The Alley |
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LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296![]() |
This is is doing a segment on this gang tonight...first I heard of them was about a month ago, when my girlfriend told me they were just a few miles from her town in N.J. I believe it is important to gain as much knowledge about this gang as aware and take care as to locking everything, car, home, etc.[/URL] [URL= Template=/GlobalTemplates/Details.cfm&StoryID=13212&Section=Valley][/U RL][/URL] [This message has been edited by LeeJ (05-22-2006 11:54 AM).] |
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latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
Lee very interesting. They are not the only group here raising problems. I have read of a very sophisticated Russian group in N.Y and other places. They have schemes they run by faking accidents and then have fake lawyers send victims to Clinics set up to fleece insurance companies. Trouble is you read about it once and then nothing. There are also a lot of Chinese immigrants and I am sure some of them are into these crimes against people. There are so many illegal immigrants that if this country is foolish enough to grant amnesty we will be in deep deep trouble. Because all of them will start asking for the same forgiveness, and wanting to be given amnesty. We have got to buckle down and solve this problem. There are many Orientals who come here and open fingernail shops and others come in and look for Chinese restaurants to go to for work. It is happening everywhere. They know where to go and how to find work in every state. For many years the dress shops have done this. All sweat shops. They also move around and set up shops in various places and soon they are gone. I saw this happen here on the beach. A nice boutique shop where you could go in and have anything made for you by the women who worked in the back room. I never went in. But one day they were gone. Moved elsewhere I am sure. I heard of a ship from China docking and Chinese were smuggled in. They look for the places to work. I also heard that Chinese are working in the Indian Casinos. They live many to a house and save money to buy a house and take in more people. We are a so eager to be kind and helpful we do not know when we are being duped. So yes of course we let ourselves open to the terrorist and criminals. I am sure there are criminal type from many countries working their trade here to gullible people. This should be sent to radio and TV stations for their guys to look into. Don't get me wrong. I am the granddaughter of a German immigrant. I believe in the value of the hard working ethics they bring. But he came legally and came in through Ellis Island. We do need to find a way to give working papers and check out who is living here. We want honest hard working people who are trying to get ahead. But not just any one can come in and ask for amnesty after a few years. We need to know who is here and where they are working. We do not need drug runners, thieves and schemers. They are unfortunately among those who pass the borders in one way or another. It is not about Mexicans. It is about illegal entry. sincerely , martyjo |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
They are all over the place here, Lee. As if we didn't have enough troubles--people here have been warned regarding cheap labor--and an officer told me and some of my neighbors that they are skilled laborers, willing to work cheap by day, because they are casing the contents of homes--or in some cases, sifting through the storm rubble for valuables. He showed a picture of one guy tattooed with "MS Thirteen" and told us to look for that marking along with others, specifically on the back of the neck and chest. "How very cunning of them," I said. But I am too often too quick with the sarcasm. He said the ones with the more obvious and noticeable tats have generally been in prison already--that gang members make gang membership all the more obvious when they need to "advertise" that they belong to an organized group for their own protection. But thanks for the tv listing. I'll watch that as I also watch the streets. ![]() Our neighborhood is cleaning up nicely in this area though. We were fortunate in that a couple of houses sold to some good people--and even my former friends are now aware that this family, along with our neighbors are more than willing to file police reports and name names and give specifics. It hasn't made us very popular, and I don't know if we are safer or more in jeopardy, but we finally made a stand here to take back our street. ![]() So yep, I'll be watching. Everything. ![]() (Reports of their arrest have been in the more devestated areas thus far--St. Bernard, and the Lower 9th Ward.) Ron? I wasn't kidding that my kids couldn't walk to school safely. sigh They are living an Americana that I never conceived of in my dreams. ![]() |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Many thanks to both you gals for your have offered information which unfortunately is a reality. I don't believe a lot of Northerners, are yet aware of. My girlfriend lives in NJ, not far from Flemington, where the MS13 gang is presently known to be…she said there are approximately 20 – 30 of them and it was reported that 3 or 4 of them were deported because they were hard core criminals wanted by their own government. She