Open Poetry #17 |
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God and Harry Potter |
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wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) ![]() |
This thread has been transferred to the PIP Talk Lounge.. |
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Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Walt, Really? You are good! Amen. ![]() Sin isn't fair, but God got even, grace isn't fair either. larry c |
EagleScorpion Senior Member
since 2000-03-08
Posts 1644Here, Now, Forever |
I just saw Harry Potter today.. I must say Walt it was a really good movie. I was thinking to myself about "how does all of this tie in with God?" (that is, if Harry Potter magic DID exist, which it DOESN'T < Make believing is a wonderful thing.. I think everyone should take a chance to just make belive about something every now and then |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
In my belief you can practice witchcraft and dark magic and the devil will just grab hold of you and again in my belief playing with it is like playing with fire. Thanks for the comments o yuh |
Startime Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
Posts 5918Canada |
*giggling* I think I will just stick to weaving fantasies with my pen. This is really good, Walt. Now I am going to have to go see the movie. I love those kind of movies. ![]() Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams. |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do what you want to do Startime but don't let me think I caused you to go see the movie!!! yuh yuh [This message has been edited by wayoutwalt (edited 11-19-2001).] |
Blackdrake Member
since 1999-07-23
Posts 83Depends on the day :) |
Biggest star wars fan eh? hehe ill fight ya for that title . Only one problem, I was not alive to see the originals.. But alas life goes on.... and yet again, anothet movie i should go see, to see what we are showing out kids these days, ... honest ...... hehehe ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
aw geez, know I love you, and I love your work but do we add The Classics too? "The Wizard of Oz"? "Mary Poppins"? and Grimms Fairytales are downright, well, GRIM. Perhaps this my answer is more suited for the discussion forum, but while I think this is well written, I do politely disagree. I am Wiccan--and trust me---Harry Potter is a fantasy that has little to do with the reality of the practice of that religion and I must also decry censorship. With hugs, Walt. (By the way, am waiting for part II of your prose story, "The Imaginings") ![]() |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Well, I've read the first Harry Potter book, and saw the movie. I liked them both. I think it is a great imagination and fun, and as enjoyable to read as Tolkien's 'Hobbit' series, and Tad Williams 'Otherland', and of course, 'Alice In Wonderland.' Your poem is very interesting, as are all of your posts. But I'm afraid my POV on this one is a polar opposite. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
While everybody was lining up for the Harry Potter stuff I was watching the movie "Amelie"...a very French was fantastic...simply fantastic...James |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Two lines of thought, and it takes a poet to bring it to the table in wonderful form... well done, our Walt! |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
All the old tales what makes them any better? is it that they are old? God casts magic users into the fire of lake (Revelations 21) and hows it any better for a kid to go to the movie and wish they could be like Harry than it is for a lustful eye to follow a naked woman in a porno. God calls that sin as well. Watch what your kids are pretending.... Oh and dont let me tell you what to do or anything... Thanks as always for the comments yuh |
elisaseyes Member
since 1999-07-15
Posts 196fort worth texas |
I applaud you, Walt, for being so bold about such a controversial topic. . . and put it into poetry. I absolutely agree with you and God's word regarding wizardry, sorcery, black magic, mediums and witchcraft. Kudos for stating where you stand when so many people see this danger as harmless fun. [This message has been edited by elisaseyes (edited 11-19-2001).] |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
Hi Walt..gee, it is very hard for me to say too much on this topic, being in the profession of magically entertaining youngsters for more years than I can even remember. I would invite you to visit my site if you have not as yet. A very good write and always topical. Magical smiles, Nancy. ~I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before.~ |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Gee, I must be missing the point (I do that on occassion). I thought this was a great idea for a poem. I can imagine that, if there were no God and a producer came up with the idea of one for a movie, the hype that is used in these days would be awesome, especially with the special effects available today. SEE NOAH SAIL FOR 40 DAYS WITH TWO MEMBERS OF EVERY ANIMAL SPECIES ON EARTH AS THE WORLD IS COVERED WITH A GIANT FLOOD!!! SEE DANIEL SURVIVE THE LION'S DEN FILLED WITH FEROCIOUS BEASTS! WATCH DAVID SLAY A GIANT WITH A PRIMITIVE WEAPON! BEHOLD THE BURNING BUSH AND WATCH IN AWE AS JESUS RISES FROM THE DEAD!! Wow! If it were nothing but a movie script, Hollywood could go crazy in pre-opening hype! I assume that this is the tongue-in-cheek comparison Walt is pointing out in his incomparable, if I missed something, don't tell me! - I like it this way ![]() |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
Yuh thats it 'deer just a comparison of what if they hyped God and how easily things are gorgotten when something new comes along...oh and also the perils of pretend...not that I don't love a good imagination yuh |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
