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where the wild flowers grow

0 posted 2003-11-10 04:12 AM

I'm very unhappy with the outcome of my recent poetry. I've also had a lack of feeling, in general.

Is this writer's block? Maybe. It's different than in the past. The block is not there, yet..

I cannot write anything good, anything worthy. I've been pleased with a lot of my own poetry, which I feel is normal and expected.

Lately, however, I've been very displeased and upset with my inabilities.

What's wrong with me?! *cries*

© Copyright 2003 Meghan Armitage - All Rights Reserved
Cpat Hair
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1 posted 2003-11-10 10:03 AM

Only the end if you make it so...

I think the only thing wrong with you is that you are human. lol
I have yet to read something you wrote that was not well done. Some I saw as stronger than others, and some, I might have wished to write, but could not have...I simply don't have the talent to do so.

the fact you are not happy with your poetry is probably pretty common. You may be facing a place where to write with feeling you have to explore areas you are not usually open to, and you may need to look at things from the perspective that the edge in so much of your work also has another side..and that side, becomes the evololving style you write now..

what ever you do, I would consider it a loss, if it was the end... and would certainly invest time to cajole you into continued efforts...

I happen to enjoy your words a great deal...
as do many others here.. it would be a shame to see them end.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2003-11-10 10:10 AM

I found this post so ironic ... just this morning I received such praising thoughts from someone that I share your writings with~

I'm going to tell you what she said, so that maybe you can discern that perhaps you are too unfamiliar with how your poetry reads to others.

"A true master poetess....her talent is amazing given her age......

this is a rare writer, not many have this ability......unique creativity
oozes from each line......she rarely fails to shock, stimulate, enhance, touch the reader in multiple ways....

I stand on this is a rare talent.......

master such an early age...!!!!

read and what I do with her offerings......."

Now that is SOME compliment from quite an accomplished poetess in her own right !
Keep writing gal~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
       [email protected]   

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Pencilveinia, USA
3 posted 2003-11-10 11:22 AM

I too have stopped posting due to my own self loathing. I feel inadequate, repetative, and without passion.

In my opinion Meg, you're forever consistent with your abilities.

Writers like you should not give up!

~I wanna live, I wanna give, I've been a miner for a heart of gold~  Neil Young

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4 posted 2003-11-10 11:28 AM

That you may be unhappy, Meghan, is a sign of growth.  That, of course, is the good news.  Muses can get to be funky little critters, and sometimes need a hiatus.  If you push yourself every day to write, it could be that you need a break.  

I cannot write anything good, anything worthy.

Who is making that judgment call?  You?  Us?  An instructor or professor?  Your literary agent?

I've been pleased with a lot of my own poetry, which I feel is normal and expected.

Good!  So have we! Been pleased, I mean.  It's good that you appreciate your own writings.  Quick, name me the top five poems that you hold dear to you.

Lately, however, I've been very displeased and upset with my inabilities.

Again, I'll go back to saying that you're in a transitional "growth" period.  It could be that you see yourself always writing about the same topic, or theme, and maybe what you're doing is asking permission to change gears.  If so, change away.  Write opposite of what you normally write about.  Does it make you feel better, or worse?  Have you taken different directions on themes?  Have you ever written of a character.  [For samples, I would suggest a search on the name "Iambe" and see where THAT reading takes you.  {If you haven't done so before today, I can tell you now, you're in for a treat.}].

Then, of course, after you've taken all of the above sage advice, you must do the ultimate.

Post and share!

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Out Making Anticlines
5 posted 2003-11-12 07:12 PM

I'm very unhappy with the outcome of my recent poetry. I've also had a lack of feeling, in general.

Is this writer's block? Maybe. It's different than in the past. The block is not there, yet..

"I cannot write anything good, anything worthy."

What's usually going on at times like that is one of two things....either you've done all the things that interest you right now because your activities have gotten too routine, or you're growing inside as a writer and the first sign of a stronger writer emerging in you is that you suddenly have contempt for yourself as you are.

I've been pleased with a lot of my own poetry, which I feel is normal and expected.

Lately, however, I've been very displeased and upset with my inabilities.

What's wrong with me?! *cries*

You're normal....tsk-tsk....

I thought I was blocked then realized that I was writing a couple of poems a day but not finishing them. I just stuck all my little notes in one place, and found I have 67 poems in various stages of completion. Nope, not blocked.... but I may have to grow a tad before some of them see the light of day.


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where the wild flowers grow
6 posted 2003-11-12 10:51 PM

I'm very happy that you all have given me such great advice and have kept pushing me to realize that I am going through something that is normal.

Cpat - Do not speak of my talent surpassing your own, you are one of my inspirations. Thank you.

Marge - I'm very astounded at those wonderful comments.. I feel better knowing that my work is appreciated from afar..I love your work, as well.. Thank you.

Gem - You, my friend, shouldn't give up either.. your writings are one's I can relate to, and I eagerly do so. Keep on.

Sun - You are yet another amazing writer that I look forward to reading. Thank you so much for helping me out, and suggesting to me Lambe.

James - *tips hat*, "I thought I was blocked then realized that I was writing a couple of poems a day but not finishing them. I just stuck all my little notes in one place, and found I have 67 poems in various stages of completion. Nope, not blocked.... but I may have to grow a tad before some of them see the light of day." You, sir, are correct.. In recent time, I've done the same.. Starting, but never finishing. Thank you, for being a relation.

I consider this ..a pleasure. You all have shown to be great friends.. I will continue.

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7 posted 2003-11-17 08:49 PM

I feel the same. every one else thinks what I write is great but I feel exactly like you described.

hhmm...perhaps a virus going around...

take a

What about China? Have you seen the Great Wall?
All walls are great, if the roof doesn't fall.

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