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Yu Lan
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0 posted 2001-05-12 07:26 PM

Ok, the idea of this is to just get to know everyone a little better.. as I don't even know some of your names! So I thought we could all write our names (fist names) and something about us, ie.. age, some story, I don't know.. just something..  ..
I'll start..

Yu Lan is my Chinese name, which actually has nothing to do with my English one; Lynne.. My best friend chose it for me (she is Chinese), and my Chinese last name (Wen) means writing, and literature.. So I thought that was kinda fitting..  

And acire, don't worry, no-one's gonna force u to write your name..   But you do have to write something about yourself! ^_^

"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." Lao-tsu

© Copyright 2001 Lynne Miura, née Chudley - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
1 posted 2001-05-12 07:34 PM

something bout myself..well i got my username acire from me ex's name backwards.

what else you wanna know?
and Yulan i got you pic done, but for some reason yahoo is having problems and i cant attach a file  
so, get aim or icq so i could just send you the file directly
by the way, nice pic  

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
2 posted 2001-05-13 03:31 AM

Thanks for that acire, that's luverly. ^_^
Actually, on second thoughts, I'll delete everything I just wrote below, and send u an e-mail. ^_^ check ur mail..

Yep, yep.. no name.. gotta keep your reputation there acire..   Noooooo.. something we DON'T know about you.. You've already said that.. :}


"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." Lao-tsu

[This message has been edited by Yu Lan (edited 05-13-2001).]

Dopey Dope
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3 posted 2001-05-13 02:26 PM


really bored, really all the time....

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Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2001-05-13 03:36 PM

Okies then --- I'm ugleee  

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Dopey Dope
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5 posted 2001-05-15 02:12 AM

You said it, not me!!!
Yu Lan
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New Zealand
6 posted 2001-05-15 08:18 AM

Yeah.. sure acire.. I've only met a couple of ugly ppl in my life.. and they were actually considered to be really beautiful/handsome.. whatever I'm meant to use there.. Frankly, you are already good looking to everyone here, 'coz we've seen inside your mind.. wooo... spoooky... ^_^

u are that bored dopey? What, do u play some sport or something? Computers? School/Uni? Anything?? j/ks..   I'm sure you must have some fun SOMETIMES.. WELL! I'm shocked.. you mean u r even bored here?  


Just be that way..

Hey where are all the ppl I don't know, coming to introduce themselves to me?! Nobody wants to talk to me.. *sulks*.. aw, i'm sad now..


"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." Lao-tsu

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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7 posted 2001-05-15 09:56 AM

He can't Yu Lan, you see Dopey is very untalented    Hey, what's inside me brain?  Do you see little people in em  

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
8 posted 2001-05-15 01:41 PM

I used to be VERY active in sports....captain of the baseball and football team. Played 5yrs each sport....won mvp's and all that crap. 2 championships in baseball and 3 in football.....2 all star games in each sport...won all of them bla blabla....home run leader.....leaderin tackles....i mean i guess i was good. I played 3yrs of soccer too....but wasn't that great.....thing heart, it messed up on me. I have a heart problem and had to stop playing sports. They were a huge passion of mine and oh well.
SO now i just play guitar and write....
do i go out? Yea...with my girlfriend and with my close friends....but i usually like to stay in and be alone....i classify myself as a very social loner.
I have so many friends and just people i know, but i like being alone a LOT.
I love passions......Passions is a Passion hehe....and this is where i'm usually at  

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On the streets w/ people
9 posted 2001-05-15 04:21 PM

What happened with your heart, man?
I'm Lake.  There's really not much else.

"Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle" Plato.

Member Rara Avis
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Mobile, AL
10 posted 2001-05-15 11:09 PM

HI! *WAVES* I'm Jennifer...

But everyone calls me Jenn now.  

