't learned from Sept. 11th. I pray that we will indeed learn from that wake-up call and not fall back into the complacency that allowed this tragedy to happen in the first place. If we don't, then we have no hope.  
Senior Member
since 2000-01-23
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Colorado, USA
8 posted 2001-09-27 01:11 PM

I just saw on MSNBC this morning an interview with a man who got through airport security with a 10 inch screwdriver after this so-called tightening of security.

[edited by personal request - Alicat]

(formerly, u_gene)

[This message has been edited by Alicat (edited 10-03-2001).]

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