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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley

0 posted 2001-09-27 10:25 AM

How do you make a life altering decision? Do you make a list of the pros and cons? Do you give yourself time to work out the answer? (After I get your replies, I'll tell you why I'm asking - I need SERIOUS help with a decision!)


© Copyright 2001 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-09-27 02:39 PM

I sit and think how it will affect me personally. Will it make me happier, sadder, angrier etc etc. Then if i can't make any sort of progression from that, I make that list and go with what my gut wants to do. In the end, it has to satisfy YOU because your happiness and well being should be the first priority on your list. After that, the rest is easy.  

Hope I was of some help for you Sharon.

"Reality is only a feeble rendering of the energy brought forth by the imagination"

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TEXAS (it's all big)
2 posted 2001-09-27 02:44 PM

My answer is I have been in and out of college for 8 years and still haven't settled on a major. Pray and listen to God. Have faith that what you heard from Him is the right thing to do no matter how crazy or opposite-of-what-you-wanted-to-do it seems.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-09-27 10:57 PM

You can make the pro/con lists.
Pray about it.
Discuss it with others whose lives might be affected by the decision.
Decide what's in it for you if you make a change and what would be the results if you didn't.

And then you just go on 'gut'!
In the long run ... that's what will matter.

Good luck~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

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Blue Heaven
4 posted 2001-09-28 09:54 AM

you may want to ask yourself who will be affected by the decision, to what extent, for the better or the worse, and the permanence of these choices. In the end, will you and the ones you love be happier. Maybe make a flow chart to assist you in arranging your thoughts.

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5 posted 2001-09-29 07:06 PM

Do what makes you happiest. If that isn't workable (i.e. you have a choice of two jobs, one pays really well and the other is minimum wage, and you would prefer the minimum wage job but you desperately NEED money) what you can to work things out. In the job example, that would be taking the well-paying job and making time to do the things that make you happy.

(I don't think I explained myself very well.)

P.S. Walt, I went through four majors within one year before I entered my current program.

God bless America, my home sweet home.

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2001-10-01 03:11 AM have lived your entire life for others. This time, do what pleases SHARON. Do now the things that you have always wanted to do. I'll make you a deal---you try to be a little more spontaneous, and I will try to be a little more sensible.  

I'm back by the way, hope to "talk" to you soon! s.o.s.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
7 posted 2001-10-01 10:02 PM

Here's what I'm looking at:

Yu Lan
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8 posted 2001-10-02 09:40 PM

Hehe, well, you name the options, and you flip a coin. If you are at all disappointed with the outcome, you will know that subconsciously you wanted the other option, so go with that instead.  

It's nice to share - kiss someone when you have a cold.

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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9 posted 2001-10-04 01:44 PM

Just follow your heart, and think with your head.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
10 posted 2001-10-05 04:35 AM

Most "life altering decisions" are too tough for me, but in following your link, Sharon, I think I can offer some advice on this one.

Gather up a bit of food, then lock yourself in your bathroom for the next week.

Chances are, it's just about the right size to give you a good idea of how an RV is going to feel. Okay, I'll admit the seat in the RV is probably more comfortable than the one in your bathroom. On the other hand, after three months of taking a shower in an RV, I thought my bathtub felt like the Grand Canyon. My first bath after returning home, I got lost for three days.

More seriously, I have a LOT of friends who spend half of each year on the road. They can't imagine a more perfect life, and I often envy them their comfort level. I tried it, as you know. Didn't like it. To me, it felt a little bit too much like a covered wagon. But, hey, everyone knows I'm a little weird.  

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
11 posted 2001-10-06 07:41 AM

If you can live with the 'containment,' as Ron describes so well, and you can manage to survive financially, spending time with each of your children might just make this a worthwhile venture for you...
Kit McCallum
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12 posted 2001-10-06 07:54 AM

Ah Sharon ... the fact that you are in the position to entertain this idea, and have this as an option in your life is marvelous.  I myself find it incredibly difficult to make life-altering decisions such as this ... but wish with all my might that I could muster up the courage to say "I'll give it a try" once in a while. I worry that I'll look back someday and say "If only I'd given it a shot".

Only you can decide if it's truly right for you Sharon. I'm sure there are some complex issues to work out, but from what I do know of your heart my dear ... I bet you'd have a blast (and you're welcome to pop up and visit me any old time!)  

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13 posted 2001-10-06 12:37 PM

I agree with Kit, Sharon, you can find a way to make anything fun. You're also welcome to come see me!  

God bless America, my home sweet home.

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14 posted 2001-10-06 10:18 PM

The more you think about it, the harder it is. Just do it, and remember if you can't handle the small space, trade it in on a larger one. That's what we did and I love it. Couldn't believe I'd sell my 3 bedroom 2 bath house for a travel trailer but we did and I love it. Oh I do have a regular fridge and stove, plus full size tub. Just hook up and travel that's all you have to do.
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