Yu Lan
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11 posted 2001-05-16 01:00 AM

Hehe, he doesn't sound that untalented to me acire..   Yup.. lotsa little people.. and they are all trying desperately to get out of your head.. your thougths terrify them. You are really cruel acire! How can you scare all the little ppl so much?! =P

Dopey, you sound like you were really good! Mm.. I've kinda had to give up sports too.. 'cept I was never any good at it, I just loved to play.. ^_^ I used to play soccer and cricket with my big bros mates, and that was pretty cool.. but a few disabilities kinda started to get in the way.. and right now I can't walk too good.. so the soccer team at my school has kinda sailed right past me, and I don't think I'd catch up with them even if I started again now.. I'm meant to find some other sport, to stop my muscles going all dumb.. squash sounds good.. *_^ and I can play.. a little..

Aw, come on Lake.. there's gotta be something else, man!   your age? Favourite colour?? Music? anything? ^_^

Gidday Jenn.. how are ya?

Woops, my toes have just dropped off.. it's getting really really really cold here..

"He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." Lao-tsu

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
12 posted 2001-05-16 02:48 AM

I have Atachycarida, a heart murmur and irregular heart beat......hehe.....i like to fake heart attacks with my friends....really pisses them off  
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
13 posted 2001-05-16 09:35 AM

That's cause he plays against those oompa loompas

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

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TEXAS (it's all big)
14 posted 2001-05-16 10:22 AM

My name is well Toadstool Walt
yuh and me underarms stink of potato
I am a quarter of a century years old
And if I was a football coach needing to go to the bank what would I be after?

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15 posted 2001-05-16 10:31 AM

i'm peter and... ummmm... i'm 17.  hullo everyone  

Sometimes, the things that go unsaid are the only things worth hearing.

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
16 posted 2001-05-16 04:00 PM

Quick..somebody save me from Walt's jokes!

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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
17 posted 2001-05-16 11:57 PM


"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
18 posted 2001-05-18 02:56 AM

lol@Javier.. u really do that?! ^^ Que tonta, lol..  

Gidday Toadstool Walt the person who is not a football coach who needs his quarterback..

Heh, yep.. u run Dopey.. 'coz I think that was a joke.. *_^

Peter.. nice to meet you..

Oh.. 'nother thing 'bout me.. I play chess.. sometimes.. when i don't have to pull out of the game to finish a photography assignment, causing the whole team to default, causing the guy person to be really unhappy.. causing me to get good marks in my assignment.. but um, what am I talking about..  

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
19 posted 2001-05-18 12:40 PM

Oh I ran! Believe me I ran!
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20 posted 2001-05-24 01:55 PM

well, Kai Le is my chinese name(and yes, i am a chinese)...and i reside in singapore....
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21 posted 2001-05-24 01:57 PM

and oh yes, Yu Lan...i just thought i would say that i have been wondering for forever if Yu lan is your chinese name or just something you have made up...guess you have answered my question
Child of the Stars
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22 posted 2001-05-24 03:51 PM

Hi. My name's Carly and I'm a chocolate addict. But most of you already know that...
I'm a little kid, a mere fourteen years of age. I have my own room, which was my sanctuary until I was thirteen and got my puter. Hurrah! I play volleyball and I think the rest of the world is going to make me play there ya go. That's me. Kinda.   Good topic here.

"Go outside and use your own eyes. You'll be surprised to see things you've never been taught..."
   ~Edouard Manet

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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
23 posted 2001-05-24 04:13 PM

Are you 5'11" yet carly?

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Paula Finn
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24 posted 2001-05-25 01:30 AM

Hi y'all I'm Paula obviously LOL...hmmm Im a mom, I love the water, and animals(5 dogs, a cat, and an iguana) I write I sing...lots of stuff....
Yu Lan
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New Zealand
25 posted 2001-05-25 05:15 AM

Hi Kai Le.. woops, I thought it was actually Kaile sorry! ^_^ Yeah, my friend gave it to me as my name, because I don't have that many New Zealand friends.. mostly Asian, and mostly Chinese.. she'd been writing a story about the lives of some ficticious Chinese characters, and asked me for approval of the names, and meanings, for each personality.. then she thought this one would be better suited to me..   hehe, well. Yeah.

