The Alley |
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Motorists Outraged by I-78 Debacle |
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LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296![]() |
This happened not far from my home and has been all over the area's news since the storm... Here is my take on the situation.... In my opinion, this is another example of incompetence and a lack of funding. This problem starts at the top and works its way down. Which to me, speaks volumes of just how safe "WE ARE NOT". There is no reason, why clean up crews and emergency workers, were not out there at the onset of the first truck that jackknifed, clearing the way for other motorists. There is a Police Barracks situated not far from this part of the highway (Rt. 100 & Foglesville) This was an immediate take charge situation, not unlike the disaster in New Orleans (which it took days for rescue operations to respond) and yet, no one seams to know how to make decision and take control, let alone, get out there and get the job done. If they didn't know what to do, why wasn't the National Guard Unit brought in immediately to assist, instead of the next day, after people where in their cars for 22 hours overnight (including children) in weather as such. This was a 50 mile backup. Yet, the people in charge, pay themselves high salaries and keep cutting funding for situations just like this…i.e. highway maintenance, law enforcement and snow plows. You get equipment out there to move that first truck, get traffic rolling…that's all it would have taken, and yet, no one seemed to know what to do. This is a perfect example of what happens when you hire people to do a leaders job, and those people hire consultants to tell them how to do their jobs? And they all get paid very attractive salaries????? Sheesh? And then, we're supposed to believe, that we are safer since 911…adding, this was a small incident compared to what could happen? I don't know what it will take for people to demand change, and put honest people who know how to do their jobs in leadership positions. They can articulate all the excuses in the world, but did this happen on any other highway in the area? Nope? Corruption and greed trickles down from the top...please remember that, which breeds incompetence and the inability of people in leadership positions to make decisions. When we become a society that realizes, it's not about the rebublican vs democratic party or visa versa, and realize the necessity for good, lawabiding, honest, hard working leaders who own character, we will do better by ourselves. The alternative is more instances like this. Sorry if I sound frustrated...and I know accidents happen, but the response to situation was less then inappropriate. So, I'm going to say this once again...if and when another attack occurs, I fear, we are in oddles of trouble. |
© Copyright 2007 Lee J. - All Rights Reserved | |||
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
How did those that responded to the emergency get to work if the roads were all so bad? I would think that even some road clearing crews might be stuck somewhere? Is this a 50 mile stretch of highway with NO exit ramp? If the highway hadn't been cleared before, what kind of snow buildup was there on the 'side' of the road? Enough clearing for a 4-wheel truck? What about a snowplow? How much room did they have to manuever? Was there a 'sharing' of supplies between motorists? I heard some had no water but with that big of a backup, there must have been trucks with supplies on them. Just trying to get a clear picture since I am in Florida where we have 200 mile backups on the freeway during a hurricane evacuation. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
It is a two lane highway west and east, some areas 3 which means either 4 or 6 lanes both ways...and yes, there were exits also backed up...but the backup was for 50 miles...and yes, some people living near by heard about it on the news and emptied their cabnets with food and water and took it to them on sleds. People were at work, police, ambulance crews and the plow one here can understand how or why this happened, but worse, why they were left there all night, without anyone responding but locals. Truck drivers actually took strangers in their cabs to help keep them warm during the night. And yes, motorists shared what supplies they had.... these people were there all night, and temps were below zero with the wind chill. People were running out of diapers, baby food, etc. and so, people are really upset that this happened, with the police station nearby and yet they claim they didn't see anyone in the way of police officers or Penn Dot to help during the night, they were left to fend for themselves??? People out here are really upset that this happened. [This message has been edited by LeeJ (02-16-2007 05:32 PM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Sorry to hear it, LeeJ |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Minus the snow, that's pretty much what my drive looks like on a daily basis... ![]() |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
