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The Race (baiting) Is On. |
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since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA ![]() |
President Barack Obama implored Americans to choose compassion over conflict in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, that killed six people, including a 9-year-old girl, and critically wounded a member of Congress. “The truth is, none of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack,” Obama said at an arena-filling memorial service yesterday for the victims of the Jan. 8 rampage. “What we cannot do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other. That we cannot do.” nst-pointing-fingers-in-memorial-after-arizona-shooting.html The New York Times: "Obama Calls for a New Era of Civility in U.S. Politics" The Washington Post: "Obama calls for healing, not blame" The Wall Street Journal: "Obama Calls for a More Civil Nation" The Los Angeles Times: "Obama urges Americans to debate 'in a way that heals'" mas-call-for-civility.html REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-SC): "I WOULD HOPE THAT CIVILITY WOULD ONCE AGAIN BE PART OF THE DISCOURSE HERE." (Remarks from Rep. Jim Clyburn, "DNC Press Conference on GOP Tactics in Debt Debate," YouTube, 7/27/2011) WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: GOP TRYING TO "INCITE" "VITRIOL AND NEGATIVE TONE." (Michael O'Brien, "Dem Leaders: GOP Using ‘Vitriol' in Debt Debate by Showing Affleck Clip," The Hill, 7/27/2011) OBAMA IN TUCSON SPEECH: "… ONLY A MORE CIVIL AND HONEST PUBLIC DISCOURSE CAN HELP US FACE UP TO THE CHALLENGES OF OUR NATION …" (President Barack Obama, "Full Speech: Obama Urges Civility at Tucson Memorial," PBS's News Hour, 1/12/2011) OBAMA AT HOUSE GOP RETREAT, JAN 2010: "That's why I say if we're going to frame these debates in ways that allow us to solve them, then we can't start off by figuring out, A, who's to blame; B, how can we make the American people afraid of the other side." (President Barack Obama, "Remarks By President at GOP House Issues Conference", The White House, 1/29/10) So we had all these calls for civility from Obama, Pelosi, and other heads of the DNC. Apparently, unable to rely on Obama's record to gather votes and support, creating racial tensions is the only weapon they have left. DNC CHAIR: GOP "LITERALLY" WANTS TO "DRAG US ALL THE WAY BACK TO JIM CROW": "…[N]ow you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally - and very transparently - block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates. And it's nothing short of that blatant." (Ben Smith, "DWS: GOP Wants to Bring Back ‘Jim Crow'," Politico, 6/6/2011) REP. LOUISE SLAUGHTER (D-NY) COMPARES GOP TO NAZIS, SAYS "THEY'RE HERE TO KILL WOMEN": "In '94 people were elected simply to come here to kill the National Endowment for the Arts. Now they're here to kill women. … It's sort of like an old German Nazi movie." (Dan Joseph, "Rep. Louise Slaughter: GOP Freshmen Came to Washington ‘To Kill Women'," CNS News, 4/7/2011) André Carson, a Democratic representative from Indiana and a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, suggested last week that certain members of the tea party in Congress are indistinguishable from violent racists. "This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens," Carson said at a caucus event in Miami on Aug. 22. "Some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree." ers-congress-want-142624474.html Rep. Maxine Waters has four words for the tea party: Go straight to Hell. At a community summit on Saturday, the California Democrat, who has been increasingly critical of President Obama, as well, had tough words for the other side. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” Waters said at the summit in Inglewood, Calif. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to Hell.” -go-to-hell/2011/08/22/gIQAjgEeWJ_story.html Wednesday, 31 Aug 2011 03:56 PM A wide spectrum of black conservatives expressed outrage Wednesday at Rep. Andre Carson’s remark that tea party members would like to see black people “hanging on a tree” — and some even called on Carson to resign. During a speech at a recent caucus event in Miami, the Indiana Democrat said conservative members of Congress would “love to see us [blacks] as second-class citizens,” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me . . . hanging on a tree.” Carson, the whip leader of the Congressional Black Caucus responsible for organizing the black vote in Congress, also alleged that tea party activism stems from Jim Crow racism. “Some of them in Congress are comfortable with where we were 50 or 60 years ago. But this is a new day with a black president and a black congressional caucus.” Carson spokesman Jason Tomcsi confirmed that Carson made the remarks. Tomcsi told USA Today: “People are frustrated by the inability of Congress to do something about the economy and get people back to work." Carson’s choice of words provoked a strong backlash. GOP Rep. Allen West, the only Republican member of the caucus, blasted Carson’s remarks as “reprehensible” during an interview on “Fox and Friends.” “I think I’m reconsidering my membership in the Congressional Black Caucus,” West told “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy. "As a member of the CBC, I look forward to working with you to help end this practice. All of us, especially Congressman Carson, Congresswoman