Hi Carly, yeah, I'm a chocolate addict too! I've been chocolate free for.. 1 and a half weeks now, and I'm going insane! lol.. Man, acire you are cruel.. betcha I'm taller than you.. so when we ever meet I'll be able to stand on your toes and look so far down on you that you'll quiver in your socks, and wish you'd never said that to Carly..   actually.. no. I'm not that tall..  
Volleyball, ahh yep.. yeah there's a pretty good volleyball team at my school, they keep winning all these championships etc. I'm no good at it, lol.. ^^

Nice to meet you Paula.. Oh, I used to hate the water! I was so scared of learning to swim, lol.. ^^ Er, but um. I'm ok now. ^^ I enjoy a good swim now.. especially at the beach in the rain.. hehe, I did that once.. MAN it was cold!!

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26 posted 2001-05-25 10:59 AM

Andrew Sewell... 18 and very bored... I do stuff occasionally but mostly I don't
Dopey Dope
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27 posted 2001-05-25 03:34 PM

Andrew, that's the story of my life.
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28 posted 2001-05-25 05:31 PM

Bonjour! I'm Erica, a 16 year old from the great state of West Virginia. I spend most of my time trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to come back here in 20 years and flaunt my success and riches to everyone who looks down on me now. Another goal of mine is to go to Europe and see all the beautiful things there (especally France). I like making lasting impressons!     I'm also trying to figure out some way to steal a guys heart. So guys, how do you go about stealing a heart?

"Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel."-Machiavelli

[This message has been edited by LoveBug (edited 05-25-2001).]

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
29 posted 2001-05-25 06:54 PM

I didn't say anything rude
Carly is 5'10" already at 14 and still growing  

Love and Hugs  

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee."  W.S.

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
30 posted 2001-05-26 06:37 AM

Hi Andrew.. haha, lol yeah u sound bored.   hehe, sounds like my bro.. he sometimes does stuf.. (like gets out of bed in the morning..) but usually he doesn't.  

Hey, Erica.. how are ya? Hehe, the best way to steal a guy's heart is to come up behind him while he's not looking, put your hand through his back and pop out the heart before he's even noticed whatz hanppening.. Woops.. that's not what you mean, is it..  

Hehe, yep.. k acire..  
Actually I have no idea how tall that is.. I only work in metres..   I don't have the faintest idea of how many inches there are in a foot!

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31 posted 2001-05-26 10:41 AM

12 inches in a foot... 2.5 cm approximately in an inch. I'm very bored...
Dopey Dope
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32 posted 2001-05-26 03:32 PM

Hi I'm Javier...and Im a passionholic.
Yu Lan
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33 posted 2001-05-27 12:05 PM

hehe, omgosh, that's my mum's height then..  Yeah, I guess that isn't short!  
Howdy Javier the passionholic.. nice to meet you.. hmm, you seem familiar somehow.. hmmmmm.. HMMMM...  

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

since 2000-04-12
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Backwaters of Avalon
34 posted 2001-05-27 07:24 AM

James is the name. I am still here, Lynne. Reading posts every now and then.

- James
The beauty of nature is displayed,
not through itself,
but through the creatures
dwelling within its bosom.

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35 posted 2001-05-27 02:08 PM

Ohh I rememeber doing something interesting... I have helped my Best friends dad build a replica of a AC Cobra... and it's finished now...   see I do have an interesting life... honestly... why won't you believe me?...
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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
36 posted 2001-05-27 03:56 PM

What's going on now?

I'm so sorry for doubting you Kit ... please forgive me!!!!

Dopey Dope
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37 posted 2001-05-27 08:37 PM

Nothing at all man.....just introductions!
Yu Lan
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38 posted 2001-05-28 05:00 AM

Ah yep, good on u James.. Thought you;d dropped off the face of the Earth for a moment there!   Glad u're still hanging around here

an AC cobra.. erm lemme guess.. a plane? a car?? Hehe.. gosh, I am so knowledgable.. sounds like a plane to me..