It's a real shame those people couldn't get more help, and yea, it doesn't reflect real well on the city. On the other hand, I think it's very nearly as shameful that everyone apparently thinks they are entitled to have someone else be responsible for the poor decisions they make. I know what the weather and roads were like here, in Michigan, and I'm sorry, but anyone not behind the wheel of an emergency vehicle had no business being on that highway in the middle of a February blizzard. Doing it with no thought to supplies like water and blankets was stupid. Doing it with kids in the car was downright criminal. Look out the window of your house or business. If you're not prepared to be stuck in what you see out there, either in a slide-off ditch or a traffic jam, don't bloody go outside. No matter how badly you think you need to be somewhere else, the need isn't worth the risk. And if you're going to be bereft of common sense and leave any way, at least take some of the responsibility for being an idiot. Ain't no one holding a gun to your head to force you out that door, into that car, or onto the freeway. You make that call all on your own. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
here is more information on the progress of the issue Mike...thanks Christopher...I hate traffic, but even more, people who ignore the speed limit, especially in bad weather. Ron: Thanks for your input and your absolutely right...most people do stay in, but unfortunately, there were people coming home from work, as I. This storm started at 2:30 in the afternoon. At 3:30 in the p.m. or there abouts was when the first tractor trailor jack knifed...which started the jam... At that time, the storm wasn't that bad. That area of road, takes an awful lot of traffic in and out of the city, plus it is an access to the PA TPK. These people were stuck there from 3:30 p.m. until sometime the next morning...late morning I think? We've had snows before, and a lot more snow, with a lot more accidents everywhere in the area...this was unusual, because our temps were down below wind chill factor so the roads were cold...what came down was very little, but it froze immediately. Then it started sleeting with freezing rain and some areas ended up with 4 - 6 inches of the icy stuff by the end of the next day. We were told by weather reports, that it wouldn't cause that much of a problem, except Allentown and above right up to the Poconos. So, I'm assuming it was a combination of driving to fast for conditions...and people simply thinking this was going to be another small snow storm, and it was. But, when that first truck jack knifed, no one came to remove it?????? This boggles my mind Ron...even though you are correct in your that point in time, it wasn't yet bad enough that people, including emergency workers were not able to attempt the roads???? Even more upsetting was the fact that something wasn't organized by the motels in the area, to put those people up for the night. There are plenty of motels in the immediate area that they could have been transported to...why, were they left alone to fend for themselves, is what everyone is asking? I don't believe the snow was bad enough to call a snow emergency, which would have made it illegal for traffic to be on the roads...that would have been Casey's job. I don't mind driving in's the other drivers I mind that think they can go 55 - 65 MPH in dangerous weather conditions. And I believe traffic violations should be issued but they've been cutting funding making it difficult to hire law enforcement, so you see very few officers on the road putting up speed traps, but that is another story. Although ever since Interstate I-78 was built, it is known as a speed strip for truck drivers. Some people actually fear driving on it. But not much is done about enforcing the speed limit in PA and I'm shocked insurance companies do not demand the speed limit be lowered to 55 MPH. I was really upset when they raised it to 65...cuz when its 65 people drive 70 - 75. But again, to me, it is incompetent people running this state. Do you hear me Gov? Just completed a letter to Ed Rendell...I'll probably be under surveillance for the rest of my life.... ![]() Thanks to all of you for your comments. More to come later, I'm going to go turn on the news. Happy weekend to everyone and thanks all for your concerns and looking at this realistically, which I have a very hard time doing sometimes, as you all know, cuz I get so personally offended when people suffer...and I know it screens the reality of intellegent problem solving. [This message has been edited by LeeJ (02-16-2007 06:56 PM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
LeeJ, even assuming that someone in the DOT did not do a good job, does that justify your comments and conclusions? In my opinion, this is another example of incompetence and a lack of funding. This problem starts at the top and works its way down - no one seams to know how to make decision and take control, let alone, get out there and get the job done - Yet, the people in charge, pay themselves high salaries and keep cutting funding for situations just like this…i.e. highway maintenance, law enforcement and snow plows - This is a perfect example of what happens when you hire people to do a leaders job, and those people hire consultants to tell them how to do their jobs? And they all get paid very attractive salaries????? - I don't know what it will take for people to demand change, and put honest people who know how to do their jobs in leadership positions. - Corruption and greed trickles down from the top...please remember that, which breeds incompetence and the inability of people in leadership positions to make decisions. Good grief!! Perhaps I'll write a poem. A bird lands on an electric wire with a bare spot and is electrocuted. A woman picks up the bird and starts yelling. She blames the electric company for the wire with the bare spot. She blames it on incompetence to check wires. She blames it on the management to not provide extra inspectors so that wires could