Waters and others who have engaged in racially motivated rhetoric, should follow the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., not the example of Reverend Jeremiah Wright." And Timothy F. Johnson, founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, said Wednesday that the civil rights abuses and crimes of the Jim Crow era were carried out mostly in regions controlled by the Democratic Party. He decried Carson’s comments as “outrageous, hateful, and desperate,” adding in a statement: “When some Democrats can’t win a political disagreement, they normally resort to race-baiting, which is in itself racist.” Deneen Borelli: Carson "absolutely should resign,” Borelli said. “This is very dangerous, the comments that he made." Deneen Borelli, an African-American tea party speaker and a fellow with Project 21, a network of black conservatives under the auspices The National Center for Public Policy Research, called for Carson to resign. “This is absolutely outrageous for him to say these kinds of comments, especially considering what position he holds in the Congressional Black Caucus,” she told Newsmax. “This is someone who is supposed to be showing a leadership role, and instead he is inciting racial tension in our country. “With these harsh economic times, high unemployment, and especially in the black community where unemployment is much higher than nationally, this is the last thing anybody in his position should do . . . it is grossly irresponsible on his part. “He absolutely should resign,” Borelli said. “This is very dangerous, the comments that he made. We should also be looking for [Rep.] Maxine Waters to resign, the comments she made as well. I find it grossly irresponsible for these individuals to make these charges, these claims. What they’re trying to do is keep blacks on their liberal plantation. They don’t want individuals to learn about free market and personal responsibility, because what else would these people be doing?” Read more on Blacks Call for Democrat Carson to Resign Over Tea Party 'Hanging' Slam |
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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I met Deneen Borelli last year at an Independence Hall Tea Party event focusing on outreach to the minority communities. She offered me her seat under the canopy where most of the event speakers were sitting waiting their turns to go to the podium. I snuck in under the tent along the side just to get out of the sun. Very nice lady. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Not according to Hoffa, she's not!!! ![]() |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Seems like a decent action anyway on Ms. Borelli's part. Despite the scanty evidence of fraudulent registration of minority voters as evidenced by the lack of significant numbers of convictions on the issue, Republicans as a party have made a point of attempting to curtail these registrations, as we've discussed before in these pages. Members of minorities, Blacks and hispanics especially, have some justification for feeling upset with the party that is trying to curtail their voting rights. This is not playing the race card; this is getting upset about the way Republicans are treating minorities and are trying to limit voting rights to voters who traditionally vote Republican. Calling this "race-baiting" is what the right wing does when they've been caught. They do the same sort of thing when it comes to conversations about class warfare; they indulge in it shamelessly, trying to roll back collective bargaining laws, trying to undercut minimum wage, social security, medicare and medicaid, aid for dependent children, food stamps and the like, and when there is a public backlash they attempt to quiet the outrage by saying that the public fury is "Class Warfare." I think the notion is that liberals are supposed to feel guilty and act polite when accused of anything, so that if the right wingers make loud enough noises and threats that their reaction will simply get the left to quiet down. Simply because there are right wing people of color, by the way, doesn't suggest that they are right, any more than the fact that there are left wing minorities mean that the Left Wing is correct; though I happen to think that the Left is correct more often than not, that doesn't mean anything beyond the fact that I'm good-looking and smart and extraordinarily insightful. Right is something that we'll have to leave history to judge. By the way, I lied about being good-looking. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
(1)DNC CHAIR: GOP "LITERALLY" WANTS TO "DRAG US ALL THE WAY BACK TO JIM CROW" (2)REP. LOUISE SLAUGHTER (D-NY) COMPARES GOP TO NAZIS, SAYS "THEY'RE HERE TO KILL WOMEN" (3)Rep. Maxine Waters has four words for the tea party: GO STRAIGHT TO HELL (4)HOFFA: WE ARE DECLARING WAR ON THE SONS OF B'S. (5)Obama calls for a new era of civility and healing, not blame. Which of these statements is out of line with the others? (Obviously it's pretty clear that not even Democrats listen to Obama or pay attention to his requests) |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Amazing. Do you think so? Of course it's pre-election time, and the base may have some feelings about how President Obama's leadership style may have given away the store, but I think you may actually have stumbled onto an insight here, Mike. |
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