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since 2000-03-06
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0 posted 2000-04-27 09:42 PM

The reason for this "fit" is an e-mail that I received today, mind you it had no signature and the e-mail address was bogus so my reply came back to me.
I was accused of posting "thank you's" on my thread to simply move it back to the top.
First of all let me say this....I have NEVER done that, I post a "thank you" when my thread is near the top if it has fallen usually below half way down the first page I send an e-mail instead.
The REASON that I thank people is this....on my first poem I ever posted here I started off by saying that before you post a reply please be sincere as I am sincere with mine...a comment without feeling is worse than no comment at all...and so if someone takes the time and effort to comment I feel they should know that I'm thankful for that....I'm sue me!!  However if it means that I'll be accused of bumping my thread up I will e-mail instead!!!! Either way I'm going to thank people for reading and for commenting or I won't post at all!!   I sincerely hope that it was one spineless idiot that thought this and not a majority...My "thank you's" are sincere and not for my own benefit. With that said if anyone has tips on "Thank You Etiquette" I would be happy to abide!
So Thank you for letting me Vent!!

© Copyright 2000 Butterflies_dont_cry - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-04-27 10:33 PM

Ah! A pet peeve of mine! Anonymous emails!!! I've gotten them and I know others have also. They are the work of spineless cowards. Don't even worry what a person like that would think or say!!! Delete!!!!  
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-04-27 11:53 PM


Well ... I am also 'Ms. Etiquette' ... but you know what, ButterfliesDC ?  It doesn't matter to me what some anonymous tramp thinks ... If I want to reply to a post that's a year old I'll do it.  
I'll just do it because I want to.

I don't even think of it as a 'bump'.
I've gone in and 'bumped' others poems up if I thought they were well-done and perhaps just slipped through too quickly or at a time of day that they got missed.

Hon, as far as the e-mail goes ..
that's what they made the Recycle Bin for.
Poof !  Gone !  And you don't even have to wait for the scheduled pickup day !  

I don't think there's a Passion's 'law' against 'bumping' your own poem.  Shucks, I'm darned sure there isn't.
If that was the case then we could get together and just 'bump' each others poems ... heh ... heh.

***Hey, spineless scumbag ... you reading ???

Love you, BDC~

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 2000-03-06
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3 posted 2000-04-28 06:54 AM

Marge..................thank you    I was hurt more than anything as I'm sure you could  I was just afraid that it wasn't more than one worms opinion.  If you say it's ok to thank everyone   then I WILL  !!!!!!!!!!!
Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
4 posted 2000-04-28 07:13 AM


The email can't penetrate your cocoon... Just don't allow it in...

Your "thank-you's"... are absolutely fine... Your responses are certainly ones of sincere gratitude.  Stop worrying, and thank your readers as you see fit...

There's no rule about this Passionate "bumping" phenomenon - Of course, it's also pretty obvious when every other post is a "thank-you", that the author is keeping their poem at the top of the list... But, rules against it - There aren't any.. No poem stays on top forever...

[This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-28-2000).]

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Southern Florida
5 posted 2000-04-28 05:25 PM

I am really disheartened and saddened to hear that there is someone among us , that would write mean emails and hide behind bogus addresses ...  
Butterflies, please do not let someone , with such obvious lack of character, hurt you in any way .. Like Sharon said ; delete !!!
When I read a poem and reply to it , I check back to see if the author appreciated my comments ... I've made some fabulous friends by this communication ... a definite bonus ... The poems move so quickly and I'm not here as much as I'd like ... thus I miss alot I'm happy when a poem that I've missed , is bumped , and I get to read it ...
And I enjoy reading the replies and interaction with the poets almost as much as the poem, sometimes ..
Well, I just felt I needed to respond to this ... Btw ... I really enjoy your poetry, my dear .. You have much talent ....    

Member Elite
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6 posted 2000-04-28 07:38 PM

Butterflies, you thank us as much as you want. Sometimes poems go by so fast, I miss them, if you didn't reply with thank you's alot of poets would miss them. You write wonderfully so keep what your doing because its no different than anybody else......

This is the first time i've been in this forum, the alley.... I got some vent reading to catch up on......


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Coastal Texas
7 posted 2000-04-28 08:03 PM

Haleyja, glad you came by...that's what this place was made for...venting, screaming, hollering, graffiti, and oddness.  

Butterflies, I'm am sorry as well that some cretin had to spoil your day with an anon email...what a cur.  Just ignore it, and do what you feel like doing.  

Alicat, the Persnikitty

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
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8 posted 2000-04-28 09:59 PM

Thanks to all for allowing the vent and for the pep
The e-mail was deleted but the seed was it's uprooted!  I was really hoping that this was just the work of one and not the thought of many...and now who gives a flip  

Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
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9 posted 2000-04-30 03:29 AM

Butterflies, I was appalled when I read
this !!!

RECYCLE my dear -- haven't you heard of
recycling?   ---)

People who would send you something
anon  have got to be something that
you can use their email for -- hmmm,
print it out and use it for toilet paper.

I personally, love your poems, and find
you talented.

Sometimes, I don't respond enough to
people's wonderful comments, as I don't
know the rules in here.  But, would love
to respond more ---)

I, too, like to read some of the interations
among the different poets in here, or
an extra explanation of a poem or how
it was inspired, etc.  ---

Just keep on doing what you are doing,
and don't let someone hurt you like that.

There, there, that's a girl. I see a brave
smile now ------

hugs from netswan

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