The Alley |
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Mass. Murder |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA ![]() |
Thank you, Massachussetts! ![]() |
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threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
Well, I'll be darned: a Tea Party candidate won. I don't think there is enough 'crow' left in the world for Progressives to eat. What were their claims? " It's a 'Fake movement', feigning Fake outcry, at fake 9-12 rallies, with faux outrage at Healthcare: that's all those tea bag people are. Paid-for shills. " 11% of registered Republicans beat 37% Dem's in the most Blue State on the coast. Or was it the Tea Party vote? The Independent's finding voice? The blurring of party lines? or the emergence of a viable third party? Heard something this week and liked it: Elect a politician that is reluctant to serve. ~wagging my finger Nixon-style~ Let me make this perfectly clear, before Republicans pat themselves on their backs and Democrats take their own knives out of theirs, an Independent won the Kennedy seat. An Independent. Like I predicted a year ago, they will influence the 2010-2012 elections. In New Jersey, a liberal state, a Republic Inde won the Governorship, AND in Virginia, a very liberal voting state. Folks are shedding party affiliations like lizards shed skin and moving toward the middle, where as any bird on a wire will tell you: it's the warmest. [This message has been edited by threadbear (01-20-2010 04:39 AM).] |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
. “Dream up a gargantuan backlash against Barack Obama’s left-wing gospel, and you still could not invent the notion of a relatively unknown, conservative Scott Brown knocking off an Obama-endorsed, liberal, female attorney in liberal Massachusetts — in a race to fill the seat once held by Ted Kennedy.” Pretty much says it . . |
threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
Insights: Sarah Palin's political clout just DOUBLED, over night. Pelosi's power will end with Health care. Beyond that, she will not have any. Harry Reid's re-election chances just died. With the loss of just one Senate seat last night, Obama has lost the ability to pass, easily, any future legislation. 2010 candidates will run as: A 'Democrat Independent' (D-I) or a 'Republican Independent' (R-I) or just as an 'Independent'. (I) Watch the semantics here. Scott Brown (R-I) will be the 'male' equivalent of Palin, as the next Republican superstar. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
That seems to be the general consensus. Many pundits on both sides see this, not as a vote against Obama, but a repudiation of the tactics of Pelosi and Reid and the democratic congress. Obama is just a guy out of his league with no experience and the Pelosi/Reid duo are the real driving force in Washington. One of the interesting things is that Barney Frank advocates accepting the Brown victory and the democratic process that elected him without trying to pull any tricks to keep him away until after the vote.....not easy to say something positive about Frank! On the other hand, Frank sees the best possibility of getting health care passed is to win over a few Republicans to vote for it. Does he mean the republicans who have been completely shut out, the ones who have submitted bills only to watch them being tossed in the trash without a glance, the ones who stayed on the House floor while the democrats slipped out of the back door to avoid voting, the republicans who have been denied any access to the back-door dealings of the creation of the health care bill? Those Republicans? Rotsa ruck! The democrats are like street punks who would never let Billy play street soccer but, after a car runs over their ball, and since Billy has the only other ball, go to him and say, "Hey, Billy! C'mon and play with us. We like you!" That's what they will try and, if not successful, then the villians will be those evil republicans who are not willing to deviate from their partisan nature for the good of the about poetic justice. This is more Saturday Night Live material. I think the Americans are saying, "Enough with the back-room dealings and payoffs. Get back to the economy and jobs and get people back to work." Will the democrats listen? Probably not.... |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Indeed, thank you Massachusetts! The clouds are departing. I actually felt the oppression lift last night. It was a great feeling! |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
