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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2001-12-10 07:42 PM

(This is a children's Christmas other words, for LngJohn   )

The lights shone bright in Cooperstown,
Feelings of Christmas filled the air.
Bright, shiny faces lit the night
Almost, but not quite, everywhere.

Poor Muffy sat in her living room
Staring at that empty space
Where, always before on Christmas eve,
A green pine tree stood in its place.

Poor kid looked everywhere for a tree;
It wasn't that she hadn't tried
But all the stores were all sold out
And so poor Muffy sat and cried.

The townfolk, hearing of her plight,
Searched the fields for miles around.
They searched the valleys, hills and woods
But no green pine tree could be found.

Oh, they found elm and oak and birch
And chestnut trees and such,
But no Douglas fir or spreading pine -
No Christmas tree for Muff.

The mayor, in all his wisdom, said
"We are faced here with a toughie!
In all the town there seems to be
No Christmas tree for Muffy."

So off they went to the highest hill,
Two hundred people strong,
With flashlights, axes, hammers and saws
And Muffy caught up in the throng.

Till one, then two, then three then four
Those hills they all accosted,
Till, finally, two hundred strong,
Fell to the ground, exhausted.

But, as they lay there on their backs,
Staring at the winter sky,
A soft smile touched the mayor's lips;
A twinkle appeared in his eye.

"Muffy," he smiled as he spoke,
"You are such a lucky girl.
You've got the greatest Christmas tree
In all the whole, wide world!"

The crowd looked up and what they saw
Brought tears to every eye
And sighs of awe escaped their lips
At the clear December sky.

Millions and millions of blinking lights
Covered Muffy's tree.
The tinsel came from shooting stars
Dropping through the galaxy.

Leo, Venus, Aries and Mars
Provided her with ornaments
And, as the lights bounced off her face,
Muffy knew what the mayor meant.

The townfolk, happy to the man,
Drifted home to get some rest
Each knowing on this Christmas eve
That they had seen life at its best.

And, when they woke up in the morn,
Rested from fulfilling dreams,
If they had looked upon that hill
Do you know what they would have seen?

A sight that would have said of life
That God is - as He has to be.
A girl with head tilted toward the sky;
Sweet Muffy and her Christmas tree.

© Copyright 2001 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-10-03
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1 posted 2001-12-10 07:50 PM

BRAVO!!!!BRAVO!!! I am printing this one off for my daughter, Erin, to take to school with her. Absolutely magnificent. Your talent shines brightly, sweet Balladeer. **hugs**

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
2 posted 2001-12-10 07:51 PM

Aww, this is a sweet one.
Happy Christmas month..

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

3 posted 2001-12-10 07:53 PM

The crowd looked up and what they saw
Brought tears to every eye
And sighs of awe escaped their lips
At the clear December sky.

Millions and millions of blinking lights
Covered Muffy's tree.
The tinsel came from shooting stars
Dropping through the galaxy.

Leo, Venus, Aries and Mars
Provided her with ornaments

Who could ever forget this one...
Anybody ever tell ya youre a poet  
anybody ever tell ya you are waaay cool  
Classic poetry....CLASSY poet  

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
4 posted 2001-12-10 08:03 PM

Ahhh Balldeer...this is soooo sweet!
You are quite the storyteller.  
You clever clever writer you!
I so much enjoyed this one tonight.
~Thank you and kisses under the mistletoe~

"A dream is a wish your heart makes..."

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
5 posted 2001-12-10 08:14 PM

CLAPPING WILDLY!!! Oh my gosh, this is soooooooo beautiful, sweet Balladeer, what a beautiful Christmas poem to ring in the holiday season! (smiles) I cried reading this to see the star twinkle on the tree and Muffy's warm face smiling as Christmas carols were sung around her tree. (sigh) This is soooooooo beautiful, sweet friend, I'm printing out a copy for my sister to read it, she'll love it!!! (big hugggssssss) We all love you, sweet friend, we wish you the happiest holidays! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Balladeer, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2001-12-10 08:19 PM

My stocking was just waiting for this one...

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
7 posted 2001-12-10 09:25 PM

Startime...I am honored! I hope they all like it. Thank you!  

Sandra...thank you...and happy wishes to you, also  

Janet Marie..and classy response from a classy lady. No WONDER we get along so well  

Enchantress...thank you, magical one. I'm putting up lots of mistletoe!!  

Noah...I hope your sister likes it! Thank you, friend poet. Your words are always appreciated  

Sunshine..I am honored to be in your stocking....KIDDING!!!!   Thank you!

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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
8 posted 2001-12-10 09:38 PM

Oh great one,  I bow to you as your humble
servant of poetic mastery.  Nicely done.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
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Spring, Texas
9 posted 2001-12-10 09:49 PM

As usual, standing in your shadow Big B...beautiful work...


Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
10 posted 2001-12-10 09:52 PM

Oh Balladeer! You sure tell some wonderful stories. I love it!
Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
11 posted 2001-12-10 09:58 PM

for the cutie pattootie    

Yes, I remember this, I loved it then, I love it even more now!  I'll second what Janet Marie said  

Take care,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
12 posted 2001-12-11 12:22 PM

   I absolutely LOVE this.
   What a wonderful, heart-warming story.
   You're just awesome, my friend.
   Happy Holidays!

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
13 posted 2001-12-12 12:09 PM

'Deer dear heart

Do YOU know this is my favourite of all time Christmas poems, it is simply the best.

Truly Fabulous 'Deer

I have this printed, framed and on my wall, along with Desderata, Don't Quit, and If. And this fits in perfectly with each of them, you really are a fabulous utterly fabulous writer.  

Truly this is utterly utterly wonderful, and thank you for reposting it. I can't imagine how I missed this earlier, but I was a little busy trying to get a poem sorted out. Still I've seen it now and so I'm really really happy.  
Love and warm stuff
as always

To give light to them that sit in darkness..... to guide our feet into the way of peace St John ch2 v1

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lost in blue pages
14 posted 2001-12-12 06:10 PM

Excellent penned my Dear Deer....
wonderful story indeed  



Member Elite
since 2001-08-29
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where insanity meets breeding
15 posted 2001-12-12 09:26 PM

What a great Christmas tale Michael. I think I may print it off and read it to my niece this weekend. She’s sure to enjoy it as much as I do.

If she who dies with the most toys wins, then can I have some toy boys please?

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
16 posted 2001-12-13 09:03 AM

Always the beauty of your thoughts touches me in a tender way~
Thanking you for sharing this *gift*~
I love ya' ... oodles~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
       [email protected]                  

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
17 posted 2001-12-13 09:06 AM

Oh, I do love this one Michael. A definite favorite of mine ... thank you for sharing this again. Big hugs to you sweet poet, and Merry Christmas!  

Best wishes,

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
18 posted 2001-12-13 11:59 AM

Michael this warmed my soul!  Guess what they get read to them on Thursday, yup!     I shall email you the critique LOL - Thank you - this was excellent timing and I really enjoyed it (you have a good heart Charlie Brown).

~*~  May the spirit of this season live in your heart all year through ~*~

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
19 posted 2001-12-13 12:29 PM

many regards to you Sir Balladeer,

since 2001-12-01
Posts 111
Ontario, Canada
20 posted 2001-12-13 12:34 PM

Merry Christmas! Your words left me with a childlike smile, ear to ear and I would say its quite permanent! Your stories remind of my grandmother as she would sit with me and tell me stories. I thank you for this marvellous write! Bravo! God Bless your kind heart!  

Alone in the dark, through my thoughts comfort I do seek, through my words I find peace.

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