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Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley

0 posted 2002-10-23 10:37 PM

Sometimes it's the small things that really bug us..what tiny little itty bitty thing bugs you right now?


I'm really bugged by the political ads here in AZ this year. I'm going to write in a name for Governor because of the mudslinging here. Anyone want to be famous for a day, I'll write in your name on my ballot!!

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Local Parasite
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Transylconia, Winnipeg
1 posted 2002-10-24 01:23 AM

What's bugging me, you ask?

Well I skipped Philosophy class yesterday because I felt ill.  Now I'm wondering, when was it that the Plato quiz (worth 10% of our final mark) was scheduled?  I never wrote it down... and today, I had a mid-term Environmental Bio exam that came out of nowhere... so I'm kind of unsettled.  Either it's tomorrow morning and I'm completely unprepared, or it was yesterday and I have zero on it.

Ugh.  First year is not fun.

Oh - that's bugging me sure... little things otherwise.  Seems like I've been losing touch with my friends lately.  About now, I can count the amount of truly important people in my life on one hand, without using my thumb.

It's just kind of bothersome.  

That's bugging me... sorry if that's a bit more elaborate than you intended... hehe...

Learn to place poetry before people
Before you place your poetry before the people.
~Andrey Kneller

Masked Intruder
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2 posted 2002-10-24 02:44 AM

*grins* I thought you'd never ask.  

Sunday I got kicked in the head as I was diving for a catch during an ultimate frisbee game.  I got a concussion in the process.  AND as I was hyperventilating because my head felt like it was going to blow up, I sucked up too much 38 degree air and now I have a cold.  I hadn't really been able to go anywhere or do much until today when my vision finally straightened out and the ringing in ears subsided.  During those three days while I was for the most part out of commission, I missed four lectures, one quiz, and three days of work.  Plus, I was forced to struggle through a Differential Equations test, which typically would make my head hurt anyway, while I was seeing 50/20 and dizzy.  So, to wrap it up, I lost my job because I missed too many days of work over the last three months (which is a longer story but I would still have the job if I hadn't have gotten hurt), I'm way behind in my classes, and I might have to withdraw another class because I sucked on that math test.

As for that little thing that's bothering JAVA compiler hates me.

Janet Marie
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3 posted 2002-10-24 08:25 AM

Local P? ... I'll take that thumb
whats "bugging" me right now???

everything.... I'm a moth  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2002-10-24 10:47 AM

Hmmmm, mine's not really so 'itty-bitty' when it takes place ... but 'bugs' me very much.

The 'constant' invasion of 'dirty words' in my everyday world.
The intrusion of someone's idea of what foul language I should have to 'accept'~
Someone else's dirty-mouth graffiti spoken or written in my two-foot bubble in this world.

I can control it when it's on the Television
(mine came with an OFF button)
I can control it in a book store ...
(they can't MAKE me buy it)
I can control it at the movie theatre ...
(they have an EXIT door)
I can control it in MY HOME ...
(Time for YOU to go now)
In someone else's home, I also have an option ...
(I can either leave the room or leave the house)
I can speak out against the 'dirty word' assault ... and I do, in spite of the 'looks' I get from others.

Try as I might ... I simply cannot understand the need of some to try to 'impress' me with their great literary talent by continually verbalizing or writing their 'trash talk'~
It's not poetic ... it's pathetic~

*sigh* ... ~

I'm probably not going to change it ....
but .... I'll die trying~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

Moonlight Romeo
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5 posted 2002-10-24 11:16 AM

The fact that I am too far away from the woman I love.  

Thank you.

What light through yon window breaks?  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2002-10-24 11:36 AM

I've got a hair stuck in my throat.
serenity blaze
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7 posted 2002-10-24 11:37 AM

Local Parasite
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Transylconia, Winnipeg
8 posted 2002-10-24 01:17 PM

heh... thanks, JM... although I'd never be able to quantify all of the Passionate poets that have influenced my life, on fingers and thumbs alone...

You guys all have it rougher than I do.  I just got home from Philosophy, and our quiz isn't even this month... I'm elated.  On the bus home I was reading some very inspiring writing of Dorothy Wordsworth's, whom I do believe will soon become one of my favourite writers past... if the quality of what I've read so far is consistent with that which I haven't.  

Anyways, off topic...

Masked Intruder, that's rough, man... at least you made me feel better about my own situation, if it's any consolation.  Just be more careful next time, eh?

Marge, I don't mean to undermine your rage, but I do think your problems would be aleviated somewhat if you just took a deep breath and examined the perpetrators (sp?) for their real intents... I know so many foul-mouthed people, but they really don't have any ill intent... so their language is rather empty.

Hope you're feeling better, by the way.  

Moonlight Romeo... you're a poet, and you should know that love exists on an entirely different plane than our physical one.  We all have obstacles that hinder our feelings for another person... but this mere physical plane pales in comparison to that on which love resides.  You needn't always be close together physically in order to share what is important.

