The Alley |
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another year in the alley |
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Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia ![]() |
As 2005 comes to a close we can all look back and breathe a big sigh of relief that we've made it through a very difficult and controversy-filled year. Here's a question though -- put more to the people who don't post much here -- but come here to lurk and read and learn -- and it's not meant as a troll for awards for specific participants either -- but more of a guide for future reference and maybe a bit of validation for those who do invest their time cavilling and debating. It is a multipart question; what threads in the alley aided you in obtaining information and forming opinions on tough issues this year? what types of posts aided you either emotionally or intellectually the most? which types were least useful? what burns you up about the alley? Many happy returns for the year ahead to all... ![]() |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Well, Reb, I don't know that the Alley does any of those things. It was basically designed for people to let off steam about events bugging them and it certainly does that. As far as influencing thought, I can;t think of an instance where minds were changed by opposing viewpoints. I have seen times where, when facts or arguments were presented that negated another person's stand, that person simply did not return to post on the thread. Bottom line is that pro-Bushers are still pro-Bush and anti-Bushers are still anti-Bush, along with pro and anti environmentalists, FEMA supporters, Iraq defenders, etc, etc, etc. One very good point of the Alley, from my viewpoint, is that it is necessary to research and back up with facts to present a plausible case for whatever cause happens to be discussed. That has helped me become a lot more informed on various subjects. I think the Alley done good....and Alicat an excellent job in moderating it. ![]() |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
The alley has probably taken turns never really anticiapted by anyone in the beginning. One might even say it evolved ![]() I'm pretty sure some of the people who post here have their minds made up before they ever even start doing research on a subject -- even so --if being compelled to do research engenders learning then that's a good thing. I wonder though -- about the people who read and don't post. Is it because they don't have their minds made up? Or because they don't feel they can compete? Does the research and vetting and venting do anything for anybody besides blowing off some steam -- I'd venture to say that in some instances it raises blood pressure. I don't know that people go off in a huff if someone posts something that counters their position... maybe so -- but I think it would be presumptuous to say that if someone doesn't return to a thread it's because they've been 'bested'. I'm sure there are times people just don't have the time, don't feel that it would make any difference, or just don't want to hurt someone's feelings too. At any rate -- should old acquantance be forgot and never brought to mind.. cheers! ![]() |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
How strange, for I never even considered this as a debating arena, and never felt I had to defend/justify anything or any position. It's an alleyway, isn't it? I mean, wasn't it or isn't it simply a forum where you can blow off some steam, as opposed to entering into some classical debating arena? Sometimes, I post a comment then don't return for some of the very reasons you've mentioned, Reb. It has never (or rarely) been because I felt someone had bested' me. LOL, I still intend to come in here next year as time permits and the need arises, and rant if I feel like it. Unless of course, Ron should decide this is a 'supporting facts required' debate arena, in which case, I shall perhaps bow out...but not because I can't find the facts. It appears that everyone has a different set of 'facts' they trust anyway. So it often appears that no one cares to listen to anyone but themselves, and it collapses into a self-stroking forum. But have a Happy New Year, anyway! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
All of the threads I've participated in here have made me think much more than I would have without the stimulation of the debating. I regret none of them and respect all who have aired their views and fought for them...happy new year, reb ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
All of the threads I've participated in here have made me think much more than I would have without the stimulation of the debating. ~*~ That's the answer I was I'm glad 'Deer did it for me. I don't care for the term "lurker" but if that is the given term for reading and thinking, watching and learning, etc., then I guess it applies to me. I don't respond much to the threads in the alley...but I HAVE learned a lot from it. That may have not been the initial reason it was formed, but it HAS evolved...and I think people come here with controversial issues just to see where their friends stand, and sometimes, I think, to see if any argument can sway the initiating poster into other ways of thinking. What I don't like about the alley is when anyone comes in to decidedly "bait" others with a matter that is far TOO controversial, and is suited more for the philosophical arena. ![]() Happy New Year, Reb, 'Deer, and Kacy! |
latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
I agree with Sunshine. I come to read and possibly to learn. But most of you are debaters and are so well versed in your subject that for me to even think of posting would be laughable. But I try to learn something each day and this and a few others sites are a good start. sincerely, martyjo |
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