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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2001-03-24 10:20 PM

On the Street Corners of Philadelphia

On the street corners of Philadelphia
the children pass,
their hardbound wisdom
doesn’t tell them
how to deal
with the dealers,
the ones that hang out on the corner,
conduct business in the alley,
the ones who corner the stoop
where they were going to play.

The child has pockets of gold,
pockets filled with the wealth
of rubber bands,
a piece of gum,
and chalk both white and yellow,
and as his sneakers
eat his socks with walking
he stops for a moment to pull them up,
and beside him a man is yelling
dope dope dope
into the street of cars
where faceless people
search for paradise.

The sound is like the coo
of pigeons in the early morn,
so much a part of life,
almost ignored,
except he is scared,
this child,
very scared of something
he can’t name.
It is in the crazy energy
that holds the corners together,
it is in the music of horns,
the cacophony of breathing need
that melts on the sidewalk,
it is in the man’s face
who sits aimlessly on the steps
counting money.

On the street corners of Philadelphia
the children pass.

© Copyright 2001 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
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with you
1 posted 2001-03-24 10:26 PM

sad........heart breaking........terrifying.......and so vivid.....
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
2 posted 2001-03-24 10:27 PM

...and it is heartbreaking to see it, too, isn't it, Martie? This is very sad...
Janet Marie
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3 posted 2001-03-24 11:04 PM

every city....every suburb ... even the rual areas ...
renact this scene in some way ... everyday.
yes...they pass and often innocence is passed on in the process ..traded and taken away.
Compassionate Reality writing with your gift of imagery Martie.

"and as his sneakers
eat his socks with walking
he stops for a moment to pull them up,"

very cool line.

oh you speak to me in riddles
and you speak to me in rhymes
my body aches to breathe your breath
your words keep me alive
~Sarah McLachlan~

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since 2000-02-16
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By the sea
4 posted 2001-03-24 11:57 PM


I spent some time in Philly. It's not on the corners and in the alleys. It's on the streets and sidewalks. Dallas is much the same. I'm sure all large cities are. The problem is much too widespread to be adequately fought by even an army of law enforcement. It has to be fought in the home. Change a heart, give a child hope, good self esteem and he/she won't feel a need to find it in illegal substances. Give them yourself when they have a need to talk and let them know that you're interested in what it is they have to say. Always give them yourself and set a good example for them to look up to. To your children and to all children, be what a line in my poem says. "Be the wind that fills their sails."
You've done well with this one, my friend. A timely subject and one that many of us prefer not to talk about. Bravo!


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
5 posted 2001-03-25 01:10 AM

Never been there Marty, but we have it in Vancouver too being a seaport. Small children hide crack in cellophane inside their cheeks at the train stations trying to sell to people. These children have been brought from South America to do the dirty dealers work for them, as they know they won't get charged as adults. It sickens me, just sickens me. Thanks for putting this out there, so people are aware and can at least warn their children about this trash. Great job.
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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2001-03-25 08:09 AM

Even on the open plains, behind the barn, or making meth along the Saline River....

ah Martie! I thought the title was going to bring me into a "Boss" song...what a sad read! But as ever, done so Martiesque!

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
7 posted 2001-03-25 08:32 AM

You've created such a striking contrast between innocence and those who would prey on the same ... very well written Martie!

Best wishes,

Member Empyrean
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8 posted 2001-03-25 11:49 AM

Friends...thank you for reading this...I know this takes place all over, from one city to another...and one country to another, and yes, it is sad. I have never been to Philadelphia, but I was watching a documentary about drugs in the United States and this one scene in Philadelphia cut at my heart so much that I just needed to write something...I thank you for reading and replying to it.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2001-03-25 05:22 PM

You pull our heartstrings ...
and shake us with the reality of shame ...

The shame is that our young people are being used to line the pockets of the drug proffers and we are not doing enough to stop it.

Keep writing, love ...
maybe ... just maybe ...
we won't wake up too late to reach a child in need !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
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10 posted 2001-03-25 06:26 PM

Marge--thanks sis for the reply and for being you.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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11 posted 2001-03-27 12:09 PM

Penned with perfection, heartbreaking in its truth... beautiful!
Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
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12 posted 2001-03-27 04:11 PM

Martie, this is a wonderful write, and oh so real. One day it will be all gone, though not in our life times I bet.  


Wilfred Yeats
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Wilmington, Delaware
13 posted 2001-03-27 04:18 PM

Such a true and sad picture you paint -
I wasn't ready for such a cry today - but - I guess I needed it - - many could tell this tale - but no one could do it with half the force of your words

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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14 posted 2001-03-27 10:42 PM

suthern--You reply with much grace.

Parker--I hope you are right.

Bill--I certainly didn't want you to cry, but it is a tearful subject, isn't it?

since 2001-03-21
Posts 104
San Antonio
15 posted 2001-03-28 06:33 PM

Martie - this is everywhere USA and you show a great story with your words in this piece.
I grew up 25 mi NE of Philly and lots of relatives in Philly and it was so different then - it was something we only heard about  - from radio, tv, newspapers - it happened only in the big, bad cities but not ours. But as already said by everyone this is anywhere now- just left CA and it was in San Diego, San Jose, Sacto, SF. It is here too and what is even more surprising to me is that it runs rampant even in the suburbs now... I enjoyed the read - thanks. Panne

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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16 posted 2001-03-28 08:21 PM

panne--thank you for reading this and for your reply...I appreciate it.
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