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Terri's Husband |
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Jaime Fradera Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843Where no tyranny is tolerable |
Okay I hope I'm doing this right. I can't remember how to speell that ... Well, if the incident is true, about how her husband tried to euthanize her by shooting her up with insulin, and how one of the nurses found a syringe in the trash can, they ought to get him for attempted murder. if Mikal Chao really wanted to dispatch his wife humanely, there would have been quicker and easier ways to do it. If any good comes out of this, it may be that at least "husband" won't be mistreating her anymore. SC |
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skyshine![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2002-02-07
Posts 3058Beneath the northern stars |
I didn't know he tried to do that. And the judge is still ruling in his favor?? ~sky They way you live your life is up to you, but dying is NOT an option!! |
ESP Member Elite
since 2000-01-25
Posts 2556Floating gently on a cloud.... |
Maybe Terri's husband has influential contacts or alot of money of which some is going towards bribery of somebody? Or blackmail? It may be more than the case that is deciding/has decided its outcome. Who knows? "Time has told me not to ask for more, one day our ocean will find its shore" ~Nick Drake |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard he moved on a while ago, another woman and family????? What I can't figure out is this.... While watching the pet channel, a woman and her son, deliberately starved a dog to was the most God awful thing I have ever seen. The dog was still alive, but, barely, and it looked as if it had been dead and was decomposing, that's how bad it the time, the Animal cops confiscated the animal, well, the dog never made it through the night...the woman and her son were severely charged....people in the courtroom were crying at the sight of the pictures which were taken???? What I cannot understand is how is doing what they are doing to Terry any different? Volunteer work with the mentally handicapped and severely handicapped children. Two of them were not much better off then Terry????? I could understand if she were only exsisting by machines, and if they unpluged the machines, she'd die instantly, but starving a human being to death, to me, is an insult to's moral degradation....seems human beings have more empathy for animals, then they do mankind to me, this is murder, regardless...I cannot imagine what her parents are going through??? Not to makes me very sad that our entire country is sitting back and watching this...and not doing anything about it...and the courts allowing this, on the word of Terry's husband, that when she was in her 20's she mentioned that she wouldn't want to live in a vegatative state....? I don't deem Terry in a vegatative state...this is not about unplugging a machine and she dies instantly, this is about, starving and dehydrating a human being to death....slowly, painfully, until her vital organs, slowly start shutting down, which takes 2 weeks or more?????? This whole thing makes me feel so disappointed, so immoral, so...unAmerican?????? It makes me feel awful inside, not to mention, the can of worms this is going to open. Tell me, how in the world, then, was Kavorcian wrong, to me his technique was much more humain...????? |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I don't know what is right or wrong...but my sister died of starvation more than the cancer...she couldn't eat for weeks before her death ( and there was to be no stomach feeding tube for whatever reason) and only after she had to become medicated for her pain did she also no longer drink and all we could do was wet her tongue and lips to keep them even though she had cancer and it was incurable what is the difference...she was alert and knew what was happening until her brain could no longer control speaking etc...and she had to be kept in bed at the last 2 days because her body wanted to do what was so routine in her life.So she would get up with the chance of falling and hurting herself...but not knowing she was doing it. Terri couldn't do anything for sister could "function" up until that last week even though she hadn't eaten in months anything more than a sip of liquid or an ice cube to suck on until that last week....then died I believe the husband should have given over his wife's care to her parents, but I also believe artificially keeping someone alive and prolonging their death is painful too. I probably don't make much sense...but having slept next to my sister those last two weeks and watching what happened to her...I would have wished she could have slipped away sooner...for her sake, not ours. M |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
It helps quite a lot when you are friends with the Sheriff, I guess, Jaime. And a 400 page abuse and neglect complaint which initiated an investigation in 2002 was stopped in its tracks by some one high up in the agency. It seems the judges, lawyers and officials are just a bunch of 'good old boys' scratching each others backs to further their sick agendas. There are so many outrageous goings-on about this case, that you would swear it was a nightmare...but it's all too real. Terri can swallow, she swallows her own saliva, and before her husband forbade it, she was eating by mouth, pudding, jello, popsicles...the feeding tube was only put in to expedite her nutrition since she ate slowly. And shortly after it was put in he forbade any more oral feeding, probably at the behest of Dr. Death, AKA George Felos. Do a google search on this guy. Whacko takes on a whole new meaning. Yes, care should have been turned over to her parents a long time ago, Maureen. The big difference between someone with cancer or some other terminal illness and the question of prolonging someone's misery and prolonging the inevitable is that Terri is not terminally ill. THE ONLY THING KILLING HER IS THE JUDGE'S ORDER TO REMOVE THE FEEDING TUBE AND HE ALSO ORDERED THAT SHE MAY NOT BE FED OR HYDRATED BY MOUTH, TO THE POINT THAT IT HAS BEEN FORBIDDEN TO EVEN PUT A WET SPONGE TO HER LIPS (I'm not shouting at you Maureen, I just think this fact is virtually unknown and I feel like shouting it from the rooftops). The judge may be able to wiggle his way around the feeding tube order since Florida law now considers feeding tubes medical treatment (if she were PVS, which 33+ doctors say she isn't and the husband and Greer forbade any testing to validate the the bewilderment of all of those doctors), but he went beyond the beyond in forbidding oral nutrition. The entire thing is outrageous in that she isn't terminally ill, and she never had anything in writing. The judge accepted supposedly seventeen year old hearsay from her husband, and wouldn't even admit into evidence sworn affidavits from others contradicting his assertions. Setting a precedent like this would sure solve the Social Security 'problem', wouldn't it? I'm off to get a link about that. Be right back. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Denise, I think the problem with Terri's husband began a long time ago and I fault the state and the medical teams and the lawyers and the justice system for not taking it out of his hands from the beginning if indeed she had fractures etc and from the medical records showing possible abuse. I read some of the links Marge also provided... The blame on all of this lays in the beginnings of her "illness" or whatever they wish to call her state of health and her husband should have been relieved of being her guardian ages ago. To not at least put a sponge to her lips is hard to understand..what harm or prolonging could that do...are you sure she is in a hospice? They are to provide her with the most comforting of days before her death. (I know that sounds harsh in a way..but that is what hospice does..makes one as comfortable as I don't understand that.) I chose along with my brother-in-law and mother and sister(when she was able to think rationally)to keep her at her home..and only have hospice come when needed and to check on her comfort and provide the necessary medications for pain and agitation. I have a sister-in-law who is paraplegic and my brother has her home and cares for her with the aid of some caretakers who help bathe her daily and make sure she is ok. I think if most people could do that, then they would find that the care is unequal to that of being in a hospital or nursing home situation where others decide what is to be done and sometimes neglect is what happens due to time restraints and lack of personnel. I can't be on anymore tonight..we are having storms and losing electricity every so often...I feel for Terri and her family but believe the media circus has done her a disservice. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
My father was in hospice too, Maureen. They were wonderful with him. Terri's case is unique at the hospice. She is the only one who has been placed under a court order denying her the comfort of a wet sponge which is outrageous enough in and of itself. But to be denied to be fed orally and hydrated orally when you can swallow, even minimally, and this also under court order, well, I can't even fathom the depths of the moral depravity of the mind that conjured that up. Nor can I fathom the depths of the moral depravity of the people who have the power to save her but seem content to tell us that their hands are tied and there is nothing more they can do. The parents have been trying since 1993 to gain custody of Terri when Michael Schiavo, after receiving upwards of 1 million dollars for her care and rehab refused to give her any rehab, issued a DNR on her, and refused any antibiotics for any infections that she might get. As from then until now, Judge Shames, and now Judge Greer have thrown out every petition that the family has ever presented. The parent's didn't even find out about the evidence of abuse bone scan and E.R. discharge report noting possible strangulation, until 2002 when it was acquired by their attorney during Discovery, since Michael has never unsealed any of the medical records on Terri. They have been trying unsuccessfully since 2002 to get an investigation into the matter. I'm sure the hospital notified law enforcement of the findings as I'm sure they would have been required to by law, but as I said earlier, Michael Schiavo and the Sheriff were good friends, and still are. Ditto for the Sheriff and Judge Shames and Judge Greer. [This message has been edited by Denise (03-28-2005 10:41 PM).] |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
The big difference between someone with cancer or some other terminal illness and the question of prolonging someone's misery and prolonging the inevitable is that Terri is not terminally ill. Denise your absolutely right...what really makes me sick to my stomach is the fact that they are starving her to death...????? And I cannot understand, why her parents are not given custody of her.... From what I've read, and all of your comments...let just say that Terry would come out of this...maybe, her husband might have some explaining to do??? I cannot believe this is happening...and, what will it be the start of....and I'm wondering, even more so, what has already begun, that we've not heard about, which didn't get media coverage? |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Starving and dehydrating, yep, a death so humane and painless that she is now getting morphine. A doctor was asked last night, "Why the morphine, you've all (the pro-death guys) been telling us this is a humane and painless way to go. The doctor said, "well, most of the pain is most likely from her being in bed on her back for 15 years." But she needed absolutely no pain medication at all until her 10th day into dehydrating...yeah, it makes sense to me that it must be from being in bed for 15 years. They really think we're stupid, don't they? |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
All I have to say is the husband of teri is quite a catch... I mean common. I want to starve my current wife to death. Even if her family will take care of her and he can get a divorce (Which I am sure the family doesn't mind) What can you say. The time to end her life was at the hospatle and she need a machine to live and they didn't know if she would be able to be off the machine. What a catch. His current mistress must be the most dispret woman alive. Juju Juju - 1.) a magic charm or fetish 2.)Magic 3.)A taboo connected woth the use of magic |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
JuJu...all I can say is...just how needy are some people, to have a mate, or someone in their life....???? and then again, taking it a little deeper....if I were her, I'd be very very cautious. I don't mean to judge, or be mean, cuz we don't know each sides whole story, and to me the media reports what sells, even if distorting the story comes to play... Her hubby, is someone who raised the hairs on my arms.... |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
I know and that is why I said that. She is so blind to see something isn't right. this last week THey fought against terries right for a priest to come in for communion. It is really sad. Their is some things that aren't right. I hope that they will at least give her right of last rights. I almost wonder if... I hate to be so harsh lee and to tell you the truth I partially agree with you. But I can't trust any side. I do know one thing. A feeding tube according to the cathlic church is not extra meeens of survival, so as a cathlic I shake my head in disgust at the things I hear. I am sure terri didn't want to starve to death. Juju Juju - 1.) a magic charm or fetish 2.)Magic 3.)A taboo connected woth the use of magic |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Now that she is gone I am sure the husband will collect on the freakin' life insurance... I just don't understand why he didn't divorce her, and give all rights to her parents...what would it have hurt? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. "too bad ignorance isn't painful" |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
You gave the reasons right there why he never divorced her. If he had, he would have lost all claims to any and all monies awarded, or to be awarded. |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Exactly. "too bad ignorance isn't painful" |
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