be checked. She blames the president of the electric company for pocketing so much money there is none left over for inspectors. She blames it on the government accounts which provided so much money to the electric company which was misused in not providing enough inspectors. She blames the President of the United States for not passing a law demanding that the electric companies hire enough inspectors to check all wires in the city. When the next election come around, she carries a sign "VOTE NO! THIS PRESIDENT KILLS BIRDS!" In the meantime another dozen birds bite the dust from landing on electric wires...because that's the way it is. ![]() I admire your passion, LeeJ, but I think your conclusions and the lengths to which you take this incident are a tiny bit excessive. It seems a major rallying call these days is "Why didn't somebody (in the government) do something for me?" Setting up motel rooms for the stranded people? Great idea.....why didn't the motel owners get together and do it? They didn't need government approval or direction. Where is our own individual sense of responsibility and caring? When the speed limit is 65, people drive 70-75? Blame the state who set the 65 limit and not the drivers who go 75??? Sometimes, LeeJ, we DO actually have to fend for ourselves and take responsibility for our actions. btw, I drive 75, too, but I don't blame the government for it ![]() |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I live in the area of the storm, also since it covered a broad area...This storm was snow that became sleet and ice for a whole my opinion no job was worth risking a life to even go to work unless you were working in emergency, ex: road clean up crew, ambulance, fire dept or police. There is NO job worth risking your life and people were told to stay off the roads unless it was necessary SO THAT the road crews could clean up the roads. I have seen people pass between trucks that are plowing and not allowing them to get the snow pushed back. They worked very hard for over 2 days. IT WAS AN ICE STORM!!! And the temperatures have stayed low enough to keep refreezing no matter what the workers could do. I blame the drivers who should have not been going so fast.I see it every day down here. They even had on the tv where people drove with ice on top of frozen snow on their rooftops of trucks and when it came off it broke the windshields of the cars behind them. It had nothing to do with had to do with weather conditions and the stupidity of people. How many people were forced to go to work? I can't understand why people would want to risk their lives or money in damages instead of taking one day off from work. Just my opinion from what I have observed over the years. Besides they were telling people to stay off that highway and they kept on coming onto it. That jacknifed tractor trailer was announced early enough for people to pay attention. One more thing, I don't know what radio or tv station you listened to but I heard the warnings about not going on those highways almost after the first truck jacknifed..maybe others should have paid more attention to the weather reports...or listen to a better station. Here's another incident this reminded me of to blame on someone else: children and their families chose to sled down some iced snow areas behind a school. One child hit a tree, another hit a pole or something sticking up out of the ground. Both needing to go to a hospital. You should have heard the father complaining and probably will try to sue the school. And another child went sledding and miscalculated that he would end in a street and get hit by a car...that couldn't see him coming from behind a bush nor should he have had to be looking for a sled coming across a street.. That was an 8 yr old...where are the parents and where is the common sense today??? Just my opinion |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Well we here in Philadelphia got the storm too. And nothing was done to clear the roads since it was basically an ice storm with just a small, relatively speaking, amount of snow, under 4 inches. This city doesn't send out the snow plows until there is 4 inches or more. Thank God that PennDot takes care of the highways like I-95, which was still bad even though it was plowed. I agree that people should be able to stay home in storms like this and definitely not drive. I had to go to work. We were all expected to be there. The mayor rarely calls a snow day. It's already been a foot and a half and more and we had to get into work. It is definitely a mark against you if you stay home because of a snow storm. And I transferred to a new city department than the one I was in before so now I am still serving a six month probation which isn't up until April, which means that I am not allowed to miss any work at all, unless there is some sort of official emergency called, which rarely happens, and only once with the current mayor (other than 9/11/01). That's just the mentality of city management, starting with the mayor. But at least in an urban environment we have the choice of taking the Regional Rail System or the numerous bus routes, which all seemed to be running without too much delay, and which I used both systems over the rest of this week. Thank God that the schools were closed and my daughters didn't have to take their kids to school on Wednesday and Thursday. They go to a private school which was also closed on Thursday. I felt bad for the kids who had to go back on Thursday since it was just as icy then as on Wednesday. It's still not much better today either. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Nakdthoughts... You've bought up some very good points...but the storm didn't start around here until around 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon. There have been in my lifetime many snow storms and ice storms, but never do I remember something like this happening. Govenor Rendell has issued an investigation into the situation. Deer, perhaps I do become overly passionate...but in all truth, I believe what I've written to be true...they do and have over the years cut funding for public services...and there are not enough service workers, to handle situations. Denise, many thanks to you to for your input... Here Police no longer drive with a buddy, they cannot afford to hire more police. Penn Dot has also cut back extremely, to save money. Yet, the Allentown PA is a fastly growing community...Its huge now, with people relocating into the area...meaning more taxes to cover expenses. Sorry folks to ring the alarm...didn't mean to sound so ridiculous, foolish, but I still do believe what I've written. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
You drive 75, Mike, why would you blame the government for going so slowly??? ![]() Ron - is that your way of saying people should take responsibility for their own actions and use their heads for something more than a hair hook? ![]() |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Denise, I guess if you work for the government you have to go in...but even in this area further south, (and we are all boroughs and townships) and only 2 hours away from Philly, their offices were closed with only essential people going to work. I think we got more snow than you and more ice but the storm was predicted and I am not saying the crews shouldn't have been on top of it all ..down here they were sitting by the roads ( being paid overtime) waiting for the snow to come the day before..the newsmen called it was delayed and therefore hit in the early afternoon just before rush hour. I don't think you can blame a governor when in PA it is local government that runs most things..blame it on the cities first..there wasn't enough snow at the beginning to even shovel and ice is ice...people are still trying to chop the solid snow off of sidewalks and around cars..until the temperature changes there isn't much one can do but stay off the roads until the plowing is completed. What was wrong with going into work late or leaving early before it got bad...most places including the school I worked at closed early that first day before the snow became anything more serious due to the cold temperatures. Some didn't even open and there wasn't even a flake on the ground in the morning. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't... I still would have taken a sick day or a day's loss of pay than risk my life. And I still say why blame the state..blame that tractor trailer for the way he drove blocking the highway and all the other driverswho continued at the regular speeds rather than slowing down...and I wonder how many were on cell phones at the time or eating or doing all those things drivers do instead of paying attention today to the traffic and highway conditions. There was an apology by the governor, but an investigation will be a waste of time and money better spent on paying the overtime of road workers. Everything is still frozen around here and the snow will remelt and refreeze, so who do we blame then...what about the cars left on the streets in front of houses when people have drivewaysand the plows can't clear the streets properly. All I hear are complaints when I think the state and local workers did the best they could under the circumstances. And believe me I wasn't the happiest, as I have over 500 foot of sidewalk (that is a bus stop for kids) to shovel and after I did it the first time, the state came by and closed it back up with the slushy, salted, icy mess that is frozen solid 2 feet deep that somehow I am obligated to clear. I will just let them fine me if they choose to, since it is too solid to even try to get through with an ice chopper. When it is possible to clear, I will do it but until then no one should be trying to walk on it anyway. It certainly is good that those of us down here don't live in upper New York where they got over 8 feet of accumulated snow in the past week or so... we would probably have heart attacks just blaming everyone. M |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Again, Nakdthoughts, you have offered some very good points but I must argue to a degree that this was a most unusual circumstance. We get snow all the time here... As I stated before, the snow did not start until 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon. I am usually one of the first ones to leave. And I don't fear being killed, if one is in an accident, it is the inconvenience of it all...standing there waiting for the police and a tow truck, renting a car, paying to get your car fixed, and possibly being without a car for a week or two. And people do leave work early, but some do not...because there have been many times when they predicted a storm and it missed us completely, or we've just gotten flurries out of it. I-78 is an Interstate, so people are traveling that road from state to state, and probably do not pick up the local news and weather channels all the time. Puttinng all of that aside...putting all drivers aside that drive fast...or talk on cell phones or eat while they're driving...and realize that accidents do happen all over the place during bad weather.... my problem with this is why...were these people sitting