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since 1999-07-31
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0 posted 2000-06-23 07:08 PM

I appreciate that advertising is necessary but that flipping 'punch the monkey' is driving me INSANE !!!!

It's got to the extent where I turned it off...all I can hear is my processor protesting which doesn't allow me to concentrate and apart from that I actually think it's a tasteless advert...and just so noone thinks I'm being unfair I do know that it helps pay the bills so we can read, write and listen but with the hits this site is getting every day and from all over the world surely the advertising can be more in tune with the content cause if I forget and reset everything and see that flipping monkey once more I swear I'll knock it senceless !!

All that aside, I am being serious, should you read this Ron, romance, do-it-yourself (no pun intended) and countless other slots can surely be found and more to the point I would think those advertisers would want to be associated with your site...but maybe that doesn't help pay the bills..  

But it really does kill my system and doesn't do my concentration any good hearing my hard disk rattle like a freight train on an atmospheric night..  


ps: I've never tried selling through email before but if you want I'll try selling the space above my eyes to someone much more worthwhile, just give me the address..  

[This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 06-23-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Cindy Jones - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-06-23 09:59 PM

I agree!!! LOL You've hit the monkey on the head with this post, RG!  
Lady In White
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2 posted 2001-06-22 02:06 PM

There is a banner, now [a year later] that is obnoxiously leaving other pop-ups and sometimes more than one, sometimes two and three, that pop open then scurry down and hide themselves away until you go from one window to another and then they POP back up.

Annoying little things....

who, for pity's sake, wants to be Colonized?

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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3 posted 2001-06-22 04:07 PM

hahaha LOL@punchmonkey
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
4 posted 2001-06-22 04:34 PM

… countless other slots can surely be found and more to the point I would think those advertisers would want to be associated with your site...but maybe that doesn't help pay the bills.

It would probably come a lot closer to covering our costs than the current system, Cindy. So far for June, our average revenue for each ad you see is .00009 cents. Yea, that's less than one/ten thousandth of a penny. At times, I've seriously considered just dumping the ads entirely. But even a hundred bucks a month is better than a swift poke in the eye.

The problem with your suggestion - and our current system - is that I have absolutely no interest in becoming an ad salesman. So, I farm it out. Our site gets lumped in with a few hundred others (i.e., no targeting), and then the network takes sixty percent off the top. It ain't efficient, it ain't even right, but it's easy. I need at least one or two easy's mixed into my life.

Lady, there "should" be no popup advertisements in the forums. The ad network we use at pipTalk is one of the few that allows me turn them off (and I have). Unfortunately, it's only one of the five networks we use, so the main site does have popups, at least until I can figure out how to get rid of them. But there shouldn't be any in the forums.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
5 posted 2001-06-22 04:41 PM

p.s. I've never seen the Monkey ad in the forums. That may be because I'm using Netscape and it only works in IE, but I suspect it's because I have Java disabled (not JavaScript, though!). Even if you LIKE the monkey, I would suggest turning off Java. It's much more powerful than JavaScript, and much more dangerous. Surfing with Java gives your computer about as much protection as parking your car on the street with the keys in the ignition.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2001-06-23 11:55 AM

This one is popping up when it darned well feels like it ....
I just encountered it again when I went to the Insertable Images area.

It moves around at will on different pages of the forum.

Not earth-shattering, but irritating to be sure.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
7 posted 2001-06-23 06:16 PM

Ouch. Thanks for the heads-up, Marge - which also serves as a reminder of something quite a ways down on my infamous "list."

When we moved to our new domain, there were about a dozen or so pages that were NOT converted. That page is one of them. You'll notice it doesn't have our forum menu at the top of the page? It's still tied to the main site. Guess I better track down all those pages and get them converted…

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