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Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
Posts 2533

0 posted 2001-08-09 08:27 AM

Some innocence is never truly lost,
despite lifes penitence
demanding guilt as cost.

I've seen the downtrodden
thought unclean in light of day
sheen in slightest laudin'
of a kind word sent their way.

Timid illegal immigrants
unsettled and distressed
glimmer when a smile is lent
proud medal on their chests.

Old warriors forgotten,
aging, angry and alone,
fold like laundered cotton
when engaged in tender tones.

Men penalized assumin'
by their captors that 'er long
the dehuminizing gloom's
the last chapter for their wrongs,
till they realize there looms
yet untapped a Love that's strong,
yes I've surprized the doomed
for I've led such men in song.

Women some call whores
lives just weepholes, childrens cries,
lights dimmin' on such poor
but I've seen such people rise,
not a hymn I'm askin' for
but we reap what's fertilized,
to the grim please help restore
peaceful sleep to mother's eyes.

The homeless in their plight,
the insane who roam the street,
the troubled with no rights,
old exposed to cold and heat,
children lost from sight,
those the law mistreats,
let's the hungry reunite
with a simple bite to eat.

There are times we cannot cope,
lose our footing on lifes soap,
help the downcast when they mope,
balance others their tightropes,
we all have it in our scope
to even out the slippery slope,
then I'll be there when you grope,
you know me, my name is Hope.

© Copyright 2001 Richard S. Wells jr. - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2001-08-09 08:39 AM

There is always so much to glean from your pennings, I hope you continue to bring them here to share...

well done Sir...

since 2001-07-25
Posts 99

2 posted 2001-08-09 08:40 AM

it is comforting to know there are poeople who care in this lonely world...
peace love and understanding...wpwpoet

Senior Member
since 2001-02-19
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Under the stars upon the wind
3 posted 2001-08-09 09:35 AM

Hope, is the only thing you got sometimes.
This was written great, the point was great,
and the poem was, you guessed it, great!

Freedom is not Free (Korean War memorial)

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2001-08-09 09:45 AM

A good write with a good humor. Enjoyed

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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5 posted 2001-08-09 11:14 AM

Women some call whores
lives just weepholes, childrens cries,
lights dimmin' on such poor
but I've seen such people rise,
not a hymn I'm askin' for
but we reap what's fertilized,
to the grim please help restore
peaceful sleep to mother's eyes.

The homeless in their plight,
the insane who roam the street,
the troubled with no rights,
old exposed to cold and heat,
children lost from sight,
those the law mistreats,
let's the hungry reunite
with a simple bite to eat.

those who see that which most choose to close their eyes indeed offer a light and hope.
sincere, kind intend here Richard...thank you  

I know no one is to blame
In time youll feel strength when you call my name
I know Ill never hold you again
And I know Ill never be the same

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2001-08-09 11:46 AM


'but we reap what's fertilized'

I found so many lines that moved me in this piece~
This is a touching write~
I am touched by your thoughts~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
7 posted 2001-08-09 02:06 PM

THis is clearly the writing of one who has truly lived to the fullest measure.
Your wisdom is penned in wonderful phrases.
I enjoyed this piece very much.
It is very moving and thought provoking

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2001-08-09 02:28 PM

Like a fine wine Richard, you are not getting older just better with each poem you write, and this as Elizabeth says shows that you have tasted life.  From he who drank from cups of tin and gold and don't care which is handed you, I salute you on this one. (and oh that they should all hear you really sing!) This is my all time favorite now!

~ To see real beauty you must look with your heart ~
           ~* Mysteria *~

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
9 posted 2001-08-10 03:01 AM

Well darn it, this is too moving a piece and a reminder to us all to be human to be buried, so shoot me I bumped it so people can read it and feel these words, as they have to be felt!  
Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
10 posted 2001-08-10 06:37 AM

You are so right. Clearly you understand the meaning of hope. A priceless essence to all of us, regardless of circumstance. Wonderful read and message.

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