Superb news! Hopefully the watered down Health Care bill will now get kicked into touch, though I’m not holding my breath just yet. . |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama expressed support for scaling back a health bill to "core elements," the first indication that the White House might be backing away from the type of broader overhaul that Congress had been working on. Mr. Obama told ABC News that lawmakers should "move quickly to coalesce around" parts of the health-care bill that both parties can agree on, "core elements" that include insurance reform. Better late than never. That's what the Republicans advised him to do months ago. The ABC interview represented Mr. Obama's first public comments on the Republican victory in the race for a Senate seat in Massachusetts. The election deprived Democrats of the 60 votes they needed to overcome a Republican filibuster and pass health legislation in the Senate. Some Democrats had earlier discussed rushing the health bill through the Senate before Republican Scott Brown, the Massachusetts victor, took his seat, but Mr. Obama rejected that option. "Here's one thing I know and I just want to make sure that this is off the table: The Senate certainly shouldn't try to jam anything through until Scott Brown is seated," Mr. Obama said. "The people of Massachusetts spoke. He's got to be part of that process." Thank you for that showing of class, Mr. President. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart | I think this fits this particular thread. ![]() I've read Palin's book as I received it as a Christmas present. I've a seat to see her in my town this coming February... and I just watched her on O'Reilly. Really. She spits out more common sense than dems have duct tape. I will stand on this point: she has common sense. I have personally known geniuses [those with supposedly high IQ's] that couldn't light a match around this gal. She will have her opposition. I won't be one of them. ![]() |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Looks like somebody's jealous: So, I thought the Tea Party wasn't Republican? Which one is it? And aren't the Tea Party-ers supposed to be against big banks? Who is this guy, really? And this is even more revealing: Republicans just can't resist a nude man? |
threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
Aw man, Reb, you are dancing so close you are CRUSHING my corsage! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Gotta love it! That's the best they, and you, can come up with, Reb? You had nothing to say about Obama's communist buddies or bomb-throwers or America-hating pastor but posing for Cosmo as a college student is worth your pointing out??? C'mon down to Florida. It's sour grape season and I can get you a ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Quote of the year: Pelosi...We're not in a big rush.., referring to passing health care. Now THIS is precious! ![]() |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
Mike, Do you think the Republicans, bolstered by the win, will now change tactics on the health care bill? Will they now start to throw their weight behind killing it instead of honouring the unanimous consent agreement cooked up between Mitch McConnell and Reid? Or is it possible, as some suggest, that the Republicans are going to let the Health Care bill pass so they can fight the next election on a platform of repealing it? I hope not, but you’d think that if they really wanted to kill it they’d be throwing up barriers to derail it rather than clearing the tracks and waving it on its way. Even the tea-baggers have noticed the apparent anomaly. Any thoughts? . |
threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
Grinch, I don't think that Healthcare legislation is even close to the top three concerns in this nation for people other than far Left Progressives. This is junk legislation at best, in it's current form and the voters in Mass. have spoken loudly. They already have it, and are getting taxed to death for it. "Senate Democrats on Wednesday proposed allowing the federal government to borrow an additional $1.9 trillion to pay its bills, a record increase that would permit the national debt to reach $14.3 trillion. The unpopular legislation is needed to allow the federal government to issue bonds to fund programs and prevent a first-time default on obligations. It promises to be a challenging debate for Democrats, who, as the party in power, hold the responsibility for passing the legislation.... Congress has never failed to increase the borrowing limit." What is borrowed, must be paid back ... thru taxes. Guess what is coming? |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Of COURSE there are going to be tax increases! OMG... who of us for a moment didn't think there wouldn't be such a moment in this government's time? Look at the USPO for one instance. I received a letter today [one that I was having mailed back to me for tickets to a Community Theater show]. The office is all of one mile within my house. I mailed it though, because when I did, it was "cheaper" than getting in my car and driving on the slick and ice-packed roads. [yes, I worry about hitting other cars and all, even though I can and do have insurance!] Sounds simple, doesn't it? YET, even though my mail got to the theater the very next day [I know, because they called me] the return mail went from my home place to Wichita Kansas [90 miles