Hey Walt! You've expressed your opinion well here. I agree that there are some things that can be really dangerous. Not sure yet if Harry Potter is one of them, because I'm still learning too. Anyway, good poem. ![]() God bless America, my home sweet home. |
cruz Member
since 2000-07-18
Posts 282Dallas,Texas USA |
this poem is just what the dr. ordered! imaginication is cool and fantasy the like but God rulez. careful what you wish for. well written |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I can only continue this in a discussion type forum. But please people, do keep in mind, that I can sling back chapter and verse...instead I invite all to a sensible discussion, to be conducted with respect and tolerance for all beliefs in one of the discussion forums, or whatever venue. But realize, that I do take my religion seriously--AS DO YOU--not something I drew in cartoons--and I would appreciate the same respect that I show others. Thank you. And Blessed Be. |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
I understand that I have hurt some feelings with this and I am sorry... I wrote it with intentions to remind fellow Christians that our beliefs do not go with the beliefs of wizards and pretending to do so, as children would if they saw the movie, is a very dangerous thing to dabble in. Its only my belief, do please feel free to disagree with it and we can all get along. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
I agree, Walt. As Christian parents and grandparents we have to be so careful as to what we allow our little ones to be exposed. Not everything, no matter how culturally popular, is edifying or in their best interest mentally and spiritually. It's possible to portray fantasy and stimulate imagination and a love of reading without resorting to the trappings of the occult. Other's are entitled to their opinions and beliefs, of course, just as we are entitled to ours, but no one is responsible for our children except for us. I don't agree with censorship but I do advocate that parents take responsibility for that which they allow their children to become involved in. I've read many articles, pro and con, regarding the Harry Potter phenomenon and I found it peculiar that the predominant kudos were, "it's got kids interested in reading again", "it's a smash box-office hit", "the books are flying off the shelves", etc., but not a word addressing the affect that the occult theme could have on young impressionable minds. Not everything that kids are interested in is good for them. Just because something is a smash hit in the theatre or the book store, that is not necessarily a vindication of a movie or a book. It just means that it is popular, nothing more, nothing less. You done good, Walt! O Yuh! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
I am just glad that my parents did not try so hard to protect me from evil that they refused to let me read about King Arthur and Merlin...and that they allowed me to watch FantasyLand and go to the Magic Kingdom. They even allowed me, and encouraged me, to believe in Santa Claus, knowing that he was a mythical figure and a lie....I suppose I would have been much better off with no magic or fantasy in my growing-up years.....but I doubt it ![]() |
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543The Shores of Alone |
Love this, Walt. Long live magic Sandra |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Balladeer, you took the words right out of my mouth. Was that a magic trick? I fail to see the difference in "harm" between the perennial Christmas tree and that jolly old fat man who drops down the chimney (hope it got swept clean this year!) and Harry on a broomstick, or waving magically to fend off the "bad" guys. I remember someone telling me the Lion King was sexist and a perversion of God's separation of the animals from the human's traits. But I do agree it is a good idea to be aware of what your children are watching and listening to, and a responsible caring parent should always strive to be a hands-on available trust worthy guide. |
Tracey Member Elite
since 2001-08-29
Posts 2808where insanity meets breeding |
I'll leave all the discussion up to everyone else. All I know is I want to go see the movie and I'm too old to see it by myself (all the kids'll be going..."hey...what's that lady doing seeing a kids movie"?? ) So I'm asking my brother if I can borrow my niece for a few hours and take her. That way, I get to see it without looking like a dork!! LOL If she who dies with the most toys wins, then can I have some toy boys please? |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
It all needs to just be cast out and we all need to follow Jesus but that is totally easier said than done I know. Harry Potter in my opinion is a cancer just like Santa Claus and everything else that gets in the way of following Jesus. I know I am a hypocrite in highest degree and a major sinner but more promotion of witchcraft especially this blatant sorcerer's tale of a movie is in no regards a good thing for the already tormented traditionalistic and habit loving human of today. Please don't think my poem is pro-magic as I am seeing some replies making me think the reader is having me promote the movie or something. Anyway before this is over I am sure that I will be well hated here so I close with an : all the above mentioned ideas and such are the formation of the author and aren't neccesarily those of passions or the reader and remain as always IMHO! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
..and with those words we have exceeded the Open Forum's boundaries. Any further discussion can be held in a discussion Forum. This case of Harry Potter is closed... |
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