Serenity, I don't know what to say to you... you're beyond the reaches of my great wisdom.  

Sorry for being so long-winded, I'm just pumped after learning that my plato quiz is way in the distance...

Masked Intruder
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9 posted 2002-10-24 03:31 PM

It slides off.
And laughing at serenity, cause she's amazing...or amusing.  

I have more time to sleep and do other things, like sleep, now.  So I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

Dark Angel
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10 posted 2002-10-24 04:49 PM

what's bugging me?

I have a good job, well a job where I'm happy at and doing and the people around me are fantastic, it is a maternity leave position, my contract ends in May 2003....

Now, another job was kinda offered to me 2 days ago doing the same thing but different company and MUCH closer to home and more hours and better pay and it is also a maternity leave position but my contract will  run out in February 2004. If I get this job I'll start in Dec. I have an interview this coming Tuesday.

What's bugging me is that I might be leaving a wonderful position just so that I could be closer to home, save money on fuel and more money in the pocket. I mean what else would make you leave a job right?

I know I'm doing the logical thing here.
But I'm leaving a place where I'm happy.

Oh well

c'est la vie

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
11 posted 2002-10-24 08:34 PM

Maree, you could be happy at the other place too couldn't you?

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
12 posted 2002-10-24 08:40 PM

Marge. I agree. As poets, we are supposed to have a way with words...why do we have to use profanity when we can say things in other ways.
serenity blaze
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13 posted 2002-10-24 09:02 PM


language is our tool though. If I am writing about a biker blast, I find it helps to set the tone...

I find it quite laughable at times when I see certain movies with other phrases dubbed over the original script.

I ALSO find it disturbing tho, when language is used as deliberate "shock" device. But certain words have their place. But I agree it is a tricky thing.

But not all of us live in a white bread world. I didn't intend that as an offensive remark, either. (I happen to LIKE white bread.) But if I'm gonna make a certain sandwich, I'll use rye. Y'follow? Curious though, how do you paint the darker side of life without using darker tones? I've tried, and it sounds like I am observing my own work, like an anthropologist or something. It puts DISTANCE between me and my subject as a writer, and I think that translates to the reader.

And I seem to have this need to relate some of the grittier scenes of life. And my e mail attests to that fact that there are some who not only enjoy reading it, but can RELATE.

But, yes, I DO try to be polite--and even I, monitor my own mouth--even in my own home.

And yes, when I step on toes, however inadvertantly, I do apologize. I was brought up that way.

So...I guess I should apologize in advance?

sigh...just my two cents.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
14 posted 2002-10-24 09:20 PM

I think too many people use swear words just FOR the shock value. That's what I meant by 'finding an alternative'.

serenity blaze
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15 posted 2002-10-24 09:30 PM

I tend to both agree and disagree.

Sometimes a clever alternative works, but?
it just wouldn't work for a biker to exlaim:

"Bull feces!"

see what I mean?

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
16 posted 2002-10-24 09:50 PM

I guess I didn't think of THAT as the swear words we are talking about...guess it was the 'hard core' stuff..though to some what you imply could be considered hard core. So that tells us that profanity is in the eye of the reader. We need to be aware of the 'host' and be sure that if he or she has a different view of profanity than we do, that we don't overstep the boundaries of good manners. I guess MY weak attempts at profanity would be mild in a biker bar where my host is a former Hell's Angel.
serenity blaze
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17 posted 2002-10-24 09:53 PM

You might be pleasantly surprised. Most bike's I know would treat you with respect. They'd probably even end up being protective of you. Especially if you let them read some of your erotica!
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18 posted 2002-10-25 12:25 PM

My friends finished their final year a couple of days ago.

Anti Lemming Crusader - Fight against the conformity!

Paul Wilson
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19 posted 2002-10-26 04:35 AM

My Job bugs me.
There use to be myself & 1 other man working in the same office, my company laid him off last week and now I have to do both jobs.
They are always trying to get more for less these big multi national companies.
They won't think twice about spending millions of dollars on crap, but they lay off a man trying to feed his family.
Oh yah they told him in 2-3 months when work picks back up in their words they would hire him back. They could have just kept him on the job for 2-3 months till as they say work picks back up. Is there no justice?

Member Rara Avis
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Purgatorial Incarceration
20 posted 2002-10-26 10:44 PM

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21 posted 2002-10-27 09:32 AM

Ditto that Chris.

Anti Lemming Crusader - Fight against the conformity!

S Arthur Grey
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woven by a poet's loom
22 posted 2002-10-27 03:06 PM

just ripped a chunk of flesh off a thumb nuckle . . . OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
that's what's buggin me !

Moonlight Romeo
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The heart of you
23 posted 2002-10-28 03:06 PM

Local Parasite, I know that I need not be physically close to the one that I love to share the feeling; but, there are times where only the feeling of her next to me in morning's first light will do.

It is during those times that I long to wake from my dream of her to her, my dream.

Thank you.

What light through yon window breaks?  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

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