away and back again] before it was returned to me. This is our government in action? Oh, puhleeze! We need to have another revolution. Possibly against both parties. Why do we want our government to tell us how to run our lives? I can balance a checkbook. Can they? Ok, ok, I may be a little embittered right now. The government's funding screwed up my last position. Ok, ok, I had a good job, left it to "gain more", got laid off, found a "state" job [schools] and uh-oh, now no job. Yes, one could rightfully say "K, this was your fault." Yep. And all of this took place over the past four years. Ok. Do I see lawfirms hiring new employees? NOPE. Do the classified sections of employment have job openings for the masses? NOPE. Since April 1 2009, I have been applying weekly for a position. I am in my late 50's, as most of you know, or have realized in passing. No harm or foul in that. And if you have a position right now, all of you are not familiar with the lines, emails, and/or hoops one must go through right now to obtain a position. The folks who hire at Pizza Hut certainly aren't going to hire me to deliver pizzas... I know, I've tried. Please know that I'm not griping against the unemployment status at this time. I/we are doing okay. I don't have a mortgage hanging over my head. We are paying our bills on time. I'm just eight years in age behind my husband who has been enjoying retirement since he hit age 55. ![]() All I'm saying is, in a really long peanut of a case, is that it isn't going to improve anytime soon; AND... I do not want the government to control my life anymore than it absolutely needs to do. Put responsibility back on to our nations' people. Some of us won't be surprised, but perhaps some of us will be more than surprised at what all of us can do, as a People, as a Nation. Always, ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Grinch, at the risk of having you ask my opinion so that you can point out where I'm mistaken, I think the following: Letting it pass so they can use it as a weapon in the next election would make no sense at all. I believe they will work at scrapping the entire thing and then starting over from scratch, keying in on the appropriate areas to reduce costs and make health insurance more affordable, like the insurance companies, pharmaseuticals, hopefully tort reform, eliminating waste in the system, allowing interstate insurance purchase, and a variety of things that can be done without a government takeover. Do I think they will go full-speed ahead on these items? As threadbare pointed out, there are other things that demand attention that are more the economy and job creation. People are much more interested in these areas than they are in health care reform. Besides, Pelosi now states there is no rush...and we all know whatever she says goes. ![]() |
threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
I haven't seen it, but tomorrow Glenn Beck will be airing a one of a kind documentary: It will attempt to set the record straight on why Mao, Stalin, Che, and Castro are JUST AS EVIL as Hitler. Everyone agrees that Hitler was the worse man ever, in history. But Mao murdered 40,000,000, Hitler murdered 15,000,000 democides Stalin: murdered 15,000,000 to 50 Mil (the actual number is in dispute)... "...that the population of the Soviet Union was 164 million in 1937, so the upper estimates accuse Stalin of killing nearly 1 out of every 3 of his people,"... Check out this link: Notice I don't use the word: 'killed'. I used the word 'murder' and there IS quite a difference. What are Democides? Per Wiki: Democide is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel for "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Non-soldiers, in other words. So it's not just the concept of 'Communism' that Beck is against, it's the POTENTIAL BLOODINESS that it presents. Why are so many people with socialist leanings in our White House? Beck may be saying what I've said for years: Mao and Stalin were WORSE than Hitler, but history has glossed them over into cult icons. Anyway, I believe this documentary tomorrow will fill in the blanks in our Modern World History that was purposely left out from teaching us when we went to school. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
