The Alley |
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Promises Promises |
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Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan ![]() |
What if any New Year resolutions do you intend to make? |
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Cloud 9 Senior Member
since 2004-11-05
Posts 980Ca |
Loose weight, keep in touch with my family and live happy. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Well, this is an Alley thread, so I'm assuming this was meant to be a more passionate, charged resolution thread. I vow to keep doing all I can in protesting this war and working to stop it once and for all, and will also form another major rally in the next twelve months like I did this October. Most of the world agrees that the greatest threat to world peace is now the United States government so it is clear this war is sensleess and unjust. In addition, I will continue to work to educate the community about the need of a pro-Israeli AND pro-Palestinian leadership so we can untangle this greatest conflict in the world peacefully. I vow to keep defending the civil rights and liberties of all groups of citizens, with most of my attention being put on gays, Muslims, and the homeless community, three groups I see the most discrimination being put on as of late. I will continue to protest the constitutional amendment re-defining marriage, the sit-lie ordination being proposed in my city, and see to it Muslims don't get their civil rights restricted like Asian-Americans did during World War II/Vietnam. I will also continue to educate the community of just how wrong Constitutional Amendment 36 is here in Oregon, the banning same-sex marriage one, and work to remove it. I vow to keep working to preserve and protect the remaining old-growth forests that are being targeted by the Bush Administration for clear-cutting, as will I continue to protest his environmental policies which are the worst in American history. I vow to keep protesting the No Child Left Behind Act and encourage the growth of successful educational programs that respect diversity and trust in the public education system such as the SUN Schools initiative. I vow to keep challenging the biased, unbalanced media of Fox News and the mainstream networks and provide the overlooked stories from overlooked, independent media sources. I vow to keep up the progressive social movement and promote the progressive values of non-violence, grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, economical justice, decentralization of government, respect for diversity, global responsibility, and sustainability. In this effort, I will also continue to work to see to it the ITC ballot is enforced so we can begin to escape this rigid two-party system and begin to embrace the true spirit of democracy in seeing to it alternate party candidates are also represented, and in the long run, hopefully they will be represented in debates as well, so their ideas can be revealed to a mass audience. Finally, I vow to keep working for a living wage to be passed, for $5.15 may seem like progress compared to fifty years ago, but in real terms, it's actually one of the lowest minimum wages ever. Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has." The election may be over, but it doesn't mean no one can make a difference within the next four years. That's why I continue to remain optimistic, even when I am aware there is just so much that is wrong or unbearable right now under what sometimes feels to me as a militant theocracy. Finally, in gentler terms, I vow, though I will continue to speak loudly even when my voice shakes, that I will bear with you and hear your side of the story, even when I may never agree with you, as listening is community-building. It's just ridiculously sad to me how neighbors of opposite parties can't even look at each other on the streets anymore right now, and this all must stop, as I too respect traditional conservative values and have loved ones who are conservative on social issues. It is just the way I am in that I speak loudly, so I hope my tone doesn't seem unbearable or cacophonus to you all, but please know I respect what you have to say as well, and will do that. I'm fairly sure in the coming months there may be more I have to protest, but we'll just see what happens. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you |
~DreamChild~ Senior Member
since 2001-04-23
Posts 544in your dreams |
to devote my time to a greater cause... |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
You remind me of the 60's Noah..I lived through it..and it is great to be so idealistic... and I once was...but where are all those "hippies" and protesters today? ...they are running our government and ended up "joining" the same society they fought against...and today greed has taken over... my opinions only from my own experiences... sorry for the disjointed keyboard is acting up again |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
sorry, forgot to respond to the main post~~~ I am promising myself to be more positive this year... |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(hugs) Yes, Maureen, I know just how you feel. Well, perhaps not completely, because we have yet to see where I'll end up thirty years from now, but emotionally I understand your signs of despair and concern. I'm often referred to as the "pleistoscene hippy" or "rainbow phoenix" among my closest friends! I guess ever since I was a little boy I always found a great sense of wonder and awe in cultural icons from the Flower Age. Benjamin Spock. Martin Luther King Jr. William Burroughs. Indeed there was naivety, and chaos, but it seemed enshrouded to me by a great aureole of wonder, fascination, moxie, transcendence. It almost felt like a filiarchy to me. The young really believed in something, there was a great sense of achievement and empowerment in them, they felt they could really change the world and they rose to the occasion all across college campuses and fairgrounds. And now, often when I hear so many say things just like you did that it's inspiring to see young people still doing what they can for the good of society, I feel two senses, one of thanks and gratitude, and one of a sign of despair, because "still" is the word often stressed. I do emulate the hippy personality, don't I? (giggles) Often I think I must have skipped a generation because few in my bloodstream were ever really active or verbal during that era. I guess it may be because I'm a Scorpio, and Scorpios are known for being, perhaps, the most passionate, empowering sign of all. Scorpios are known to be rebellious against many conventions, and I have been highly opinionated since I was twelve, though didn't really get involved in politics until the war began. That, plus Scorpio being