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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart

0 posted 2001-02-16 02:51 PM

In the Moonlight, Shadows Dancing

In the moonlight, misty dark and still
comes the shadows dancing ‘cross my window’s sill.
Misty foggy moonlight, embracing all in memory
what lies in yon moonlight, let my starving heart do see.

The shadows of past transgressions come forth,
and they now sage, not of merry mirth ~
proof all I know was taken from Mother Earth
now weighs me down, waist in chains now girthed.

Silently the drums roll on, through the moonlight’s call,
in the moonlight, shadows dancing, dancing on the pale;
silently the shadows show the misery of man
in the moonlight, shadows dancing, no one took a stand.

Shadows dancing, beckoning me on in the moonlight
feelings of feelings of feelings I cannot fight,
toward wisps of beings long since past
lay before me broken promises, strewn in the grass.

Oh in the cool damp moonlight, shadows do slow dance
to have lived and loved the earth, life’s greatest romance,
for without a promise to the earth to hold in great esteem
life will lose its hold on me, and all of life’s clear meaning.

In the moonlight, misty dark and still
comes the shadows dancing ‘cross my window’s sill.
Misty foggy moonlight, embracing all in memory
what lies in yon moonlight, let there be truth to see.

24 January, 2000

© Copyright 2001 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-06-28
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1 posted 2001-02-16 02:55 PM

Wow, that was beautiful....and sad.
I think I want to say more, but I'm speechless!

"And I wanted you to turn away.
You don't remember, but I do.
You never even tried..."

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Member Seraphic
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2 posted 2001-02-16 04:17 PM

With the way it flows and the images it evokes, the title is a poem in its own right. *G* I enjoyed the read, Sunshine!
Member Ascendant
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Staffordshire, England
3 posted 2001-02-16 04:19 PM

Hi sis!
This is wonderful........I am a child of the moonlight, and love to dance in it's shadows, as all gypsies do!!

Live...Love...Be grateful for both!!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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4 posted 2001-02-16 05:11 PM

Karilea--I loved this challange...but, I don't think I read this wonderful poem of yours...what a shadowed mood you weaved around me as I read...beautifully done!
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
5 posted 2001-02-16 05:16 PM

Once a poet always a poet! Once a sad song always a sad song... once a creator amoung acceptance comes the beauty of the actual sadness of life painted against the challanges of beauty...the poet speaks volumes from the prefrontal cortex to the heart.......wonderful write my dear friend!

The poet is like a cocoon; in him the caterpillar of the past finds rest, and from him the butterfly of the future emerges.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
6 posted 2001-02-16 10:10 PM

This is lovely...I do remember that challenge.. there was a lot of GOOD stuff written from that simple phrase.
Janet Marie
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7 posted 2001-02-17 07:05 AM

Silently the drums roll on, through the moonlight’s call,
in the moonlight, shadows dancing, dancing on the pale;
silently the shadows show the misery of man
in the moonlight, shadows dancing, no one took a stand.

Shadows dancing, beckoning me on in the moonlight
feelings of feelings of feelings I cannot fight,
toward wisps of beings long since past
lay before me broken promises, strewn in the grass.

this is stunning Sun ...
you did a very unique turn on this phrase ...
I had just joined passions when this challenge was going on and I recall being so impressed with all the beautiful poetry this one inspired in all the forums.
off and on since then I have seen many of them pop back up ... and it is always said that challenge brought out some of the best here.
yours proves that ...

Im scared to ask how I reminded you LOL
but glad I got to see this beauty

As sure as God made wine
you can't wrap your arms around a memory
In the dark for me
youre the candle flame that flickers to life
~Mission UK~

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
8 posted 2001-02-17 07:27 AM

AniKay, "speechless" happens to all of us now and are in good company!

Thank you Suthern!....

Sunnyone....of course you do!....glad you enjoyed!.....

Martie, so many wonderful poems were woven around this theme....I had been reading a LOT of Marge's work and thus, this was born....thank you....

Ethome, you are verbose! But I'm grinning!....thank you....

PdV, some EXCEPTIONAL pieces were written, yes!.....

JM, if my memory serves, this was the first one of mine you had ever read....I was dusting off some favorites and found my "welcome" to you....thought I would revise some smiles!....hugs!

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
9 posted 2001-02-17 07:34 AM

Oh in the cool damp moonlight, shadows do slow dance
to have lived and loved the earth, life’s greatest romance,
for without a promise to the earth to hold in great esteem
life will lose its hold on me, and all of life’s clear meaning.

beautiful writing..I wasn't here then either..but it sure must have been a lovely challenge to evoke this writing...


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2001-02-17 07:46 AM

My friend, my friend~
This was my response to you then -
Around the warm circle of the fire
I watched dancers from my past come
to life in this piece.

Mother Earth surrendered her best to us.
We must listen to the ~shadow spirits~
to know how to reclaim the abundance.
We must bring it back in time.

This piece is awesome.
I'm so very glad you shared your thoughts.


And I repete it here ....  
As lovely thoughts are written on the heart -
they remain forever.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
11 posted 2001-02-17 07:47 AM

Wynter, take the title....that was it....and flow with it....good challenges can stand a dusting off....
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
12 posted 2001-02-17 07:49 AM

Marge, you snuck that in on've been a large part of my learning experiences here in Passions....and you always make me want to fly a little higher, a little longer....thank you! {~,^}
Member Elite
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13 posted 2001-02-17 03:13 PM

'Shadows dancing, beckoning me on in the moonlight
feelings of feelings of feelings I cannot fight,
toward wisps of beings long since past
lay before me broken promises, strewn in the grass.'

Thanks for reposting...this is wonderful!


everytime I close my eyes, I see your face, I taste you on my lips...
every night I fantasize that I can feel you on my fingertips...

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
14 posted 2001-02-17 10:19 PM

Thank you Snowpants...
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navwin » Archives » Open Poetry #12 » In the Moonlight, Shadows Dancing [repost from #5, note to JM, thanks for the memory]

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