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Teen Poetry #5
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0 posted 2001-11-07 12:05 PM

I'm paralized by memories of the past,
And I'm scared I don't know what to do.
It seems like my life will never be that good,
But that's something I always knew.

No matter what I'm doing or where I am,
The memoreies of the past will never leave my head.
Where the future leads me doesn't really matter,
Because the past will haunt me tell I'm dead.

I miss the people who I have lost contact with,
They all were truely special to me.
And even though I probably will never see them again,
I know they will become whatever they want to be.

People tell me I need to move on with my life,
But those people don't know or care.
No day is normal for me I can't seem to move on,
And the pain is something I can not bare!


© Copyright 2001 TopGunLauren - All Rights Reserved
Local Parasite
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since 2001-11-05
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Transylconia, Winnipeg
1 posted 2001-11-07 12:17 PM

This was really beautiful, Lauren.  I was eager to finally read what your writing is like.  You seem to have a universal appreciation for poetry of all styles and types.
It comes through in your own poetry, which is obviously very heartfelt and sincere.  There aren't many writers like this that I have seen so far.
Good work on this.  You have a very different talent.


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2 posted 2001-11-07 02:18 AM

hmm..babe, you know, you think now that you will never be able to let go of your past. and i totally understand that, bc i used to be like that. and you try so hard to bury it in yourself and not let it bother you, but its there. and you know it. the best thing to do is let it out..doing whatever you can (with an exception of hurting people or animals  ) but you HAVE to let go of it sometime. its not healthy babe. trust me, i know. and forgetting your past isn't necisarily forgiving people that have hurt you, its forgiving yourself. and letting yourself let those people go. this might all sound like a bunch of jibberish, but try it sometime.  positive results..promise. i know how much pain you are in everyday, dont think i forgot all our little talks. but babe, there will come a day when youre happy, and the faster you let yourself let go of your anger and the pain, the faster that day that you will be happy will come   and you let me know..and we'll throw a party mmk?? well now that ive typed a novel, i will say wonderful poem..and keep in touch


**You can't always trust the people you want to**

since 2001-04-26
Posts 495
East Haddam, CT
3 posted 2001-11-07 07:39 AM

Hey, you wrote this so beautifully.  I know what it's liked to be trapped within memories of the past, and to not know how to let them go.  I hope we both learn how to..Great work!  


~*I'd rather you hate me for what I am than love me for what I'm not.*~

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tRyIn tO fIt iN2 mY oWn ShoEs
4 posted 2001-11-07 08:00 AM

You expressed yourself very nicely hun..i completely understand where your coming from. I live in the past, in fact i can never seem to go on to tomorrow because im always stuck in yesterday...its difficult...i kno...::hugs:: you'll get through it...once again great poem!

ShE'S nOt ThE kInDa GiRL..WhO lIkeS tO tElL tHe WorLd AbOuT tHe Way She FEEL'S aBouT hErSelf...ShE tAkEs a LiTtLe TiMe In MakIn uP hEr MiNd..

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United States
5 posted 2001-11-07 01:14 PM


This is a great poem. Lots of people have something in their past that they seem trapped in. Just some people deal with it better and faster than others. I hope you are able to free yourself of the trap soon.


A Square Paraboloid
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6 posted 2001-11-07 05:27 PM

A blunt yet beautiful piece. Yesterday is indeed extremely difficult to forget, and perhaps we shouldn't always do so. Perhaps we should learn, and learn to build on our losses, as well.

A Square Paraboloid

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7 posted 2001-12-07 08:50 AM

Lauren, this piece was posted a while ago so I hope that things are alright now. No one deserves to be tormented by their emotions so if you ever need to vent or anything, email me anytime: [email protected].


Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my gosh....I could be eating a slow learner.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
8 posted 2001-12-12 05:50 PM


OMG this poem's emotional content just struck me in the heart.  The last line is amazing.  Now I feel really bad, for I see how much you hurt.  PLease be open to the notion of letting things go.  This is better for you and once you do, the happy times will come.  It won't until you do let go.

Thanks for the emotional read.
*standing ovation*

là où est mon amour?
donde está mi amour?
wo ist meine Liebe?
Nelly Furtado é a menina a mais bonita no mundo largo do todo.

since 2001-11-17
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black hole named Aylmer
9 posted 2001-12-12 09:23 PM

You expressed yourself excellently here. It is very very hard to forget the past, I know- i'm as guilty of it as the next guy. I hope you can work your way out of that funk you're in soon. Anywho, great piece!

since 2001-04-20
Posts 106
10 posted 2001-12-13 11:24 AM

  I know where you're at right now.  I was the same way for like, 3 years, heh.  I'm sorry for what you're going through, but maybe someday things will be different.  Things change.  

For now, all I can do is dream.

since 2001-05-16
Posts 58
Moodus, Connecticut
11 posted 2001-12-14 01:04 PM

That was such a great poem, you really expressed your emotion very well. I know exactly how that feels. I hope thing get better *hugs*

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