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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2001-07-01 08:47 AM

The other night while I was feeling
Rather fancy-free
I found the thought quite interesting
To trace my family tree.

I talked it over with my friends
Who helped me very much.
They told me they had come from kings,
And dukes and earls and such.

Their ancestors helped shape the world;
The rulers of the masses.
Not one I spoke to said that they
Came from the lower classes.

But someone took the garbage out.
Someone cooked the gruel.
Someone put a costume on
To play the courtly fool.

Someone had to act as servants
To the royal line.
Since all my friends are kingly, well,
Those other folks were mine!

MY kinfolk built the pyramids.
They guarded castle walls.
They sharpened swords for Lancelot
And swept out knightly stalls.

They tilled the land - They dredged the Nile
They fought the great crusades.
They stood on tiptoe, clapping,
As the kings passed on parade.

They stomped the grapes for royal wine.
They made bricks out of mud.
They lived in abject poverty,
Yet made their peace with God.

All other men can come from kings-
It matters not to me.
I'll bless each branch that reaches
Skyward....on my family tree!

© Copyright 2001 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-07-01 08:53 AM

So true that folks gleam pretentious when discussing their heraldry. However many are fully aware but silent regarding those that were hung for crimes or were slave owners or fought wars on the wrong side. As always enjoyed the read.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve"

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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2001-07-01 08:59 AM

What memories this brings back! When I asked my grandmother about our family tree...she said don't go looking too far or deep...there were a lot of bootleggers and pirates!  I never knew if she was kidding, or telling the truth...

but she was never known to lie! This is great!  Keep reaching skyward!

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2001-07-01 09:00 AM

OH well - Who cares about those old kings anyway?
We'd rather our princely Balladeer to chant his loverly lyrics about the countryside...

since 2001-06-06
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4 posted 2001-07-01 09:24 AM


Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
5 posted 2001-07-01 10:43 AM

Clapping here Michael, excellent theme and perfectly rhythmic as always!  

You may not come from royal stock,
Your blood may not be blue,
But this I say, my poet friend,
I love the "who" of "you" ...

Best wishes,

Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205
6 posted 2001-07-01 10:44 AM

Very good, I could care less what tree your family hung in as long as we still have you entertaining us.
Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
7 posted 2001-07-01 12:11 PM

Enjoyed this greatly Mike. A typical Balladeer ballad with a great message.
Btw, did you know the Doc wrote a ballad for you in the Workshop?

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2001-07-01 12:35 PM

Well you did it again, you made a prince out of the lowely workers of the fen. Excellent write.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2001-07-01 12:44 PM

You are an 'OAK' ...

'I'll bless each branch that reaches
Skyward....on my family tree!

Perfectly poetically presented !
Enjoyed, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Janet Marie
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10 posted 2001-07-01 03:03 PM

In think you must have missed a branch on your family tree???
There has just got to be some relation to the Hormel Dynasty somewhere  
clever cool cadence kissed write Deer one.

We're all feeding our lonely like it might go away,
Like the doors of heaven will swing wide open if we just find the right words to say.
~E. McCain

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11 posted 2001-07-01 03:08 PM

Balladeer--I know there was a bard there somewhere...if not then, then now.
Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
12 posted 2001-07-01 03:22 PM

This is nice writing...James
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
13 posted 2001-07-01 08:32 PM

I love Martie's comment to you Balladeer, as it is so true.  And by the way, on further checking my genealogy out, some hung by trees! Yikes!   Oh the stories are coming forward now.  You know what though, I loved the message in this, as how different is it from today?, It was the little folks then and now that keep the country rolling along, Hail King Balladeer!  Well done Sire, or is that Sir? Opps!

If I have made you smile today, then I have done my job!    ~* Mysteria *~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
14 posted 2001-07-01 09:13 PM's like sun and contellation signs..everybody is fantastic! I would like to see one sign of the zodiac that says "You're a worthless bum with no qualities whatsoever!" but, then again, it would probably be mine  

Sunshine...LOL! I plan on doing just that...thank you.  

Nanners..loverly lyrics hopefully with longivity! have said it perfectly. I thank you  

Kit...the who of me? who? me? Kit, if you like me, whether I come from royalty or not, I'm a king now  

inot2B...that's "hung out in" not "hung in"....I hope   LOL! Thank you, friend  

Munda...thank you....and, yes, I have since been there That Doc is quite a moose!  

Sy...somebody's gotta do it!!!  

Marge...thank you, girl. I may be an oak but I will always pine for you!  

JanetMarie...well, there were quite a few weiners that showed up in my weenieology, er, geneology...does that count?  

Martie...interesting I the beginning of a line or the end of one?? Yikes!   thanks for the gracious compliment, floral friend.  

James...I'm glad you liked it. Thank you...

Mysteria....Sir? Sire?....well, as long as it's not Sore! Yes, you are so right. The "little people" got us here and will always be the foundation of civilization. In my opinion, the "little people" were the ones who wore the crowns and fancy clothes and did nothing to make life a better place for all. By my definitions, you, m'lady, are a Queen  

Paula Finn
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15 posted 2001-07-02 01:54 AM

My grandpa always said we were horse thieves and cattle rustlers...a heinz 57 kind of family...well I am who I am...not a queen...not even a princess...little people indeed...great poem sir
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
16 posted 2001-07-02 05:34 PM

'Deer dear heart this is utterly truly fabulous. Perfectly paced poetry love, I think your 'tree' has marvellous branches.

I've never been too keen to trace my family tree, why trouble trouble? My sisters are more than enough for me.  
Take care
love and warm stuff

Utterly excellent writing kid I really love this one  

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
17 posted 2001-07-02 05:39 PM

'Deer dear heart, if i had a brain I would be dangerous I forgot to tick the damm box  
Love as always

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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