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Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside

0 posted 2002-03-06 10:57 PM

I remember the early days, feeling so brand new.
My eyes staring in awe at the wonder
of my own little piece of paradise,
a far off place I had never dared to dream of.

My spirit soared
higher than I had ever flown,
in ways I had never known before.
Always I will savor the thrill of those days
shaded from the sun, beneath a canopy with you.

I am not sure when it all changed
although I am aware of how and why
there is no blame,
only my shame for allowing myself to daydream.
Hoping that part of it was real and true.

When I least expected it
the winds changed direction
blowing sand in my eyes
and suddenly everything became unclear.

I sit and wonder,was it only a mirage
a passing fancy, or a simple twist of fate.
Wounded by the words that had no real meaning
a bittersweet time that no longer prevails.

My heart collected and tossed in a bucket
breaking apart like sea shells.
Left sifting through the sands
shattered by the crashing waves
left somewhere on a forgotten shore.

The hardest part is in the leaving
turning my back on what matters most.
I pray that time will wash away the grieving
and leave the snapshots of memories behind,
so that someday I might wade through them
and remember you.

For those days in my paradise was the best place I had ever been.
Only now do I realize I was stealing away on borrowed time.

© Copyright 2002 BluesSerenade - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
1 posted 2002-03-06 11:05 PM

"My heart collected and tossed in a bucket
breaking apart like sea shells.
Left sifting through the sands
shattered by the crashing waves
left somewhere on a forgotten shore. "

this spoke to me.....
such intense emotion.....

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
2 posted 2002-03-06 11:08 PM

(big hugggssssssss) This is so very sad, sweet friend, my heart goes out to you and your tears and I pray that you will again reach up to the skies of spring in bliss and again find all the joys in your heart! (kiss on cheek) My heart goes out to you, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Canada eh.
3 posted 2002-03-06 11:08 PM

and leave the snapshots of memories behind,
so that someday I might wade through them
and remember you.
Oh my, this just aches!!  I do hope all is well with you....
Well written.
~Hugs, Nancy~

~Sometimes all you really wish for...
     is someone to wish for you.~

Senior Member
since 2001-12-15
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4 posted 2002-03-06 11:16 PM

Blue - This write truly is sad.  Hopefully, your heart will come in with tide and finally mend.  


Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
5 posted 2002-03-07 12:00 PM

Well crap, guess I've finally hit bottom and I am shipwrecked for the time being.   Thanks so much to all of you for reading.  
I don't know that I will be around much anymore due to my own personal hang ups.     This is  my way of bowing out as I am lacking in positive thoughts of late, I don't want to go but it is time for me to leave....not to mention my poor and pitiful poetry is embarrassing!!  Thanks to all of you for extending your friendship through the kindness of your words.  


Deputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676
with you
6 posted 2002-03-07 12:05 PM

HEY! No one said you could leave.....
really, your poetry is fantastic....I hope you stick around....and definately don't stop emailing me! ok???

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2002-03-07 01:00 AM


'I pray that time will wash away the grieving
and leave the snapshots of memories behind,
so that someday I might wade through them
and remember you.'

I think time often brings us waves of memories ...~
This is so lovely ...

AND now that I did a topic review and saw your 'leaving' comments ... I'll just say ... do what you think you've got to do ... but remember ... we've always got a light on to show our friends the way home~

Write and share them with us when next you feel the need of a gentle hug~
We'll be here, sweet poetess~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Larry C
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Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
8 posted 2002-03-07 01:50 AM

Awesome usual! Hope you write again soon.

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

9 posted 2002-03-07 08:41 AM

I remember the early days, feeling so brand new.
My eyes staring in awe at the wonder


I am not sure when it all changed
although I am aware of how and why
there is no blame,
only my shame for allowing myself to daydream.
Hoping that part of it was real and true.
It is the touch of innocence in a situation or relationship that seems so promising, so hopeful and that is so easily lost...

that loss..can in my mind be compared to a loss of hope... leaving us feeling the emptiness of ourselves...

a wonderful write, and one that speaks to the heart.. and of the heart....

Dark Stranger
Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
Posts 13631
West Coast
10 posted 2002-03-07 09:28 AM

things always change
in appearence
when you look back
or imagine them in other ways

enjoyed the write
hope you stay around

Senior Member
since 2001-07-22
Posts 774
11 posted 2002-03-07 04:08 PM

Your poetry is neither poor nor pitiful. It expresses the true feelings everyone shares at some time or another in ways that every tear can relate.

Excellently written.

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