“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

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39 posted 2001-05-28 09:15 AM

A car... very nice car... although were thinking about building a plane...
brian madden
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40 posted 2001-05-28 03:18 PM

I am brian. aged 21 and I am an animator(student)and have being animating for 4 yrs now. I listen to depressing music and write depressing poetry other than that I am depressingly normal

"you are what you own in this land, you can be king and it all depends on the view and what you can see"  Whipping boy

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41 posted 2001-05-29 01:33 AM

Yu Lan, Kai Le and kaile means the same thing...i just thought i would write it as Kai Le so that people will understand that its a two syllable name

so your name means blue jade, yup?

erica, i will love to tour europe someday but since i live in singapore and hence the unfavourable exchange rates, i will have to work hard and earn lots and lots of money??

brian, as in cartoon animation? tell us more, it sounds NOT depressingly interesting!!

ohhh, i love chocolate too...Snickers is my favourite

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
42 posted 2001-05-29 04:13 AM

A car, right. I knew that you know..  

Gidday Brian.. animation, mm?   do you have a web page? Wait, wait, I haven't checked on your little thingie bar before I wrote this.. so probably u do..  
normal, huh? Sorry, I'm not sure of the meaning of this word..  :}

Ah, right.. Oh, I always thought it was 2 syllables anyway.. ^_^ Yep.. I didn't quite remember.. but yes, that's right.. I knew it was something about Jade, and a colour..

Snickers? MMmmmm..   I can't say I mind caramello either.. ^_^

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

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Sitting in Michael's Lap
43 posted 2001-05-29 03:41 PM

I'm Linda-with-an-unpronouncable-last-name, formerly known on the boards as "Kess McLeod" (much nicer, I think -- LOL).

I live in the beautiful mountain town of Tehachapi, CA with my cat and my Michael.  Once upon a time, I think I was multitalented (I even wrote some passable poetry), but now my day consists mostly of work and sleep ...

since 2000-05-11
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grand rapid,MI, usa
44 posted 2001-05-29 08:11 PM

Name is Patrick. prefer to go by PJ.  I love to write poetry (duh) and I have a wife and three lovely boys who are my pride and joy as well as my inspiration

P. J. Kotrch
carpe diem
A soul once touched is a soul once blessed by love

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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
45 posted 2001-05-29 08:51 PM

I'm ehem ehem, and I'm a Passions addict too  

I'm so sorry for doubting you Kit ... please forgive me!!!!

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
46 posted 2001-05-30 01:33 AM

Oh, I dunno? ^_^ I kinda like "Linda-with-an-unpronouncable-last-name" it's.. original. Betcha there's no-one else anywhere, with the name "Linda-with-an-unpronouncable-last-name"  
Nice 2 meet u skyfyre.. Hmm, I have never heard of Tehachapi. Where is it??

Hi PJ.. hehe, are you winciet or cotten? okok that was lame..   *shakes PJ by the hand* nice to meet u too..

Gidday ehem ehem, how are you?? Hey, why the sad face?

Ok, seriously now, my fingers are almost colder than ice.. it hurts!! Aaah!   lol.. ok Dopey, bring on your tropical paradise now.. just a little.. *_^ I don't like the heat much..  

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

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47 posted 2001-05-30 01:33 PM

My name is Elizabeth and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a gemini and I see dead people.  

Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved."
-Van Kaam

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
48 posted 2001-05-30 06:37 PM


I'm so sorry for doubting you Kit ... please forgive me!!!!

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
49 posted 2001-05-30 08:13 PM

haha I resent that liz....i'm not dead.
Yu Lan
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New Zealand
50 posted 2001-06-11 09:20 PM

Yeah you are.. you're just in denial..  

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
51 posted 2001-06-11 09:22 PM


hi Sweets, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Maree, Mic

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
52 posted 2001-06-12 02:13 AM

weren't you eaten by my Oompa Loompa?

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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53 posted 2001-06-12 10:12 AM

guess not  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Maree, Mic

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54 posted 2001-06-12 11:03 AM

He's hallucinating again...

Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
55 posted 2001-06-12 03:46 PM

Liz you're so beautiful.. ...

...........oh wait   yea you're right, I am hallucinating.

since 2001-06-11
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Northern California
56 posted 2001-06-12 05:39 PM

Hi, I'm Esclandre - I live in California and I'm new here. I came from another poetry board after becoming tired of all the chaos. You all seem like such nice people!
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57 posted 2001-06-13 10:01 AM


Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
58 posted 2001-06-13 10:15 AM

is this a pity party  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Maree, Mic

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Quebec, Canada
59 posted 2001-06-13 02:44 PM

Regina, or ina or Regi.
14 years old
world reknown great white shark scientis!!!!(my dream!)
In love.....and in lust......more in love

Dopey Dope
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60 posted 2001-06-15 10:40 PM

escanlandre...(sp)....we are nice people!  
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61 posted 2001-06-16 02:07 PM

Except for you....meanie.  

Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
62 posted 2001-06-16 03:23 PM

You only say that cuz acire paid you to.
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63 posted 2001-06-16 05:29 PM

Hmmm...Alastair, from which Alicat stemmed back in 89. Been writing since about the same time. Basically a Semantical Picasso and Culinary Hound.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”  Charles Darwin

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
64 posted 2001-06-17 06:54 PM

Why is it so hard for you to accept how girls feel about you Dopey?  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Maree, Mic

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65 posted 2001-06-17 10:31 PM

He's in the stage of denial. Just let him go, Acire...let him go...

Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
66 posted 2001-06-18 12:38 PM

Wow liz, you must be makin a lot of money by saying all those things  
See you tomorrow night at 8pm. Hugs and kisses!

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
67 posted 2001-06-18 08:03 PM

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Maree, Mic

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
68 posted 2001-06-18 11:21 PM

Well it's true....we are!
Yu Lan
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New Zealand
69 posted 2001-06-19 11:25 PM

Oh. Gosh. I'm back. you miss me?   Grr, i am totally loaded down with work at the moment.. school work i mean.. assignments etc.. blerghle hiccup.. going to fall asleep from lack of sleep and sanity..
anyway. How are you all? ^_^ Mm.. better do some work now..  
Dopey, you are so funny! I mean that as in weird.. hehe.. aw, ok.. weird in a nice way.. ^_^

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70 posted 2001-06-20 08:55 AM

Hehe Dopey is funny,
Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
71 posted 2001-06-20 05:54 PM

I know I know.....*bows*  
Yu Lan
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72 posted 2001-06-22 03:19 AM

And cheeky too, lol.. How modest you are, dear Javier..


“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
73 posted 2001-06-22 03:44 AM

*hugs Yu*
Cheeky? that good?

Yu Lan
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74 posted 2001-06-22 04:09 AM

Hey, Mr Ugly Moderator, I guess it is! ^_^

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Jenn Cirrincione
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75 posted 2001-06-23 08:43 PM

My tuuuurrrn!!

My name is Jenn. I'm 18, 19 in December. I'm addicted to this website and to my Jay.   I have a cute dog and I live in Florida.  

"If my heart had wings, I would fly to you and lie.. beside you as you dream, if my heart had wings." Faith Hill

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
76 posted 2001-06-24 01:49 AM

hey Jenn  

hi Sweets, Kris, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

Yu Lan
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77 posted 2001-06-27 06:06 AM

I still don't see my name on that hi list, acire.. I'm terribly insulted, and any moment now I'm going to start ignoring you just because I am so awfully dreadfully insulted by your lack of 'hi'..  

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
78 posted 2001-06-27 01:46 PM

hi Yu Lan  

hi Sweets, Kris, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
79 posted 2001-06-27 04:22 PM

*hugs Yu Lan* it'll be always got me  
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swimming in fairy floss...........
80 posted 2001-06-28 11:44 PM

hiya Yu Lan   im cherish im 18 years old...( goshy ) and i live on tim tams... ...

Yu Lan
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81 posted 2001-06-29 04:17 AM

Aw, shucks, thanks Dopey..   oh finally, u said hi to me acies! ^_^ Hi.  