quote: Hey, if you're into dat.... quote: Which one? Mass flip-flopper? Nude model? Pimping his daughters on national television? Or were you talking about Beck? Is he they? Who are 'they'? And why are you getting personal Mike? You think the nation is ready for Senator Jemma Jameson? If there were 30-year-old nude pictures of Croakley ![]() quote: I'm conflicted over my response. You choose: a)The National Red-Herring Society and the United Strawman Crafters of America called -- while they're impressed that you managed to use the ashes of burnt Strawman arguments as a seasoning for Red-Herring -- they're rather upset at it's total lack of efficacy -- they want their cards back. (Dues not refundable) Please -- allow me to show you how you should have done it Mike. Skip the Red Herring -- turn your weakness into the weapon like this: "Gee Reb -- you mean the Democratic leadership is so weak right now that they couldn't even beat a male nude model who pimps out his daughters on national television in the bluest state in the nation?" or, should I go with b) Oh grandpa! It's always funny when you tell that joke. ? quote: I'm sorry -- they're not on my diet -- feeling a bit carnivorous at the moment ![]() ![]() You see the end of the 'filibuster-proof majority' takes the pressure off of the Republicans to lock-step and they're going to come out onto the court and play ball. Expect to see lots of stuff you don't like happening through reconciliation. ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Which one? Mass flip-flopper? Nude model? Pimping his daughters on national television? LOL! You're doing your best to make me rub my hands with glee, reb, and you're succeeding. This is great stuff. It follows the democrat a last resort, throw as much dirt as possible. BY all means, go for it. The problem is that, when one throws dirt, one has to raise the arm, which exposes the ribs. For example, when you mention flip-flopping, it can't help but bring Obama and Pelosi to mind, who flip-flop like mackerels on a fishing pier, well-documented. Nude model? Well, I confess I've never heard of Pelosi posing nude....THANK GOD!!!! ![]() Reconciliation? Well, we'll have to see how that goes, won't we? ![]() Brown seems to be a fairly decent guy, as far as I can see. I would go so far as to say that you may think so, also, but that doesn't matter, does it? He knocked off a democrat, which requires him to be a target for people like you. Trash problem. It's the democrat way. |
threadbear Senior Member
since 2008-07-10
Posts 817Indy |
Yeah, Mike, at the attrition rate that Democrats are eating their own, all the Republicans have to do is sit back, quietly, and watch Dem's disappear one by one munch munch till there won't be one viable Democrat left to mount an offensive voting threat against the anti-politics-as-usual voters. The next SNAP! you will hear will be the sound of Nancy's Pelosi's shins giving way to the enormous weight of her head. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
It's not a good time to be a democrat congressperson. They can do what Obama, Pelosi and Reid tell them to do and run a huge risk of not being re-elected or they can do what their constituents want and run the risk of incurring the ire of the terrible trio. The smart ones are retiring. |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
. “After Coakley’s defeat, Obama pretended that the real cause was a generalized anger and frustration “not just because of what’s happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.” Let’s get this straight: The antipathy to George W. Bush is so enduring and powerful that . . . it just elected a Republican senator in Massachusetts? Why, the man is omnipotent.” “If you lose Massachusetts and that’s not a wake-up call,” said moderate — and sentient — Democratic senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, “there’s no hope of waking up.” . |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
You would think lefties could discern a proletarian vanguard when they see one. Yet they kept denying the reality of the rising opposition to Obama’s social-democratic agenda when summer turned to fall and Virginia and New Jersey turned Republican in the year’s two gubernatorial elections. No, they can't. They have proven that for years. They couldn't figure out why Kerry lost. They couldn't figure out why Gore lost, by not even being able to carry his own state. Self-examination is out of the question for them. It's never because of them or their policies. To their credit, there ARE democrats now who have stated that it IS time for that self- examination, time to learn the lesson of why these upsets happened....but the leaders will have none of it. Having either Pelosi, Reid or Obama admit that perhaps the fault lies with them, their actions and/or their message would be too hard for them. They have completely disregarded the thoughts of the American people with regards to health care, with an air of arrogant indifference (while all the time claiming to be doing things for them) and the people have responded the only way they can in order to be the voting booth. The latest Gallup poll released this morning indicate that 55% favor suspending health care reform while 39% favor continue it. They will probably disregard that one, also. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Another great quote.. "I am not going to walk away just because it's hard," the president said. He acknowledged the ugliness of the legislative process, saying that with lawmakers cutting deals to secure votes "it starts looking like just this monstrosity. And it makes people fearful." Uh, Mr. President, that is YOU cutting those ugly deals to secure votes. [This message has been edited by Balladeer (01-22-2010 07:27 PM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: Has the opposition party done any better, Mike? We do remember the elections of 2006, right? And those of 2008? Americans made it pretty clear how they felt about Republican leadership. And yet, has anything changed in the interim? What self-examination and subsequent change have we seen in the Republican party? We seem to be running out of choices, guys. ![]() quote: Perhaps there's the solution we should pursue. The Republicans suck. The Democrats don't seem to be doing a whole lot better. Maybe we should just put the Gallup Poll in charge of the nation? ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
