The Alley |
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serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738![]() |
I should explain--I've been--"not well". I recently had surgery to correct a chronic condition, and without going into the indelicate details, let's just say I woke this morning to discover that my condition remains, not only not corrected, but more painful than it was previously. The only solution seems to be, another surgery, for the procedure I had suggested to my OBGYN in the first place. And I was GOOD this time, folks. I gritted my teeth, but I was good. I tried to explain to him that I am financially, physically, and emotionally bankrupt--and that being the case, that perhaps we could avoid unnecessary surgeries. (It sounded logical to me.) His response was to look at my chart and point out that my husband was a state employee and therefore, he saw that we had "good insurance." (I'd like to point out that the State of Louisiana does not have GREAT insurance, they pay for a portion slightly under half the cost--and am I wrong in thinking that none of this should have been part of a discussion of my medical condition?) But okay. Karen was gonna be a good girl. Is it wrong though, to grumble, that my time was wasted, my money squandered, and yes, my suffering prolonged. And yes, other doctors occurred to me, but this is post Katrina and it took me FIVE OBGYNS to find the ovarian cysts that I told the FIRST doctor I knew were there. But yanno? I heard Dr. Phil tell a complaining woman once, "you must eat a lot of snot." He was referring to distatesful practices that we have all heard rumor of food service people employing to exact revenge on a difficult customer. Now yes, I have a temper. I am impetuous. But in spite of all of my best efforts, I still have half a brain, so I have no intention of ticking off my surgeon. (Y'get m'drift? Nod. I'm sure you do.) So I guess I am stuck. Again. And I just wanted to complain about it, because um, before the Alley became the place for political debate, I remember a time it was a place where someone could just come to scream. Frankly, I am afraid to scream. Screaming was actually on my list of things NOT to do after surgery--directly under lifting heavy objects. But I ask you? What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Did insurance companies turn that into the Hypocritic Oath? Marcus Welby? Where are you? ![]() |
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Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I dunno.... My Opthomologist gives away medicine that he gets as free samples -- but he asks people if thier insurance will pay for the meds -- those who have coverage get sent to the pharmacy. Seems fair enough. I'd bet your doc was just trying to take your mind off worrying about the money. The way I figure it -- any doctor who has been willing to stay in New Orleans is probably of the humanitarian cut. ![]() |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
have the operation, let the insurance pay for what it does and don't worry about the rest until you have it or make small payments..if you go to a public hospital they can't refuse you. And they don't ask for the balance that moment anyway. Have the operation if it is necessary and don't worry about the rest Karen. ![]() M |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Ser, I think you have the right attitude about not honking off your doctor but I definitely understand how you are feeling. It took doctors and thousands of dollars and much from our own pockets to discover the nerve damage in my neck after the auto wreck in 2000. It is a very, very frustrating thing just to find out what is wrong with you sometimes. I blame much of my "diagnostic" costs on doctors seeing a quick buck and not really taking the time to find out what all was really going on with me....hurding flocks of us through in a day's time....and believing now that many folks have the same frustrations with our medical system. I know that doesn't make you feel any better, but I hope the second surgery will. As for me....I've got a bilateral double hip replacement coming up as soon as I make the final decision and pass all the pre-surgery tests.....I've been delaying this for a long, long time because I'm flat out scared after the last surgery I had (thumb joint replacement). Let me know when that surgery will be....if you want them, my prayers are yours. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Good god. ![]() Because I have the great fortune to have so many friends here, I know how many are ill-- I wish I could open a Wellness Ranch or something. ![]() I also wish they'd quit fussing with my hormones and um, other things. I actually order 5lbs. of Vegemite because it is called a miracle food. (grin...I got in trouble for that. *shrug* I told the hubby it was the same price of a co-payment, so I'll put one of the docs off for another month. For all the good they are doing me.) Sheesh. I know it ain't purty, but I'm allowed to complain, huh? Consider it another Bush complaint. One of a different...color? ![]() (Okay Ron, that was naughty--I apologize.) I'm tard. I'll quit tracking mud through your forum. mea culpa lovie |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA | crack me up!!! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
OMG....a Bush complaint! That's classic!! ![]() ![]() At least the funnybone is in working condition. I'm very sorry you're going through all of this, serenity gal. All we can do is wish the best for ya.....and I do, in spades ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
I'm so sorry for all your physical suffering, Serenity. I know the pain of it. If it is any consolation, most of the cyst problems will decrease with menopause. I know that's a long way off for you, and even after menopause they can still be a painful problem, so if you can maybe you should opt for the surgery. And yeah, I agree, it's good not to tick off your surgeon! That's a shame about your insurance though. Here in Pennsylvania, if your doctor and hospital are participating in an insurance plan, they must accept as payment if full whatever the insurance company pays. The patient isn't liable for anything over and above their agreed upon co-payment, usually $15 for the primary physician per visit, $25 for a specialist per visit, $100 per E.R. and/or hospital admission. You are in my thoughts and prayers. |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Me too. ![]() I sure wish your medical down there was reasonable, and readily available to everyone, yes I sure do. I don't think I could stand not being able to wimp to my doctor whenever I felt the urge. Well kiddo, let's hope Reb is right, as I tend to agree with him. I do think that any doctor sticking it out after Katrina has to at least have a heart, so work that doc, just work him! |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Yano.....I think you should scream if you want to, Ser. Just reading your intro thread again and noticed that you are now going to have to pay half on that second surgery. I think I'd be screamin', too....just not at the doc....scream here all ya want. It might not change the reality of the situation, but maybe it will help with the stress some. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