Tim tams? Mm, chocolate isn't my favourite thought at the moment, 'coz mum made some chocolate fudge and I'm completely sick of the flavour of chocolate right now... so I can't tell u if I like them or not..
Water.. now that's good.. yep.. water's good.. hehe

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Member Elite
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82 posted 2001-06-29 09:38 AM

Oh yeah Yu Lan. Water rocks!! So does Vegemite...Cherish!!!!LOL

errr...ignore the marmite thing in there..haha

Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

[This message has been edited by anonymousfemale (edited 06-29-2001).]

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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83 posted 2001-06-29 02:19 PM

what's vegemite for?

hi Sweets, Kris, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
84 posted 2001-06-29 04:29 PM

Yea...what's it for?
Yu Lan
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85 posted 2001-06-29 09:37 PM

hahahahahaha... rotflmao@acire & Dopey.. hehehe..

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86 posted 2001-06-29 11:49 PM

You guys don't know that Vegemite is for!?!?!?! OMG! It's like peanut butter but so very Australian. You put it on toast and bread and some very strange people put it in milkshakes..
It's soo yummy. I'll send you some in the mail guys.  

"We're happy little vegemites,
As bright as bright can beee.
We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Our mummy says we're growing stronger each and every week
Because we LOVE our vegemite,
we all ADORE our vegemite,
It puts a rose in every cheeeeeeeeeeeeek"


Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
87 posted 2001-06-30 01:46 AM

Oh, it's peanut butter...sounds like some termite killer.
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88 posted 2001-06-30 03:14 AM

No it is not Peanut Butter. It is black and tangy. Much nicer than peanut butter.

Just because I hear voices doesn't mean I'm crazy...SHUT UP IN THERE!!!

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
89 posted 2001-07-01 04:32 AM

mm, more like salty, and I think it's yuk.   probly 'coz it's Australian..   okok, *ducks as a/f chucks a jar of vegemite at my head* ^_^ mm, marmite is ok.. looks like brown tar though.. but peanut butter is yuuuuuuuuukky...

(Milkshakes?!!  )

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90 posted 2001-07-01 01:15 PM

*begins throwing spoons and forks at yu lan*  

Brown tar really isn't appealing and peanut butter isn't too bad. It tastes really nice with celery.  

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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91 posted 2001-07-01 04:03 PM

I thought so too Dopes  

I thought it was some insect killer or repelant.

hi Sweets, Kris, Lizzy, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

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92 posted 2001-07-02 12:32 PM

Honestly, some Americans...

nah, jk  

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
93 posted 2001-07-02 03:56 AM

Ok, are you 2 ACTUALLY serious.. 'coz I kinda thought u were joking.. really? Honestly, u guys have (had) never heard of vegemite? waddabout marmite?

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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94 posted 2001-07-02 09:28 AM

NOPE never heard of it in my whole life till you both mentioned it.

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Kris, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
95 posted 2001-07-02 11:52 PM

wow... oh that's sad..   you DO know about rasberry jame then, right? hehe, jokes.. hmm, well.. glad to have introduced u to this then, tho of course marmite is a dozen times better..

“One word can be magical. Imagine then, the effect of several words, together..”

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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96 posted 2001-07-03 09:14 AM

It doesn't sound good at all  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Kris, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

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97 posted 2001-07-03 10:25 AM

Yeah sure, Yu Lan.  
Live the dream, hun, live the dream.  

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
98 posted 2001-07-03 03:41 PM

Need I remind you all that .....yes some americans....but I am Puerto Rican haha.

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99 posted 2001-07-04 03:46 AM

Some Puerto Ricans...

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Yu Lan
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100 posted 2001-07-04 05:07 AM

Americans, Puerto Ricans, whatever.. they're all the same..

Dopey Dope
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
101 posted 2001-07-04 02:55 PM

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102 posted 2001-07-04 09:51 PM


Yup, that's right.  

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
103 posted 2001-07-05 08:28 PM

Aussies and Zealnds are the same too right?

