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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2001-11-14 10:19 PM

Covered with Love

Your baby hands were big even then,
big enough to reach out and touch
the place where love is.

You waved them like wings,
trying to capture the light of dust
that slipped around your curved palm.

You opened something with your tiny fingers,
something invisible, made from heaven’s weave,
then you wrapped me in it
and it gave me grace.

Now, with your big blanket of love,
I see you have found the same fabric,
for you cover her with such tenderness that I weep.

I could never find the words to tell you.

Now you know.


[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 11-14-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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South Carolina, USA
1 posted 2001-11-14 10:23 PM

Martie...this is so beautiful and touching.
You could not have done any better, not

Janet Marie
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2 posted 2001-11-14 10:29 PM

You waved them like wings
trying to capture the light of dust
that slipped around your curved palm.

You opened something with your tiny fingers,
something invisible but made from heaven’s weave,
then you wrapped me in it
and it gave me grace.
I could never find the words to tell you.

Now you know.

Om my...that baby's only been here a few hours and just look at the gifts.....
this is poetry in motion.
you are amazing dear poetess

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
3 posted 2001-11-14 10:44 PM

Martie~This tiny miracle has no idea yet just how lucky she is to have you as her gramma!  This is just such an emotionl and breathtaking tears of happiness for you spilled over.
~hugs, Nancy~

~I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before.~

Mistletoe Angel
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4 posted 2001-11-14 10:48 PM

(tears fall down my cheeks in joy) Oh Martie, this is soooooooo beautiful, it made me cry to feel the love of your heart to this sweet grandchild! (sigh) CONGRATULATIONS!!! (kiss on cheek) May she forever be blessed and loved, just as your loving heart shines. (smiles) God Bless You, sweet friend! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
5 posted 2001-11-14 10:50 PM

Such beautiful words, Martie.....
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2001-11-14 11:08 PM


'Now, I with your big blanket of love,
I see you have found the same fabric,
for you cover her with such tenderness that I weep.

I could never find the words to tell you.

Now you know.'

You are such a wonderful mother ...
a heart as big as yours has so much to offer~
Jay will love it, mom ...
and what precious, precious memories you are weaving your way through right now~

LOVE YOU .....
Love our baby~
~*Auntie Marge*~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
     [email protected]                

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
7 posted 2001-11-14 11:23 PM

Oh Martie, how I know these invisible tears of love and joy to see the son you gave life, holding the one he has given life to.  When you see them holding their child in such tenderness, I think it is almost some kind of closure that our job is somewhat finished, but then, I think they are always our little boys aren't they?  How beautiful is that tiny child, and I can see that those big blankets of love are ready to accept the same responsibility taken a generation before.  I share your tears of joy, for I too have seen this sight with my son and wept inside and out without the words to express.  Thank you for doing this poem, and I will show this to my son, and tell him if I could - I would say something like Martie!  God Bless these children.

~*~  Carpe' Diem  ~*~

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (edited 11-14-2001).]

serenity blaze
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8 posted 2001-11-14 11:48 PM

Absolutely gorgeous and the tears are streaming down my face as I remember the incredible joy of watching my parents enjoy my babies...(I did though wonder, who these remarkably patient, loving people were, and what did they do with the people who raised ME--- ) But your joy is shared. Watching my mother hold my firstborn was an epiphany:

THIS is what it's all about...

Thank you Martie with hugs and much love...

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By the sea
9 posted 2001-11-14 11:52 PM precious.    Soooo...sweet...woohooooo!!! A new potential poet and friend for us all.  


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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Listening to every heart
10 posted 2001-11-15 08:38 AM

Well, that bit of inspiration took less than two days to be uncovered....

I knew this child was going to be a many, many ways...

your heart is full, our Martie...keep the love light shining for us all...

Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
11 posted 2001-11-15 10:09 AM

such an evocative piece...

and such a wonderfully marvelous gift...


Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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12 posted 2001-11-15 11:15 AM

This is extraordinary in pure joy...thank you for sharing this.


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13 posted 2001-11-15 11:21 AM

Such helpless angels make us weak and strong
their being is a reason to carry on.

since 2000-12-06
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14 posted 2001-11-15 01:22 PM


Senior Member
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15 posted 2001-11-15 03:57 PM

Ahh, Martie, the tenderness of you reaches out in this and is felt by all..very gentle smile
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Member Patricius
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16 posted 2001-11-16 10:51 AM

since 2001-09-04
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Michigan, USA
17 posted 2001-11-16 11:54 AM

Belated Congratulations!

My eyes are brimming.  I am so much enjoying all the lessons I've come across lately on the circle of life. I don't think I understood any of it until my daughter was born, and now every time I turn around there is more joy to behold in life.  Thank you for sharing your little bundle of love.  She's beautiful;

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
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18 posted 2001-11-16 01:03 PM

Martie, I just don't know how I can take much more of your poetry. You touch me so very deeply, especially with this one. I am not likely to ever be a grandma, it was a miracle to get to be a mom...well, it always is, but it was a great big miracle.

I would so love to share this with friends, may I. Please e-mail me your answer. VAS

Whether on the shoal or on the shore,
I'll seek the lighthouse evermore.

since 2001-04-08
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19 posted 2001-11-17 03:59 AM

I guess you have to experience it to know it Martie.  This was very touching.

And you have another young fan in the making as well  


Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
20 posted 2001-11-22 11:08 AM

what a lovely way to start a Thanksgiving morning. I sit here with tears in my eys at the sheer beauty of this poem. Thanks so much for sharing it with me as I rarely find my way back home to passions anymore. Congratulations and God bless my dear friend.
Love and hugs  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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21 posted 2001-11-22 11:53 AM

It's hard to find the words, it's something that has to be personally experienced to fully understand. Beautiful expression, Martie!
Lone Wolf
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Lansing, MI USA
22 posted 2001-11-22 01:16 PM

This was so beautiful and tender, Martie.  Very well done.  

All writing comes
by the grace of God.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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