My life is ridiculous. (I will not bang my head.) Ya'll wanna meet my doc? |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Oh my... |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After going through half of a painful medical procedure, performed by a man who apparently thinks it is okay to publically call a woman a name that I cannot even type in this forum, who also tells me over the phone that my condition is "normal" and I do indeed express gratitude at hearing the word "benign", however vague he remains at just what the heck he did in there. My symptoms remain. THAT doctor also remains, although he apparently doesn't want to see his patients in person. So... I phoned the "center of my physician team" to plan the next step. And guess what? He's gone. Just like that. *snap* So I guess you could say I lost two doctors in one day. Let me correct that--I lost two more doctors in one day. I give up, folks. I don't wanna live like this anyhow. So what the hell... |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Karen... I know it sucks but the alternative is very likely no more you. That isn't fair to those two kids you please find another doctor. I don't care if it takes all of us looking and interviewing...we'll do it. Will your insurance cover you in another state? Say, you go on a vacation and "something" happens and you need to get the procedure done out of state...would they cover? My doctor is not only a great doctor but also good looking too! Florida is a nice vacation spot. There is an entire web site here. Together we can find a solution. ![]() "too bad ignorance isn't painful" |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
I'm with Susan on this, Ser. Don't give up. you know.......jojo |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Technically, you're far to spunky to give up. I have to agree with the gals, and as you already know the secret, then it is time to put that into play. Isn't it? yes. Pain is so danged addictive, sweetheart. You're just going to have to listen to us "pills" so we can get you back on the road to some good health. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Kari, I don't know if our stars are crossed or what, 'cause lately I find myself going "huh"? to a lot of your well intentioned comments. When you say "pain is addictive" to someone in pain, it sounds insulting, and I honestly mean no offense, I just don't understand your point. If pain is addictive, then let me run right out and buy another heating pad, which was part of my instructions to find alternative coping methods to pain, and now my behind is so burnt it looks like bubble wrap. Or it did. The blisters popped. (Have you ever had to bathe in your underwear just to take them OFF?) ![]() The fact that I could sleep through such a thing, makes me wonder too. I wasn't drunk and I wasn't on drugs. (No Refills)So...methinks there must be some nerve damage already, then, eh? I know there is in my left leg, 'cause when they take that little hammer, there ain't no kick left on that side. But anyhow... I think of addictions as pleasurable things, so maybe that is where my confusion lies. I dunno. I just know this ain't no "twinge"--and as if I am being mocked by the gods again, today, there was an ad for a job as columnist in the paper. An easy one too--just community activity reporting. I wouldn't even have to be entertaining. The last time the local paper looked for a columnist I wrote a column. It was funny. I read it at barbecues. Friends asked for copies. And I never applied for the job--I was afraid I might accidentally be hired. I swore I would never do such a stupid thing again. Now here it is--but tsk... to report on community activities, they kinda like you to GO to them. And oh, there's more to this story too, which is rather amusing, because this job calls for reporting in the city of Gretna, now famous world wide, for blocking access to Katrina victims seeking refuge. And um, wince, in my better days, I attended civic meetings there and I'm afraid I burnt a few bridges along the way. If I thought that I could hold up my end of the bargain I would be all over this opportunity. But what do you do when you don't know how many good hours you have in you a day? If any. I've spent a lot of time, and money, looking for a doctor, even before Katrina. The doctor I am mourning is not the one with the big mouth by the way. I lost my main doctor. The one who took twenty vials of my blood, because he was so perplexed by me it brought out the investigator in him. And now he's gone. Our next appointment, which would have been today, we were going to discuss auto immune diseases. I've been exposed to a lot of toxins in my time, and some of them didn't even get me high. ![]() So forgive my pity party. I promise next time they offer me the golden ticket to pain management, I'll go take the damned pills. They win. *shrug* People seem to like me better stoned anyway, and as for living life "right" and second chances? I was just kidding myself all along. I'm sorry I brought you guys along for the ride too. I'll try to whine more quietly in the future. and oh...bless those of you who phoned--and I know I am not alone--but I wish I were. I truly do. I know there are other people who are ill and hurting and tired and broke and disgusted and equally perplexed with what is going on inside of them--and if I could, I would take it all from all of you, and go live in a cave, like a leper. *shrug* I'm pretty much doing that now anyway. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Karen, sometimes life's greatest blessings follow its darkest seasons. Don't give up, keep fighting, keep searching for the doctor who will be able to help you. Does your original doctor have an associate who might be as dedicated to your well-being, who can continue along the paths that the original doctor started? If not, maybe some of your friends or neighbors can recommend someone that they particulary regard as competent and who will take your symptoms seriously. I'll pray along those lines for you, as well as for your complete healing, whether it be an instantaneous healing or an eventual one through the help of a talented and caring physician. (((HUGS))) |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Whoa. You do good work, Denise. 'Cause um, that's exactly what happened. This new doctor wasn't accepting new patients, but a friend is getting me in. ![]() and I will get my long awaited lab results too! Thanks for caring, and understanding. ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
That's great news, Karen! And I guess it would be the good doctors who are so busy that they don't want to take on new patients. I'm so glad that your friend was able to persuade him/her to see you. Let me know how it goes. And you'll continue to be in my prayers. |
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