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Kris, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

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swimming in fairy floss...........
104 posted 2001-07-06 01:36 AM

VEGI-ME-TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...heheheh..ive always said it like that ever since i was a happy litte vegimite!!!..hehhee...
goshy you guys you should try sum of'll throw up from just smelling the stuff...
its YEAST extract which i think is why beer is such an intergral part of aussie life..:darlol: @ lizz...:thumsup:!!!!
no its great!! it on toast ...under toast..lick it off yer toes when you put too much on the top and it falls..its GREAT!!!
and it smeels like vitamin youll be smellin like yer grannie once yer done.. ...
pssst acire!!....kiwis dont like aussies very much....their sole purpose in life is to make up as many aussie jokes as they possibly can..and when they run out they convert every blonde and yo mamma joke into aussie go yu lan!!!

Member Rara Avis
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105 posted 2001-07-06 10:23 AM

their sole purpose in life is to make up as many aussie jokes as they possibly can..and when they run out they convert every blonde and yo mamma joke into aussie jokes...hehehehe

OH REALLY??? HMMMMMMMMMMMM...What about those wonderful sheep&kiwis jokes made up by (jealous) AUSTRALIANS???

OH - and vegemite is the bomb.


I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
106 posted 2001-07-06 11:39 AM

still sound like a bug repelant  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Kris, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

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East Lansing, MI USA
107 posted 2001-07-06 07:44 PM

um. . .no. . . Vegemite is nothing like peanut butter. . . ick. . . the mere thought of Vegemite is enough to send me into more repulsion than. . .than. . . creamy peanut butter. . .



To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Yu Lan
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108 posted 2001-07-07 03:10 AM

Vegemite is DISGUSTing.. Yeeecghskhblrghleeewww! Hehe.. nah, I prefer blonde jokes to Aussie jokes.. 'coz my mum, lil sis and lil bro are blonde..   Aussie jokes are only good for my bio class or photography class, 'coz one of my mates is from Australia.. mmmm... gots tago now..

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109 posted 2001-07-08 11:02 AM


Hey Lynne, run, as fast as you can!  

Never speak disrespectfully of Society. Only people who can't get into it do that.
~ Oscar Wilde ~

Yu Lan
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110 posted 2001-07-25 12:49 PM

heheh, yeah, ok.. um.. that's not very fast..  
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Universal Mind
111 posted 2002-12-08 10:04 PM

Hi, I read one of your poem today, it's nice. My English name is Vivian. But my online name is Eliza Simmons. "Simmons" is not my real surename. My chinese name is Wing-Yan So. Simmon is my father's name. Nice to meet you. If you want to know more about me you can email me @ [email protected]

Eliza Simmons
~Sometimes when I look back at what I wrote, I don't recognize the 'Me' in the past anymore.

Local Parasite
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112 posted 2002-12-08 10:59 PM

Nice to see you Aries.  Come back in 8 posts.  
Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
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113 posted 2002-12-09 12:15 PM

I *am* the Pumpkin King! Hee hee hee hee hee. Uh oh, Zero, it's almost midnight. I hope we can find Santa, to set things right...
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Universal Mind
114 posted 2002-12-09 12:40 PM

Ya a Santa in PIP would be cool! Having surprise for everyone.

Eliza Simmons
~Sometimes when I look back at what I wrote, I don't recognize the 'Me' in the past anymore.

Yu Lan
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New Zealand
115 posted 2002-12-10 12:42 PM

Thanks aries! Wow, this hasn't been up in a long time.
Uh, bsquirrel you are MAD.. ^^ I guess you're going to put it down to the silly season, huh?

Happy holidays everyone!!

It's nice to share - kiss someone when you have a cold.

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
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116 posted 2002-12-10 04:46 PM

I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas last weekend, so that's where that outburst came from.


Yu Lan
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117 posted 2002-12-16 02:41 AM

Aaah, I see.. ^^ Makes a little more sense now! But then, I don't expect everything here to make sense.. it's more fun that way, doncha think???

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