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what about concealed carry permits |
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Soulfisher Member
since 2005-01-07
Posts 226where ever the fly fishing is good |
For the moment Iam living in New Mexico. The legal age here to carry a concealed weapon legaly is 25. I am 23 and have to question this. The state of new mexico will not even honor the permits of another state. Which is another thing why cant the states get together on this and get a permit that is good in all 50 states. It drives me nuts to think Iam old enough to go to war and carry a gun there. but I can not legally carry a gun on me in this state. Unless for some reason I get stupid and pin that little star on my chest again. Then and only then can I legally carry a firearm concealed at my age (as an off duty cop). Any body else get annoyed over laws that dont make sense or very depending on the state your in. |
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LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
I can most certainly understand your logic and feelings on this subject...but, getting all the states together on one subject would never work, as each state's inhabitants feel differently about guns/gun control and permits to carry. A rule is a rule, and even though they may not always seem fair, they are there for a reason...some do cry out for reform...others are reformed and little by little that reform slowly chips away at our rights, sometimes its a no win situation...but, I do most certainly & absolutely feel your frustration... I suggest you might research this question of yours...adding a small tid bit of humor, perhaps this research might keep you busy until you come of age to carry leagally...not to mention, serve yourself with some insight? Yes? Hugs to ya Lee J. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
While I don't have an answer for your question, yours is not the only state to enforce "dumb laws". Have a chuckle... |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
Why, not being a cop, would you want to conceal the fact that you’re carrying a weapon? “It drives me nuts to think Iam old enough to go to war and carry a gun there. but I can not legally carry a gun on me in this state.” “It drives me nuts . . .” Why should you be allowed to carry at all? |
hush Senior Member
since 2001-05-27
Posts 1653Ohio, USA |
Um, the idea of someone being registered to carry a gun in New Mexico and then moving to Ohio without having to re-register that gun again makes me really nervous. JMHO. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
If you don't like the laws, work to get them changed. You may be too young to carry a weapon, but you're not too young to vote and you're not too young to run for office. |
jbouder Member Elite
since 1999-09-18
Posts 2534Whole Sort Of Genl Mish Mash |
Amy: I've been to Ohio - don't half the pickups have gun racks hanging in the back window anyway? ![]() Seriously, when I was in my early twenties, I would regularly test out what the "H.O." in crome letters on the side of my car meant. I think most guys can say pretty much the same thing. I haven't seen any research on this, but I'd suspect that young men are also more likely to use a handgun they are carrying. This being my suspicion, I don't see how the NM law is necessarily contrary to the public interest. Jim |
hush Senior Member
since 2001-05-27
Posts 1653Ohio, USA |
Jim- precisely my point. (Don't forget about the beagle hanging his head out the window. ![]() Toledo recently passed a concealed handgun act- I have mixed feelings on someone having a concealed handgun anyway. It makes me insecure to know that the guy in front of me at the grocery store might be packing, and I don't know it- but that's just my personal nervousness about guns in general. On the flip side, I can see the point that criminals will be concealing their handguns anyway, and why not allow the average citizen a means for self defense if needed. If most people actually use them for self-defense, that is. but regardless, I don't see any reason to make it legal to cross state lines with one- if you own a gun (legally) then you should absolutely have to pass background checks in each state to be allowed to carry it. |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
I personally see no wrong in concealed weapons, so long as the owner and carrier have had complete background checks (the kinds you need to work in nuclear energy stations...yes, that thorough) and have current permits as well as certificates of handgun safety education. Many places prohibit firearms on their property with stiff fines, including revocation and jail time, for the offenders. Here in 'rural' Arizona, open carry is allowed with permit, but the firearm must be loaded, and checks are made to ensure that it is indeed loaded. Otherwise, you just broke the law and can have your firearm confiscated, along with possible fines and jail time. There's a good reason for that as well, odd as it may sound: police safety. Too many silly people wave a gun at a cop, and the cop responds, not knowing the assailant's weapon isn't loaded. Kinda a bad time to be asking those questions when the assailant is busy pulling the trigger over and over. On a side note, there's this place in the northeast where home owners are required to own a firearm, although you can opt out and your name is put on a roster. Not for persecution, mind ya. Since that ordinance went into affect, crimes involving houses has decreased dramatically, since the crooks really don't know if the owner is packing or not. |
