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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL

0 posted 2001-05-24 06:21 AM

As I watch the candle
Flickering flame
I am reminded of sleep.
As I watch the candle melt with the flame,
I am reminded of lovers bedding slowly down,
And wondering upon the stars,
Where my love doth lie tonight.
Sweet sweet dreaming love,
I no longer believe in us,
But shh..
There is sunlight to come soon,
And work to be done,
So that I may give myself illusions of control.
Control so honored is an enemy to my mind,
But I cannot shake the feeling that I need it.
Properly the wind lifts to the coming morning,
And I soon will be dew kissed,
But the dew would settle like poison, my skin revolting.
The coming breeze whispers only things that madden my inquiries,
And I, to the night, belong like the lost child,
Who finds the day in folly, but soon returns to her night's side.
Wicked betrayal of the night,
Fooling me into some hypnotic state of mind I believe to be called insomnia.
But why must I be victim to his hasty arms?
Why does the night choose me as his messenger?
Have I not done the day enough justice?
Can I not have a little sunshine..
I cannot have the sunshine, for it does me no soon justices.
The hours are upon me soon when I must awaken,
But I have not slept,
And in not sleeping I have not dreamed yet.
Let me briefly dream a sane moment when the sun doesn't fear me,
And when love does not, my name, reject.
But then, such things are fleeting,
And to be met with quick appreciation,
As they speed away as quickly as their own feet moved them here.
A scatter view, you'd say, I'm sure,
But here when the trees bow to the morning wind,
The cold air creeps upon my spirit,
Approaching a sleepless shell of listless desire,
The view would of course be warped.
So, as I blow out the flame for sleep,
I long myself to go with it,
As my heart is cooling off just like the candle's wick,
And who will come again with their flame,
To touch it with mine and watch the glory there?
I fear no spark nor other flame will come,
And I will be a hardened candle with a burned wick,
Standing to collect dust on the shelf.
But I am weak..
And let me sleep..
And let me sleep...

still d-i-s-c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d
I am bound by this, you become Night's sole mistress, and I am jealous in my endeavours for his attention.

© Copyright 2001 Jennifer - All Rights Reserved
Waseem Cheema
since 2001-03-16
Posts 369
1 posted 2001-05-24 06:54 AM

Temptress it is so lovely ....I would like to be the moth of your candle.....

I love to nice poetry.

Qumar Fatthi
since 2001-05-20
Posts 59
2 posted 2001-05-24 07:01 AM

there is nice thinking and work..........
Actually "Love" gives u happiness and sorrow. Best of Luck for u
i am new comer in piptalk u can say tiny poet, not like ur poem which is a mountain


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-05-24 07:05 AM


'Fooling me into some hypnotic state of mind
I believe to be called insomnia.
But why must I be victim to his hasty arms?
Why does the night choose me as his messenger?'

Oh, YES !
Insomniacs Unite !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

since 2000-09-16
Posts 75
4 posted 2001-05-24 08:46 AM

-joins in on the croud of sleepless nights-

"How yet I myself long to touch the suns rays.. but alass I can not..
for the night greets me with its cool embrace.
to feel the Sun's rays upon
my flesh.. would give me bumps of joy"

Ok I'm sorry I had too.. well done.. You gave off the feeling of longing as well lost for love and sleep! -giggle-

"You live you learn and life moves on"

Junior Member
since 2001-05-21
Posts 26
Baltimore, MD
5 posted 2001-05-24 09:26 AM

You just blow me away with your writing and your passion.

And let me sleep
And let me sleep...
excellent lines that grabbed me

Lady In White
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6 posted 2001-05-24 09:48 AM

The cold air creeps upon my spirit,
Approaching a sleepless shell of listless desire,
The view would of course be warped.
So, as I blow out the flame for sleep,
I long myself to go with it,

haunting lines, indeed....

Well done Jenn....

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Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
Posts 10463
7 posted 2001-05-24 11:19 AM

nice poem
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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
8 posted 2001-05-24 01:17 PM

wow. . . this is just amazing. . . I don't know where you're finding these words or these feelings. . . but don't lose it. . .

excellent. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Masked Intruder
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Near golden sunsets
9 posted 2001-05-25 03:46 AM

Jenn, darling, you have written the best of your words that I have yet to read from you.  Since I don't have a library, I'm printing this little morsel out to put in my own hardcopy library.  Love ya lots, hope you're having a good summer.  


You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. -- Navajo Proverb

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
10 posted 2001-05-25 04:36 AM

Now this was the soul of a poet! Fantastic work.

~*~ I write ~ Therefore I am ~*~

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