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Senior Member
since 2000-10-09
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Quebec, Canada

0 posted 2001-01-20 12:13 PM

You think it's funny
having a a problem
I'm not like all you
other girls, it takes
longer for me to learn
math or complicated things
When I speak you hate the
way I talk about aknowledging
the minority, and racism
You teased me, when I couldn't
do the lay ups for basketbal
Snikering behind my back, because
you know that I probaly won't do
anything about it anymore
The way I sing and your eyes turn
an envious green, and then they tell
me i'll never make it
You see me painting and then you come and
splatter paint all over it, "by accident"

Who's there when people treat you like you
treat me?! me!! I'm there consoling you
I feel like dirt but you think you can use
me, The way you laughed when you heard my
best friend died,
the way you said, he was loser, a nothing
I still stayed strong and never said

The way that stupid pyscologist takes notes
on me, like im some sort of specimen
"Give her these drugs...ya that's right she'll be fine"
Well i'm not fine
and it all started when they made fun of me
because they found out I have a learning

© Copyright 2001 Regina Levy - All Rights Reserved
Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2001-01-20 01:10 PM

You've expressed the frustrations encountered very well in this piece Ina, nicely done.  

We all have learning disabilities to differing degrees, no one person is immune. On the other hand, this person you speak of seems to have an "emotional" disability ...

Some people can be so insensitive and cruel. Ignore them, and when you ignore them, they'll soon learn that it's boring to "bug you"  ... when they realize they can't get a rise out of you, they'll eventually stop.  

Simply do your best in life, be proud of each and every accomplishment "you" make, that's what counts. I for one, know that you're a wonderfully expressive writer!  

Best wishes and hugs to you,

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (edited 01-20-2001).]

Allan Riverwood
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2 posted 2001-01-20 01:24 PM


Don't allow the fact that you have a learning disability ruin your life, that's not at all the best thing to do.
Rather, allow it to make you more proud of yourself for overcoming all of the problems that you are faced with, despite what everyone says about you, how people treat you and talk to you, and what you can and cannot do.
You live your life with so many obstacles in your path, and each one, once overcome, only allows you to emerge stronger.
So the next time that you have to endure taunts or childish remarks, smile.  Smile because you know that these people will never have to be, and thus never will be, everything that you already have become.
Your life will be difficult, so be proud of yourself after each day.  It takes a very willful and patient person to live the way that you do.
Keep your head high.  We are all here for you, always, and I, for one, have a great deal of admiration for you.

[This message has been edited by Allan Riverwood (edited 01-20-2001).]

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since 2000-08-05
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On the streets w/ people
3 posted 2001-01-20 01:56 PM

I would like you, for my reply, to go back and read those first two over again.  Kit and Allan said so much, and I would like to add great job of writing this all into the poem, it's very good.

"Disagreements stimulate thought, thought stimulates action, and action stimulates life." --Lakewalker

since 2001-01-13
Posts 141
Fitchburg, Mass, Usa
4 posted 2001-01-20 03:02 PM

You shouldn't take that. I have a disability and my sister and her friend took me to the movies to see "save the last dance", it was fine until some guys threw their soda at me. I felt so unwanted so my sisters friends and I and my sister went to eat. They said "We are so sorry Minna, I said that's alright". You have to stay as strong as you can when the others snicker behind your back because you can't do something. Don't talk to them, just when they snicker at you walk away. So what if you can't do anything. You seem like a strong girl, you can email me we can talk about our disabilities. My email is [email protected] bye ~*~Min~*~  

~*~Smile for me please~*~  

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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5 posted 2001-01-20 03:53 PM

Regina, it sucks to be teased due to a learning disability. I think these people are just so stupid for treating you like that. Garunteed if I were there i'd give them a piece of my mind. It's good to see you stay strong and that you're alive and kicking. There is always a light, try to find it. I can't much give advice on this, but I can say that i'm here for you.
Great poem.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

Senior Member
since 2000-10-09
Posts 1236
Quebec, Canada
6 posted 2001-01-20 04:52 PM

thank you all for your replies. Allan,Javier, Kit, Min, and Lake walker.
your replies all mean alot.
ps Min ill email u

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since 2000-01-28
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7 posted 2001-01-20 06:47 PM

well I guess I can't say much more than everyone already has....ppl who make fun of you for any reason aren't ppl, but animals who up themselves by making someone else feel bad. Don't let anyone like that take advantage of have gifts they can never ruin. keep writing  


since 2000-06-15
Posts 284
San Francisco,CA,US
8 posted 2001-01-21 12:35 PM

i see that kind of behavior at schools and in public most of the's a sick desire in ppl to degrade others..they get whats coming to them though...eventually...nice work

"It's better to burn out then fade away"

The Lost Supertone
since 2001-01-20
Posts 74
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
9 posted 2001-01-21 12:46 PM

Id' give you that nice big pep talk that eveyrone else had... sept I don't like being redundant, and if I did I would.  However I will let you know that I will pray for you... I hope God brings some joy into your life.
Isabel Galaxia
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10 posted 2001-01-21 11:36 AM

Well, this is horribly sad, but it's a great poem.  If you had never said you had some sort of disability, I never would have known.  I've never had experiences like these, I mean just being fat or people being convinced you have an eating disorder is hard enough, but I mean, ugh I can't even imagine.... I used to hear stuff like "people only make fun of other people becuase they're jealous of the person," and maybe that's tru.  If ya wanna talk, I'm always here, good luck, smile  

since 2000-08-06
Posts 380
Maine, USA
11 posted 2001-01-21 12:53 PM

I agree with everything Dopey said... that's just so awful... I HATE people like that  
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
12 posted 2001-01-22 05:12 PM

I've said this to someone already but I'll say it again
"Don't let anyone make you think that they are in any way, better that you."
Their actions already show how much less they are compared to you
So, stay strong
Life can be cruel sometimes, but this is how we learn
Stay strong

I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

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