there all night long with no aid and no public service workers coming out to that streatch of the highway to get traffic going again...around here, that is simply unheard of? Working construction as I did, I have contacts that work with Penn Dot. They all say the same thing...funding over the years for those services has been chipped away again and again, apparently, not many people are aware of that...and now a days they do not have enough workers to keep up with the weather if we get hit hard. Police no longer have the money to hire more police so that each police officer does not have to drive alone, especially at night, which makes for a very dangerous career. That in itself is so totally beyond my comprehension. What political leader do you know, has stood up for the people and said, "I don't think we should give ourselves raises this year, I think we should give public services back to the people" As is, why those people sat there for 22 hours without seeing services workers offering assistance is literally unheard of. Why were the ramps not closed down? Why did state officials continue to allow people on that interstate instead of closing it down becausse they knew about it, as people were making calls to them from their stranded cars. This was a 50 mile back up? When there is an accident, you expect to sit in traffic, and when it involves a tractor trailer, you will sit much longer, but, when there is an accident, public state officials respond and clear the accident so that people are able to pass and salt trucks are able to get thru... That did not happen here, boot, as I said, there is a police barracks down the road, pleanty of motels in the area, and yes, even a Penn Dot yard? This is what has people completely boggled. I agree, people shouldn't be out there driving...but unless a snow state of emergency is issued...people will drive. And Mike, I still stand by my comment...and I believe most people know, when cut backs must be enforced, it is always the public services that must bear the brunt of those cut backs. From townships to boroughs, all public services are hit...including child services...police, heavy and highway, Penn Dot...etc. My point is, this is a small happenstance compared to a terrorist attack, and if this is the way we handle things...we are no safer then before, as they would like us to believe. Everyone around here is absolutely up in air about this and scratching their heads asking themselves, why were those people made to sit there all night, and into the next day, regardless of the accident or how or why it happened. We have never seen this happen before, and hopefully will never see it again... Oh, and those people who were stuck have reported not seeing any public workers come to them during the night...that is another thing no one understands. You move the disabled bring in salt trucks, and you put down salt as each vehicle starts to move...and you address each and every individual accident as such. Hope I've made it a bit clearer. And in my opinion, this situation needs to be looked find out why? And Mike, I'm shocked, literally shocked...YOU drive 75 MPH? Thanks for your comments. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: Yep. And then they'll complain when there are consequences to their choices. They'll complain because public works or motel owners aren't out there doing what THEY should have considered doing before getting behind the wheel. They'll complain because other citizens, the ones who sat home in front of a warm fire, don't want to contribute 80 percent of their income to taxes to make sure there's always someone close to hold their hand for them. They'll complain and complain and complain instead of just accepting responsibility for their own mistakes. It's the American way. ![]() p.s. Mike, I used to drive 75 MPH, too. Then I finally figured out how to get the Miata out of third gear ... |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
![]() Ron, it is not 80% of their paycheck, never was....? |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
No, Lee, it's not. But it will be if everyone gets the high level of service they want. When you ask the government for something someone has to pay the bill. My point was that the people who don't go out in bad storms, who sit at home in front of a fire, as I said, don't want to pay for the people who do go out in storms. I'm happy to pay taxes to protect me and mine (and you and yours) from criminals, terrorists, and even unpredictable bad luck. I'm not willing to pay to protect people from themselves. I'm certainly not suggesting we let people die from stupidity. A little discomfort and inconvenience, however, will often go a long way towards correcting future stupidity. I suspect every person on that freeway will really think twice before putting themselves at risk again. And that is exactly as it should be. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
