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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2001-06-19 03:22 AM

A woman's tears in fury sang
mystery of a Goddess birth--
one spring night it all began
a reckoning of storm emerged.

Quiet, as a housewife's tears,
with swirl of spoon on supper's stove--
somewhere above, the Gods did hear
clouds in Gulf of Mexico.

"Yes," they said,"she acted strange."
So all the vapors rearranged
and swirled with magick of a spoon
each tear she cried became monsoon.

A gathering of universe
it's true, we saw a goddess birthed
to at last eat words we spoke
when at last the water broke.

How she cried in birth, travail,
how her tears ran river's trail.
Thus her storm became undammed...
on and on and on she ran.

From Texas coast and inland sure
across the southern ghost procured
filling creeks and rivers kept
a torrent in a woman--wept.

All the pain she hid inside
bled from the skies in nature's cry...
Again, again, she could not stop.
Nature spun a sorrow's top.

Across the south and up east coast,
she wept upon a mighty boast
where they'd never seen such rain--
"How can one woman feel such pain?"

Allison? She cried for days,
that even I am left amazed.
I, olympic cryer, sure.
Alive and dry--I think I'm cured.

[This message has been edited by serenity (edited 06-19-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
Jon Mewett
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1 posted 2001-06-19 04:24 AM

Phew!!.............a rather wonderful hurricane and tidal wave of poetic force to be sure........I like so many of these verses....I think I'll go and rest on the breeze've conjured.


[This message has been edited by Jon Mewett (edited 06-19-2001).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2001-06-19 06:40 AM


Ah, but the serenity
after storm's spin
Gave her new life
with scratch of your pen

Tears in rage
spent in the notion
Allison's regrets
cried an ocean

*Glad to hear you are okay love.
This is wonderfully written.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Cpat Hair
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3 posted 2001-06-19 08:35 AM

very nice imagery and telling of a tale which weaves the mystical, to the present, to the personal..

brian madden
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4 posted 2001-06-19 01:35 PM

With tears comes release, a chanel for the pain. Your words are a Tsunami of power and emotion.

Allison? She cried for days,
that even I am left amazed.
I, olympic cryer, sure.
Alive and dry--I think I'm cured.

"Build a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life". Terry Pratchett

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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5 posted 2001-06-19 04:36 PM

So you were up in the middle of the night again, eh?  Sorry I didn't see your reply to my post 'til now.  

This is quite unique, K.  I especially love the way you ended it.  I think I have been quite the Olympian myself at times.  Glad you found a cure.  

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Pearl city Iowa
6 posted 2001-06-19 06:16 PM

A gathering of universe
it's true, we saw a goddess birthed
to at last eat words we spoke
when at last the water broke.

I loved your words and your imagery and the emotions this piece brought forth.


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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2001-06-19 06:23 PM

a unique view of it all. . . but then again, I've come to kind of expect that from you. . .  

great job. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

doreen peri
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8 posted 2001-06-19 07:26 PM

A gathering of universe
it's true, we saw a goddess birthed

i don't know who you're writing 'bout
but i saw a goddess birthed, no doubt,
when i read the first verse posted by
some queen of harp, there's no deny

i surely don't no allison
and know not why they call it sin
to cry like marathon's embrace
since after all, this is no race

i don't know allison, but friend,
i wish this pome would never end,
her tears are mine, i'm laughing, too,
and both i'll do when i meet you



Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
9 posted 2001-06-19 10:02 PM

Excellent!! Now you know we'll expect a 'hurricane' poem from you everytime strikes right?  
serenity blaze
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10 posted 2001-06-20 02:55 PM

I am running behind again!

Jon--thanks so much for reading! I'm so glad you enjoyed!

Mom--yep, we're okay, there are many who were hit hard, and it's going to be a long hurricane season this year--but thanks for the good wishes, love ya much!  

CH---thanks for noticing the little weave in there. My gratitude for reading!

Brian...not the first time I've been called a Tsunami--but I don't think the first time it was meant as a, so thank you and hugs. e ya soon (pc probs)

Michael--it's always good to see ya here! I appreciate your taking the time to read, and I do mean sincerely that I've learned so much just from reading your work! Thanks!  

OLIAS...haven't seen ya for abit, good to hear from you! Thanks (and how's the music going?)  

doreen,, this was my tribute to the storm that wouldn't quit! Will have to catch up when I can--I am pressed for time again these days...sigh...

PdV--can't guarantee a post for every storm--but this is one that we will not soon forget.
Thanks always, s.o.s.

Thanks to all, I had fun writing this one! You people make it a joy!      

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Member Seraphic
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11 posted 2001-06-25 03:53 PM

I do love that bit about olympic cryer... even if I hated being hit by the deluge! *G* This is great, serenity... Now send the next one elsewhere for its sobfest! LOL
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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12 posted 2001-06-25 04:05 PM

suthern? was hoping you'd find this! You inspired a few of the lines here yanno! I thought of you that week--hope you are well and drying out. Sometimes, "drying out" can be just as tough, if not more difficult than the storm!   HUGS lady!
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
13 posted 2001-06-26 12:26 PM

All I can say is WOW, and the more I read your work the more I the way I am still laughing about your comment about the butterfly "hauling ass"!  You are very funny!

"Lose your temper and you lose a friend; lie and you lose yourself."
~ Hopi ~

The meek
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14 posted 2001-06-26 01:09 AM

Excellent, thouroghly enjoyable.  
Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
15 posted 2001-06-26 12:13 PM

this is supreme writing...

Regards O Serene One,

"I was born intelligent - education ruined me"

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