the sign of sex, those two things really were popular in that era, so I guess all that transcendence found its way into me. They also say about my sign that the phoenix is a major symbol. The phoenix is regenerated from the ashes of its death, then rises again, reborn, rising above the ordinary world with the passion to transcend, where the bird will always have power lines to dodge but passion and awareness always keeps it in flight. I guess I'm kind of like the phoenix too. Abuse as a boy brought me down, but I became stronger out of it. This election disappointed me and broke my heart, but I have not let it pin me down like a rail spike and let my hope and faith for humanity continue to rejuvenate my spirit! As does the serpent, which always sheds its skin and welcomes change, the dove and its natural healing and spreading of compassion, the eagle and its calm but intense, determined nature, the butterfly and its magical metamorphosis, and, of course, the scorpion, which has a hot-blooded fervor and zest for life. I am optimistic that I may indeed falter a number of times in my life, but I am very confident I won't surrender and become the antipole of myself, become the walking gainsaying. I guess part of the reason I feel this certain is because, though indeed the youth do their part on many college campuses, it just isn't the same as forty years ago, and those 13% who are active tend to have the strongest of will, and all it takes is a little more to get others to come alive again! Many reports are saying that my own planet, Pluto, will continue on its path through Sagittaurus in 2005, putting laws, education and politics at the forefront of everyone's minds, and my sign in particular, so I will be more involved than ever through January especially (Bush's inauguration) especially when some moons of Capricorn join up with the Moon to make it impossible to remain silent, and will continue on through March at least (the 2nd anniversary of the war in Iraq) Of course I know there are many who are skeptical or simply don't believe in astrology. Personally, I feel it relates to me so well and it is just open to interpretation is all. After all, it was the famous astrologist herself, Caroll Righter, who said, "The stars guide your path but should not rule your life". I just think it helps to look up every once in a while but all at once know where you're walking, so when there's a fork in the road, your intuition takes part. (smiles) But yep, I do get that "hippy" label quite a lot. Many of my favorite artists come from that era, like Jefferson Airplane, Simon & Garfunkel and Neil Young. I have actually been performing a cover of Jefferson Airplane's "Volunteers" out in the city a lot, and even got the No Kidding! choir (a choir of kids from second to eighth grade) to sing along in a version once! ![]() They're still out there. They just need more guidance is all. I mean, even when it may feel like a hopeless climate, when Fox News is dominating the public landscape, with those like Oliver North pressing our troops to respond to his repetitive and belittling question, "Does Fox Rock? Does Fox Rock?" under an acceleratingly deregulating media climate that oppresses anti-war guests from news programs and such, and it seems like the recycled content may never end, we must remind ourselves of media ownership in the past. Democracy can't exist without an informed public. That was true and will always remain true. Even under this most secretive, most lockstep administration, even under this incredible media oligopoly, eventually I am convinced the true democratic voice will be aroused and be heard. In 1971, during the Nixon Administration, they tried to ban the Pentagon papers from being released, but even when the outlook looked bleak at first, and seemed the war was far from ending, Daniel Ellsberg got them published to the mass audience, and that was a major role in ending that war. I feel a similar effect will eventually emerge for this senseless war in Iraq. I believe it with all my heart. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "You'll find something that's enough to keep you |
ice Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404Pennsylvania |
Nakdthoughts... "...they are running our government and ended up "joining" the same society they fought against...and today greed has taken over..." Your statement reminds me of this Excerpt from "My Back Pages" by Bob Dylan "In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand At the mongrel dogs who teach Fearing not that I'd become my enemy In the instant that I preach." He was speaking of teachers but it could apply to the government also... I don't know of a single former hippie in the present administration...if anyone can name one, please say who it is... My resolutions are to... Become more knowledgeable about what I know, shutting old doors and opening new ones, with an open mind. And... Continue to tell every young person that it is OK, and essential for human progress, to be a critical thinker (such as Noah) |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Ice, by running our government I did not mean the leaders, such as those elected Senators or Presidents... and by joining in, etc...I meant many of those I grew up with during those times ended up working in government, still do if they haven't retired by now...accepting the status quo and did not continue fighting for their beliefs... I applaud Noah, for his beliefs and his actions, even if some are different than my own...and was just telling him (my opinion and experiences which you can not disprove since they are mine)that he reminded me of that generation, my generation and how so much that we believed in though, never came to pass...that "change" is extremely slow if ever. I don't wish to argue with you or anyone...or prove any of my experiences to anyone. But I will tell you that in our small local governments we may vote for one thing...but then those same we voted into office do what they wish depending on who and what is influencing them...and yes we can vote them out the next time around...and so we do...and the cycle just repeats itelf... I hardly ever voice my opinion on here, mainly is just opinion, and like Noah, don't wish to have to defend every little thought I have. I have experienced being married to a VietNam vet for over 30 years, I have a nephew in the Gulf right now for the 2nd or 3rd time in less than 2 years. I have problems with the war, but I also want our men to come home safely. I just don't know how taking money from one situation and giving to another instead will satisfy any needs. I am getting off track now and wish to bow out of this posting. I wish you all a Happy New Year...and hope everyone does what is in their heart...and what they can. |
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