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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart

0 posted 2001-06-24 10:19 PM

One of Those Trips

take on a new
moment in your memory
search back
                            a little farther
into what is taken,
for granted,
for what was new, the first

who was there?

answers still come to me
in blue eyes
deep tanned skin
broad hands, wiry limbs

knowing where he came from


he knew to keep the surprise
of life

today I never
take on new moments
without remembering that

for someone so large in my eyes….

to introduce me to


memory summons
the excursion to redwood country
parents’ friends who would
take us in, crimp our cheeks
between thumb
and forefinger
tell us how much we had grown
from those times we first did not know them
in our recollection,
but they in theirs knew us…

then they would get on to
adult things, dialoguing

so as children do, we took time
to be bored, taking on
some way to make things matter…

I had probably read something akin to
even though I did not understand it

I loved to read…

but it was the return trip down the shoreline

mother had us “dress up”
to be greeted by
a fancy restaurant
quiet talk
clinking of silver and crystal

deep carpets

tables, not booths

deprived of paper napkins
recalling linen
still smooth between my fingertips
to this very day…

dad said ~ even though I should have
called him Father, giving him center stage, he was
so handsome ~

“ever have shrimp?” and of course he
would know


I was his child, after all…where had I been that
he hadn’t?

he introduced me then, to shrimp…



a cocktail of shrimp…

I knew then, wonderful surprises
come in small packages

or on small plates

or small shrimp bowls

and the best things in life do not have to be
oversized or over-given

it is sad that today…

something as surprisingly and delightfully
as fulfilling as a first taste

of something special…

does not pass one’s lips often…

there were other times of special feasts,
mother’s small sausages come to mind,
dad’s pancakes of thin, light
vanilla flavor…

but memories of the first taste of shrimp cocktail…
tomato-ly spiced red sauce
a special summer dress…
linen cloth…



© Copyright 2001 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
1 posted 2001-06-24 10:26 PM

Kari dearest heart, One word


I love these little vignettes of yours they fairly paint a perfect picture, of a warm and always happy childhood.

Fabuloue dear heart utterly fabulous

Take care
love as always

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205
2 posted 2001-06-25 06:32 AM

Thank you for the trip down memory lane.  Brought back memories of moving to Laffite, La. and my first sight and taste of shrimp. Never knew they existed till I was 12.
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
3 posted 2001-06-25 06:37 AM

You know I have to say that I love shrimp too!  Good old dad knew you'd like them....
by the way.....I love the last word in this...I'd have never thought to use it...

"then they would get on to
adult things, dialoguing."

I enjoyed the trip!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
4 posted 2001-06-25 09:45 AM

This is wonderful, Sunshine.  In the beginning, I really wasn't sure where you were taking me, but I thoroughly enjoyed the trip...I savored every morsel of it, as if it were my first time to read your words, your memories.  Delightful!  No need to go to Costco to find the largest size of Sunshine poems...this had the biggest taste of all.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
5 posted 2001-06-25 09:49 AM

Sunshine this is beautiful the way you wrote colorful and interesting...reminded me of the lovely woman that introduced me to sushi...James
Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
6 posted 2001-06-25 09:54 AM

A most wonderful 'sight' seeign trip down memory lane, this !!!


Thanks a lot...
Regards to you O Karilea,

"I was born intelligent - education ruined me"

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2001-06-25 12:43 PM

*smiling* ... great big smiles here ~
I'll e-mail you a story that will surely give you a smile.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Senior Member
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8 posted 2001-06-25 12:56 PM

Shrimp. I'm reminded (beyond my insatiable passion for the little critters) of James Stewart and June Allison in a movie (I think it was the FBI Story) sitting at a table. He is trying to get her excited about shrimp...and she wants nothing but ice cream). A wonderful journey, Sunshine. Thanks. Bob
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
9 posted 2001-06-25 01:23 PM

Did someone say 'shrimp', well...I went to Texas last year and I can tell you what they have there are on steroids!  We have shrimp in B.C. but they are about the size of half of your little finger, but there, oh there, they are huge, and I ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner...oh dear, off on a memory, and I so enjoyed your trip too, but it put me in mind of mine and those wonderful shrimps (that I am still trying to figure out a way to get them here - so, Dawn if you are reading this, hint, hint!)  Wonderful write Sunshine.

"Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself."
~ Hopi ~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-06
Posts 8369
Deep in the heart
10 posted 2001-06-25 01:27 PM

Now my mouth is watering
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Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 3953
By the sea
11 posted 2001-06-25 04:56 PM

So many beautiful images in this poem that I can't pick a favorite.  I left reading this with such peace.  You've done well here, Karilea.  You made me think back to my own childhood and my parents and us cooking out on the beach. Thank you.


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the human mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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