I know that it's your compassion talking, LeeJ, and I admire you for it. ![]() Ron and Chris, afraid I didn't make myself clear. I was referring to the speed in my driveway! ![]() |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Hey Ron, Good Morning.... I most certainly can understand your point of view...and reasoning behind it... Point I'm trying to drive home is all the "cut backs" made to these snow plowing and very much needed police officers. Cut backs have been going on for years…putting a strain on the existing workers who are now forced to pick up double the work in rapidly growing areas. For example...police officers are needed so badly in Philadelphia, one of the candidates running for Mayor claims, hiring 1,000 new police officers, is first and foremost on his agenda. What I'm saying is...cut backs on service workers puts a strain on everything.... and the result is inability to serve the people as well as before in an ever growing populace like this area, including Philadelphia. Mike, thanks so much for your comment, and yes, I am compassionate when it comes to people...and yes, they were really irresponsible for trying to run the storm...and got stuck…I wasn't asking for Washington to come in and help though? I and a whole lot of other people here, just cannot understand, why, as soon as that first accident occurred, there was no one, until the next day on the scene of the accident, clearing that truck? That, here in our area is unheard of ? Those people remained stuck because there was no one out on the scene of an accident clearing it? Resulting in another anomaly of, a 50 mile back up for over 22 hours. Personally, I don't believe, Gov Rendell would be looking into the incident, unless something were a miss here, and will he look into it? He stood up and apologized for it happening, and said when something like this happens, it is his fault, and he wants to get to the bottom of what happened? Please read the following And I agree Ron, perhaps it will deter people from driving in bad weather, but only those who were stuck…I believe once you experience something like that, you think twice before attempting to drive in bad weather again, I certainly would!!! Mike As far as motel owners...the mom and pop motels and small businesses including motels are long gone. They are now chains which are run by young managers, who like you say, cannot see further then their own noses I suppose.... I'm guessing, managers of these motels, hotels & restaurants fear loosing their jobs, if they'd make a decision to open their doors to all those people. The mom and pop owners of motels & restaurants are long gone…if it weren't so, I believe we would have seen more previsions made for those people. Bottom line today, is money, money, money. I'm calmed down about it, but I still feel strongly that this was a result of fewer people to run snow ploughts due to cut backs, miscommunications and lack of ability to take charge of a situation. If you look at the pictures, there was only one truck jack knifed…the lead truck which again…no one came to remove the truck, at least to the side of the road, so other cars could get by. It is the same situation as when mountain climbers, they climb at their own risks, yet, when they do get stuck, teams of helicopters and rescue teams swarm the area….which to, is on the taxpayers money. Which is to me, climbing a mountain is pretty dumb but what do you do, let them there to die? What is the answer? I'm sorry but I just don't think you guys are catching the totality of what I'm trying to reinterate...and it's probably my fault for not explaining properly? Thanks guys, for your views...if and when a result to this is reached, I'll be sure to pass it onto you. |
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
Geez... what's the big issue? Governor Rendell apologized that it happened. That makes everything better now, doesn't it? ![]() I live about an hour north of Philly, and got stuck by the storm several ways, personally and professionally... and the roads in most of the local burrows are STILL not properly cleared. This fiasco is taking place at all levels, and no one seems to be willing to stand up and say that they are at fault, or that there were actual mistakes made. The town I live in, in fact, says that they don't have the equipment to plow the streets because they are broken... and they can't get fixed why? And you can't contract it out... why? Our taxes just got raised several mills to fund a school that went over budget within the first 4 months of building, but they can't find the money to keep the safety equipment working? You may burn my flag... only after you wrap yourself in it first. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
So, Ringo, are you suggesting that we should spend our money on providential protection for adults who don't have the sense to stay out of the weather instead of using it to educate our children? I'd hate to see the debacles we'd be faced with in a couple of generations when we find ourselves with a lot more healthy seniors than intelligent adults... ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Most of the streets in Philadelphia are not yet clear and won't be until Mother Nature takes its course. With the high taxes we all pay in Pennsylvania (still waiting for those property tax reductions, Ed)there should be some to spare for clearing the roads of ice and snow. We all don't have the luxury to stay home. Life goes on. We have to get to work and school and to the store. The danger lasts far longer than the initial storm, way too long. The children are at risk too, not just adults who need "providential protection". We can't sit in the house till March waiting for a thaw. Money for education is essential. So is money for public safety. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Ringo, Fast Eddy is on the prow, next in office will be street's brother? Denise, I know of your dilema, and remember the reports that they were no longer going to plow side streets in Philly. I'd like to know where all the money has gone, over the years, since these cut backs started? Years ago, they simply chisled away at the piggy banks... thanks so much for your comments |
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