We ARE running out of choices, Ron. That's why a third party may be our only choice. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
No, Ron, the Republicans haven't done much better at all. They put up a candidate Obama couldn't lose to and the elections were more against Bush, instead of for the democrats. To say the republicans haven't done any better ignores an important fact...Obama is supposed to be the man spearheading CHANGE. A new era in Washington. No more politics as usual. Open government. Involvement of the people. He was elected, with no experience, on that promise of change. What they have done is show no concern for the thoughts of the people who put them there. They have ruled with an arrogant disdain and lack of interest in the public's mind. When polls indicated from the beginning that the majority of people were satisfied with their health care, it didn't matter to them. They passed the stimulus bill in the dead of night without letting the public see it first. They sneaked through cap and trade the same way, no fanfare and no public participation. They worked on health care behind closed doors with no public awareness. They made deals and payoffs to their own members to get votes on things that obviously their own members wouldn't have voted on without special deals. They have disregard the public stating that the main concern should be employment and forged on with their signature cause, health care. They have ignored the public every step of the way. No, Gallup shouldn't run the country but I don't believe you don't consider polls an important thumb on the pulse of the country and politicians who ignore that pulse could care less for the people they are supposed to be working for. I've never seen republicans show such a disregard for public opinion or concern. Perhaps they have but no example comes to mind. This administration doesn't think before acting. Obama swore to close Gitmo by now. He hasn't, saying that it appears to be more complicated than he thought. When the unemployment numbers continued to rise after passage of the stimulus bill, he said they didn't realize how bad the economy really was. When asked hwy the middle east peace process was going so slow, he said he didn't realize how complicated it would be. They don't stop to realize anything...they just say, "Let's do it!" and then make excuses when these non-thought out goals fall short. The public has gotten tired of the back-door deals, the non-stop candy store spending spree, the 2000 page health care bills that congressmen don't even read before voting on, and the constant excuses and finger-pointing instead of taking responsibility. The Massachussetts vote is a barometer of that feeling. Does Obama see that? Nope....he says it's a reflection of their feelings about Bush policies. They elect a Republican to protest Bush policies....beautiful. They still can't hear the people or else they just disregard what they hear. Obama is an inexperienced fellow who doesn't know what to do so he's trying everything at once and simply backing off of whatever doesn't work....which, so far, has been almost everything. Newt Gingrich said it best... "As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." Will they pay attention to Americans now? I doubt it..... |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
NEW YORK – President Barack Obama's latest broadside against big banks may have more bark than bite. Obama's plan to limit banks' size and risky trading has spooked investors, but analysts say it would have only marginal effect on institutions like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup — and would be hard to enforce. And it's not clear the rules would reduce taxpayers' risk of having to bail out another big bank. Fearing the Obama plan might reduce bank earnings, investors reacted by dumping financial stocks Thursday, helping send the Dow Jones industrial average down 213 points. The pessimism continued Friday, with the Dow losing more than 216 points. Also weighing on the market were corporate earnings reports that failed to meet investors' expectations. The White House has yet to provide details of the plan outlined Thursday. "yet to provide details".....running true to form. |
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