The Alley |
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Superb Documentary about Genocide from CNN |
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threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
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As y'all probably know, I've been seriously under the weather, and will try to get back to full strength. In the meantime, here is one of the most important documentaries I've seen in the past few years. This is one of the few documentaries that I believe has actually changed my life, after watching it. It's called: 'Scream Bloody Murder" and I believe it will win an Emmy this year, or should anyways. CNN produced this piece, and it's eye-opening on how tunnel-visioned the world is on their own problems, and how they ignore perhaps the world's greatest problem currently: Genocide in our time. I am reminded of a George Bush Sr. comment on whether we should help in the Sudan: (paraphrased) "We can't go inserting ourselves in every conflict around the world." Think about it: just in the administration of Geo Jr alone, we could have possibly been in: Iraq Afghanistan the Sudan/Rwanda/Darfur and North Korea all at the same time. I wouldn't waste your time if I didn't think this was important. Very NON-Partisan presentation, equally acceptable to both Liberals and Conservatives, and that is a pretty rare thing in documentaries. It's two hours long, but worth every minute of it. Watch it when you can. Always: Peace and Love Jeff |
© Copyright 2010 Jeff Feezle - All Rights Reserved | |||
JenniferMaxwell![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2006-09-14
Posts 2423 |
Thanks, Jeff. I don't have tv but will look for clips from the documentary online. |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Thanks, T-Bear, I'll be looking, but I'm somewhat swamped right now, but this is right up my alley. Do you know anything about Amnesty International? The American version is very left wing oriented, so I think you'd not be particularly interested, but the international version is a-political and their interests have to do with prisoners of conscience everywhere but in your own country. The idea is that it protects citizens from retaliation from their own governments and that it allows people of opposing political ideologies but with common interests in human rights to work together. The American branch was hijacked by some lefties who put out left wing stuff all the time. Even though I happen to agree with much of that stuff, I'm steamed because it cuts out perfectly decent folks on the right that have legitimate interests in human rights as well. No one said that the Left can't have doctrinaire stupidity, and this is a piece of it. There's even a Children's network that's somewhat separate from the American Amnesty network that sends out warnings and requests for letters for children in trouble overseas. Basically, they give you an address and the b asic information that you need to cover in a letter to the official whose name they give, and you write and mail the letters. Usually the letters ask that people in detention either be charged with something formal or released, or that they be brought to trial or released, or that these people according to such and such witnesses were seen committing murder of these people, and that the witnesses have been arrested. The witnesses should be released and their allegations should be investigated by objective parties — things like that. You get updates as to whether of not the letter campaigns have been helpful or not. Often they make a large difference. Sometimes not. If this doccumentary disturbed you, though, you might spend a little time looking into the non-leftie versions of Amnesty. The Children's network is devboted especially to problems that children run into. Perhaps you know something about the Street kids in Brazil? The merchants in many of the large cities feel that the kids are eating into their business (which is true, I suspect), and their solution has been to hire off-duty cops as death squads to go around and shoot large numbers of them. Amnesty has conducted a letter writing campaign for years about this, with some success, though I've got to say my information is old. I have a thread I posted a few weeks back — perhaps six now — about some of the human rights problems in Iran that Amnesty is trying to address, a result of the way the state is run and, I suspect, the way they interpret Shari'ia law. The thread didn't go anywhere. I have a look at the documentary when I get a chance. Are you over that lung stuff, yet? I hate that lung business. Best, Bob Kaven |
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