Soulfisher Member
since 2005-01-07
Posts 226where ever the fly fishing is good |
Thanks everyone for your responses. Though I do not agree with all of them, I do agree with an under lying theme that was voiced. It seems that there are a lot of insecurities felt by everyone due to the inadequacies of the gun laws themselves. For example Hush feels uncomfortable with the thought of someone from my state moving to Ohio and not having to reregister that weapon. Then their is Jbouder and I would have to agree with him in the sense of young men carrying weapons concealed would be against public interest to some degree. Perhaps that is why (which it is)the state officials here decided that 25 is a good age. But again at what age does someone finally step up and say okay to responsibility. Then again perhaps it is our fault for not bringing them up to know responsibility or reason well enough to trust them. And Allicat yes I agree back ground checks. but again who will do them or will they do them at all.You can go to and see each states laws governing conealed carry( says the are not always up to date and says so to keep from being liable)but here on this website you can get a pretty good look at the inadequacies. Look at Alabama the legal age their is 18. Now correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have to be 21 to buy a hand gun? Then look at the process for obtaining your permit. Yes you do have to appear in person to obtain the permit, but it is up to the issuer(county sheriff) as to whether or not he will conduct a back ground check. Further more at 18 an indivduals adolescent years of being in trouble with the law tend to be sealed! So what exactly would they find during thier so called back ground search. Luckily though only 3 states honor the permits of Alabama and n.m. is not one of them. It is these inadequacies that make my blood boil. Now then dont get me wrong but I would like to be able to carry a gun on me legally. Not to go out and be billy bad ass or brandish it but to have the knowledge that it is there. As a former officer I am use to carrying a firearm on me and having the sense of security that it was there, even though it is a false sense as I could be killed at any time with or with out it on my side. As an officer did I ever use my gun no. did I ever come close or was I ever in a situation where I had enough legal means to shot and be cleared. You bet ya. Why didn't I shoot in those instances. Because of my ability to communicate proved to be an effective weapon in most of those situations (but what shall I do when my luck with communication runs out). I guess my anger comes in the feeling that I dont have the right to protect myself with a concealed weapon any more (as I know longer wear a shield). [This message has been edited by Soulfisher (02-08-2005 10:45 PM).] |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Background checks for the Stupid Years (under 18) have become very hard to do, unless felonies or Secret Service records are around. Arizona, for instance, sealed records when someone turns 18, unless they commited a felony. Of course, I think that is very very daft, since it teaches no responsibilty for actions, though some do carry long shadows. Not so here. Once you turn 18, no matter how many laws you broke, how many times in jail or Juvenile Detention, or even if you were in prison, none of that can be viewed by anybody once you hit that magic number: 18. Again, only exceptions are felonies or if you got the attention of the Secret Service. |
Soulfisher Member
since 2005-01-07
Posts 226where ever the fly fishing is good |
Allicat, convicting a minor of a felony sometimes is like that old addage raising a teenager is like tring to nail jello to a tree. Its not that they out smart the cops it s that the laws are really designed to keep them out of trouble or so it seemed back then.I had one 13 year old who I would bust just as soon as he got out of jail it seemed for stealing cars or doing drive bys and what not.He was always Intoxicated and high off of meth when I busted him. This indivdual would be out of jail faster than I could literaly write my reports. When we would go to court he would always manage to plee bargain and get community service. Meaning it didnt go on his record. So again what good does it really do on back ground checks if your hands are bound as to what information you can find. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Since I don't like anyone carrying weapons, concealed or otherwise, I rarely participate in this kind of discussion because I am anti-gun. But since the criminal population doesn't worry about age or laws, and probably don't pay attention to boundaries either, what good are these laws anyway? It's not the so-called law abiding dudes or dudettes I am concerned with anyway, whether they are 20, 23, or 25. And since we train 18 year olds in the military to carry and kill, what's the logic behind the law that says a person isn't capable of being as responsible at 23 as 25 when it comes to fire arms? It doesn't make much sense to me that a New Mexico 23 year old is less responsible than an 18 year old Alabamian, or Arizonian. And isn't this all about who you deem to be responsible enough to possess a weapon of destruction? We need to be working to get guns off the street. PERIOD. |
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