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since 2005-12-17
Posts 29

0 posted 2005-12-17 06:12 AM

I swear sometimes the world sets out to work against me. -.-



was my first handle here.  When my email was hacked, I re-registered to BrokenWingedAngel until I could recover my first one.

I switched from my first handle from hotmail address to my yahoo address after I recovered the password (finally!!!) and didn't think anything of it.  Then my yahoo was hacked back in Feb.  Up until a few months ago I still had internet access and remembered all of my pw's.  Then I lost my net for awhile.  When I came back..... -.- I couldn't remember my password for my first account again.  

Thanks to yahoo being extremely unhelpful, I still haven't gotten that email acct back, so I don't want to try requesting my password (plus :p I wouldn't get it anyways, since I can't log into yahoo atm..)

Is there anyone I can talk to/e-mail/or otherwise bother to get my original handle back again?

I'm trying to think of ways to "prove" I'm me.. and the closest I can come up with is providing and replying on the same msg'ers (minus yahoo) that I've had forever and a day...

Suggestions and mucho help welcome.


P.S.  I'll try logging in with my laptop after the battery recharges... Maybe it's got my pw saved on it and I can change it from there..

© Copyright 2005 Nicole Anderson - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
1 posted 2005-12-17 07:02 AM

Any administrator can help you to get your email of record, but if you want a password from your account - you'll need to contact Ron directly.  He's the only one who can help on that.  Good Luck...
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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
2 posted 2006-05-14 02:20 AM

I would suggest contacting the Yahoo technical help.  You have to go to the FAQ's first and then when that doesn't answer your question, there is usually a link that leads to a form you can fill out with your question and problem.  It is usually fixed within a week depending on any problems they are experiencing at the time.  Hope you are able to get things straightened around.

Sheri Adams

Jesus lives in my heart!  He can in yours too!!!
Sheri Liegh Adams
[email protected]

Junior Member
since 2005-12-17
Posts 29

3 posted 2008-06-12 01:32 AM

I've been going around in circles trying to recover my identity from numerous sites over the past few years.

The biggest problem with Yahoo is that apparantly my 'birthday' isn't my birthday.  They don't care that I have bank records showing I purchased games from them in 2005 under that handle or anything else.  Apparantly when I registered with them back in 1994 I did a typo on the birthday dates and since I can't tell them the EXACT date I wrote in, I'm screwed as far as getting my handle back.

Anyways.. still trying to become *me* completely again..

~Formerly known as Broken Winged Angel~

Life is like a coin.  You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.

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