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0 posted 2006-03-10 02:06 AM

I think this is a rhetorical question:
one only needs to review an election
to answer that! Yes, most people
at least on this benighted world
are certifiably dumb.

Time after time, people will go to the polls –
oh yes, less and less are conned into this
but still, they legitimize this enterprise
of putting liars, cheats, self-serving narcissists
in positions of power.

People give individuals with minds
comparable to those of egocentric feudal lords
power over all aspects of their lives –
and they do this of their own “free” will
thinking they have no choice.

And that’s the point, isn’t it:
do we have a choice or not?
Must we endure ignorant self-serving asses
as “governing” members of society
or can we do without them?
Let’s consider this question logically:
what would we need to get rid of “them”?

Well, we’d need to be absolutely certain
we are morally better than they are.
We’d have to be certain we truly care
about others and about our environment.
We’d have to know we can discipline ourselves,
not oppress our neighbour, not take advantage,
and be there when someone needs our help.

We’d have to obey the law; the laws;
we wouldn’t fight, cause unrest or be disorderly;
we wouldn’t be racist or misogynist –
sharing all the good things equally with all
regardless of class, gender, race.
Oh and most important of all:
we’d have to know that however provoked
we would not hate another – ever.

Well, that’s about it.
If, as a society of intelligent beings
we know we cannot meet these obligations
then we’d better continue to vote,
pay our rising taxes, accept the asses in power
and expect the ever growing worst.

© Copyright 2006 Sharran WindWalker - All Rights Reserved
Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
1 posted 2006-03-12 11:08 AM

it's not that we are's that  humans lie

I vote for those who say what they will do  and once they are in office they are influenced otherwise...

we have choices
and that is about all we have

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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
2 posted 2006-05-14 01:49 AM

I really liked your poem, all but for the swearing.  I don't think that was necessary to get your point across.  I do completely agree with your poem.  We'd love to get rid of our governing forces that rule over us, but without them, what chaos we would have.  Point well made, but you could lose the cursing to make it even better.  Remember that young kids and children come here too.

Sheri Adams

Jesus lives in my heart!  He can in yours too!!!
Sheri Liegh Adams
[email protected]

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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3 posted 2006-10-05 12:53 PM

High time for this one, all right. Seldom is it so clear as this very week that there is a group of people leading our governing structures -- not all in one party's leadership nor all OF either, but predominantly in one -- who actually think they're above, not just the laws, but the very ethical and moral standards they'd crucify the rest of us for breaking.

Yes, feudal lords and ladies, that's how they see themselves, and the way of life they favor is nothing better than feudalism by committee.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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4 posted 2014-04-03 10:53 PM

You hit the 'proverbial' nail on the head -
humans are dumb and lazy 'in mass' when it comes to taking an extra bit of effort in all things political - they should call this 'era' the 'Timex age' - "We'll take a licking and keep on ticking"!!!
Very well written,and very timely. Bravo!!!

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