was very concerned. Marty Jo...I know of the Russian gangs you speak of. My aunt lived in CA...she used to call and tell me of all these different gangs which were taking over some towns....and years ago, (before the Bush Administration) she was livid with our government and our lackadaisical immigration laws....she told me you didn't dare go out after dark. She commented more then once, that our country would never be the same and warned me that these gangs would move northward, that it was just a matter of time. She emphasized that we had no idea what was going on. Three major hospitals were forced to close down, due to so many immigrants receiving free care, no insurance, bringing in diseases, requiring long term hospital care. The press didn't cover it, and our government didn't want us to know about it. For years the Southerners have been trying to get the attention of the Press, our Government (even before the Bush Administration) and the residents of the U.S. to let them know how bad things really were. I have a friend who is Russian; she told me of these Russian gangs’ years ago, honestly, I ignored her warnings, thinking she was perhaps over reacting, along with my aunt. I really did believe at the time, they were both over reacting and this wasn’t as bad as they were proclaiming it to be. A few years ago, we were having trouble with a neighbor...people were ringing our doorbell looking for him. He was from Columbia...the people ringing our door bell were scary, bandanas, tattoos all over the place, not just one or two, etc. Then a friend from Arizona phoned and I happened to mention this to him. He warned me to be very wake up and keep an eye on what was going on...low and behold, he was right, they were running drugs! Later I found out, he was a large ring leader and drug runner of a gang and people were really afraid of him. Even then, it took a while for it to sink in...I was in denial...Right down the street from where I live, there was a young man attacked by another man with a machete...???? Can you imagine??? I don’t know if he lived? This is the neighborhood I grew up in…quiet, kind hearted people, who looked out for each other, and their neighbors children, who were pillars in the community? So, Karen, I can more then understand your fears for your son, which are quit real, and more then warranted. I live the same with my 89 year old mother. Karen, MartyJo, yanno what I dislike the most about this, the loss of naivety, the loss of feeling safe, the constant fear of looking over your shoulder, the worry for you loved ones, wondering if they are safe, wondering what will happen next? I never thought in my wildest dreams, that my safety would be compromised, that my country would be overrun with gangs…not to mention disease, lack of medical care…people stealing gas out of my car, people getting stabbed on my street…kids walking through our property…driving down our street like it was a major highway…no respect for the law, or consideration for others…having to listen to Cuban/Mexican music so loud sometimes it shakes the windows on our house…and I’m not exaggerating… From my description, you might think I live in a poverty ridden neighborhood. Think again? It isn’t the Ritz…what it is, is middle class America. It was stated in an article, that the MS13 gang members are so ruthless; they have been labeled cop killers???? No respect, no fear for the consequences of their actions. They are a culture of a civil war which took place in El Salvador. So yes indeed Karen, I understand your concerns Many people are not aware of the problems which will more then likely hit our communities due to so many people flocking into this country, under the radar...much as we don’t like to face the fact that we were wrong…we are…maybe for caring to much and not enough for ourselves, for our own safety, communities, families…we didn’t think or believe this would happen…we only wanted to help others have a better life? Last nights coverage [This message has been edited by LeeJ (05-23-2006 10:29 AM).] |
hush Senior Member
since 2001-05-27
Posts 1653Ohio, USA |
"There are many Orientals who come here and open fingernail shops and others come in and look for Chinese restaurants to go to for work." For real! I really don't want those people doing my nails and cooking my food... you can't trust 'em! |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
I believe all nationalities of (humanity) are alike, some people good, some people, not so me ![]() seriously, the point being is we've got to somehow send a message that crime will not be those who chose not to respect others or the law...and I'm not knowing how to do that, other then get tougher, make stricter laws...perhaps start delving out very severe consequences for lawless actions? but I was listening to a gal who just moved out of Reading PA, over the weekend...she said it's horrible there and they're so glad to get out...guns going off all over the place, trash laying around...I have also heard crime in Allentown, PA is becoming so bad, the police departments are offering incentives to get police officers to hire on???? Something is wrong with our system...Philadelphia is up to how many murders by now? Back in early March it was 83 for the year already...???? Anyone have any ideas? [This message has been edited by LeeJ (06-07-2006 10:15 AM).] |
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