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Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England

0 posted 2001-06-07 05:45 PM

There once was a girl who kept trying...
To become what her heart was denying...
She was lost in his dream,
while inside her heart screamed...
When alone, she would find herself crying...

She'd always been good to her mother...
And kind to her sisters and brother...
Two men in her life...
Both took her to wife,
and for granted...her spirit they smothered...

The years rolled along, she got older...
The need in her soul became bolder...
She found she could write,
there was many a night...
When she simply wrote what her heart told her...

The words were a magical potion...
They set a new life into motion...
She lived in their home,
but her gypsy soul roamed...
On the net, with determined devotion...

She knew it was out there...she'd find it...
Her heart was the culprit behind it...
And if one lonely day,
love should happen her way...
Her heart would jump in, never mind it...

And that's where the story continues...
There's a choice of two plates, and two menus...
On the one...nothing there...
On the other...Fate's fare...
Hard to choose between opposite venues...

This story, as yet, has no ending...
And today is another beginning...
Closer can see...
Love has set two hearts free...
While the future awaits, and is pending...

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

© Copyright 2001 Sunnyone - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-04-11
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1 posted 2001-06-07 05:54 PM

Wonderful. This is the best thing I've read all day. It makes me smile and laugh.
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since 2001-05-28
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2 posted 2001-06-07 05:56 PM

To live on other planes through the stroke fo a keyboard, is quite satisfying to the soul looking for release...gentle smile
Brad Majors
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3 posted 2001-06-07 06:48 PM

Wonderful piece Sunny!
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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4 posted 2001-06-07 06:49 PM

I KNOW this is the best thing I've read all day, Sunny, this is me!  ha ha and lots of women I would imagine.  I love it from beginning to end.  Thank you for sharing this me, I needed it.

Kathleen Blake

"When red-haired girls scamper like roses over the rain-green grass,
and the sun drips honey."
Laurie Lee

Titia Geertman
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5 posted 2001-06-07 06:52 PM

This is such an easy and enjoyable read.

Thanks, Titia  

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Feel free to use the pictures on my website.

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The Steamy Desert
6 posted 2001-06-07 06:57 PM

Bravo!! I loved it.  I too felt almost as if you were writing about me...more please!

Let my words fall first upon deaf ears before a closed mind...

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
7 posted 2001-06-07 07:05 PM

...Effigy... will find smiles and tears in this in life!!  Thank you!!

Sometimes the only way to release the chains on the door is through the mind!! Thank you!!

Glad you liked this one, and can understand the woman's side of it!!  Thank you!!

...Irish Rose...
Yes, you are right...this is really for us girls, and yes, I know of several who could be the subject in this one!! Thank you!!

It kind of fell out of my fingers, to my muse's delight...nice 'n easy...  Thank you!!

I may have been, my friend, or it may have been for all of us ladies......Thank you!!

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

Senior Member
since 2001-05-25
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8 posted 2001-06-07 08:08 PM

2 thumbsup oh yeah!!!    
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
9 posted 2001-06-07 08:34 PM

there was many a night...
When she simply wrote what her heart told her""

oh how I agree, always write what your heart speaks...I love this from you...very beautiful my friend...



Nothing Beautiful In This World
Is Ever Really Lost
All Things Beloved
Live on In Our Hearts...Forever."

Member Elite
since 2001-02-11
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10 posted 2001-06-08 07:26 AM

Beautiful poem!
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
11 posted 2001-06-08 07:43 AM

Those two hearts have to connect!......It just takes time.........Lovely write and a wonderful story!
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
12 posted 2001-06-09 02:55 PM

Sunny, is it me, or is this a perfect lymeric style? Well thats how it flowed when I read it, anyway. Great poem, and such a true message. Thats us, alright. And what can you do? Keep on writing, and keep the open heart, and no other choices, as I see it.
Love this.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
13 posted 2001-06-09 03:03 PM

(smiles) What a beautiful feeling indeed, where the sun finally shines on ones soul to feel the magic of loves voice sing in ones heart! (smiles) I love the rhyme scheme in this poem, it's like seven limericks connected together! (smiles) I too pray for her love to last a lifetime and may this girl that was once lost be happy ever after! (smiles) BRAVO!!! I love it, sweet Sunny! You have such a beautiful heart, dear friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2001-06-09 03:09 PM

Your heart flows so lyrically in this piece.
VERY nice !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
15 posted 2001-06-09 06:51 PM

SOLD!!  I love thumbs in the upright position!  Thanks!!

My heart is my muse is my inspiration is my frustration.....etc!!!!  I thank you!!

Hi and glad to see you always!! Thanks!!

Maybe...there is always a chance, is there not?  Thank you!!

Sandra... know me too well, lil sis!!  But I just couldn't seem to fit 'Nantucket' in there!!  Thank you!!

oh yes... a limerick is good for the soul!!!
Thank you!!

I thank you and am happy to see you at my door!! Thank you so much!!

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

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