The Alley |
Carter, Reagan, The Muhadeen , (The War in) Iraq, and the future |
SouthernJustice Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 159 |
Carter's Aid to Muhadadeen, Reagan's Aid to Saddam AND OUR CONUNED INVOLVEMENT IN IRAQ AT THE EXPENSE OF ISRAEL Americas Doom is emminent for , should Hillary Clinton win the 2008 and subsequently 2012 Presidential Elections, a total of FORTY YEARS this is the same length of time the Hebrew Children Wandered teh deserts of Israel after Moses Led them from Egypt, America has led a path of Ruin. This Started on April 30, 1975 when the unimaginable happened. AMerica Losing a war, VIetnam. In 1977, President Jimmy Carter assumed The Presidency, Immediately Asslciating himself with the Muhajadeen REbels of Afghanistan this armed them against the Soviet Empire and propitiated the 1980 Soviet Afghan War, thus leading to The Rise of the WOrlds Nubmer one Terrorist, OSama BIn Ladin. And DOnt be fooled By Ronad Reagan, It is a well known fact that the Untied States aligned herslef with Iraq during the 1980s, And now we are involved ina bitter war with Iraq, a war which will continue should Either (A) Hillary Clinton or a Republcian sucessor to The Current Republcian Presidnet Goerge Walker Bush take the Presidnecy on January 20 2009. Our First and to my nothion SOLE Middel East Ally should be Israel, Our Diploamtic Ties with India, Red China The Koreas anc Japan should be severed also, in favor fo the Establishment of the Jammu Kashmiri Free Republic, Furthermore, Our Diplomatic Ties with The Nations Of Europe should be severed, with the exception of The Vatican and The Serbian Christian Republic. Such is the way to Peace and Prosperity ofor ALL of the Peoples of the United States. But no. We have to have a bloated Bureaucracy, a Police the WOrld Big Brother mentality. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH people. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE. TAKE A SWIG, A NICE LONG ONE AT THAT! Our SOle Alies, in ALphabetical Order Canadian Dominion Christian Republic of Serbia Commonwealth of Australia Commonwealth of NEw Zealand State of Israel Vatican City LETS PUT AMERICA AND AMERICANS FIRST PEOPLE! |
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Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
. Oh Please . . . . |
SouthernJustice Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 159 |
Hello Hop Xing. The Only Remotely Competent, other than Alan Keyes, Candidate for the presidency in 2008 is near the very back of the Republcian field, Duncan Hunter. the remainder of the RepublcKLAN field , with thekr Fellow Demo-KKK-Rats will address no issues and make no real effort to change things FOR TEH BETTER for the American people. And make no mistake my firend, we know all about that little stunt Red China pulled, AND Thlse ILLEGAL and IMMORAL Claims to Kashmir Red China is Claiming along with her sister Illegal and Immoral Evil EMpires, India and Arabia, Ditto the Evil Evil Euorpean And African Empires illegal and Immoral Claims to Israel, TO whcich the Evil Aragain Empire also lays Illegal and Immoral Evil CLaim. __________ "We will be all too happy to withdraw our military from Iraq . IN exchange we demand and intend to have teh immediate and permenant removal of yoru people form Dearborn Michigan to a location outside North America to never return to our continent again for any reason." "Deal?" [This message has been edited by SouthernJustice (01-18-2008 11:24 PM).] |
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