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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2001-01-31 08:35 PM

You Leave me with Permanence

Did you see that clear line
following the curve of the mountain
where the sky touched?
It whistled to me.
I could hear it ‘round the house
as the leaves danced to get my attention.

And so I bundled my shoulders in flannel
and turned my heart to the north
and saw you there
dressed in those long stockings
and black leather shoes,
you were wearing the red velvet dress
even though I could have sworn that I covered it,
wrapped it tight with tissue
and snuggled it next to my wedding dress.

You must know how hard it is to touch,
because fabric lives and lives
while people die,
for you were wise even then,
and now that you know the answers
to all the questions that I have asked,
there you are
not a shadow, no,
but torched in bright beguile
galloping across the mountain
where your ashes feathered and fell
so many years ago.

I want you to know that you have taught me
about listening and patience,
you were never good at either then,
and as I watch you blow out
like a candle flame
you leave me with permanence.

© Copyright 2001 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-01-31 08:53 PM

Good one, Martie.  Nice "visioning".

"and now that you know the answers
to all the questions that I have asked,..."

beguiling indeed.


Wilfred Yeats
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Wilmington, Delaware
2 posted 2001-01-31 09:05 PM

More beautiful words - more tears - lots of hugs dear lady lots of hugs
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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3 posted 2001-01-31 09:13 PM

Martie, this one brought tears, more so than the other poems that you have written for Michelle (that's my middle name, by the way), I don't know why, but this one for some reason seemed to bring home to me more forcefully your unimaginable loss. Beautifully expressed, Martie. HUGS


Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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4 posted 2001-01-31 10:10 PM

A beautifully expressed and moving poem you have written for Michelle, Martie.



Janet Marie
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5 posted 2001-01-31 10:29 PM

you were wearing the red velvet dress
even though I could have sworn that I covered it,
wrapped it tight with tissue
and snuggled it next to my wedding dress.

You must know how hard it is to touch,
because fabric lives and lives
while people die,
for you were wise even then,
and now that you know the answers
to all the questions that I have asked,
there you are
not a shadow, no,
but torched in bright beguile
galloping across the mountain
where your ashes feathered and fell
so many years ago.

I want you to know that you have taught me
about listening and patience,
you were never good at either then,
and as I watch you blow out
like a candle flame
you leave me with permanence.

I keep saying to myself...that just once ...
I will be able to read one of your Michelle gifts and not cry ...
but it wont ever happen ...
just like I still,(after many times trying)
cant go to her web page and look at that beautiful, exquisite, child ...
who is her mothers reflection in minature...and not cry ...
it wont happen because you write her so exceptionally well that we all now love her too ...
People tell me that when I write of my DeVante' that I write on a different level...
and I tell them that is because he is writing them with me ...
I KNOW you understand.
and I know you know the depth of the compliment given when told that,
so I now tell you the same ...
she inspires magic in you...
and you give her permanence in all our hearts.
love you

"for you were wise even then,
and now that you know the answers
to all the questions that I have asked,"

"I want you to know that you have taught me
about listening and patience,"

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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6 posted 2001-01-31 11:59 PM

Krawdad--Thank you so much for your nice reply...I appreciate you taking the time to read my poem.

Bill--Thank you so much for the kind words, and the hug.

Denise lovely...thanks for telling were special before, now you are more so.'

Maree--Thanks hon for the sweet reply and the hug.

Janet--Your reply touches me a great deal...thank you so much for being so you!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2001-02-01 12:18 PM

Oh, sweet sister of my heart~

On the blossoming of the peach tree,
memories of Michelle will bloom eternally.

*This link is for others who would like to
meet Michelle Lee Jameson -

This beautiful page was done
by our loving Passions' member, Rosemary J. Gwaltney.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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8 posted 2001-02-01 01:25 AM

Martie, you've touched my heart again sweetie...

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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
9 posted 2001-02-01 01:36 AM

Martie~ I went to the link.........God, she's so beautiful..........I can't stop my tears.......hugs to you  -SEA
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since 1999-09-21
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10 posted 2001-02-01 01:38 PM

Marge--You are the bestest sis...thank you for your sweet heart and for listing the link to Michelle's room.

Coco--Thank you for your kindness and the hugs.

Sea--I am glad that you were touched by this wonderful child...thank you.

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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11 posted 2001-02-02 12:57 PM

Martie: Your incredible poem deserves applause, but my hands are busy wiping tears.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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12 posted 2001-02-02 01:27 PM

This is very incredible..Martie Bravo!!

"I walked beside the evening sea And dreamed a dream that could not be." George William Curtis

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13 posted 2001-02-02 03:04 PM

~And Martie, leave me in awe. You breathe these tender words and wrap the love around us. This is beautiful. I wish I knew better how to express what your writing is capable of doing to me. Every time M. Every time. Sending warmth. *Peace you.  
Rosemary J. Gwaltney
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northern mountains, Idaho
14 posted 2001-02-02 03:46 PM

Beautiful, tender love in such haunting poignancy, oh, Martie, this is a marvelous work, in all of its pain.  Thank you for sharing a bit more of your darling Michelle.


The spiritual wind that holds survivors aloft, plants the seeds from which bloom new hope ... R.J.G.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2001-02-02 03:48 PM

You write too many good ones that this wing that I've installed as "Martie's Wing" in my library has had a wall knocked down just to enlarge it...

well done my friend...a keeper, for sure!

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
16 posted 2001-02-02 04:13 PM

Martie...when I saw the title to this I said "Wow, what a title!" Oh, but hon...when I read the poem, my heart cried out. How touchingly you write of MIchelle and never do your words for her fail to bring tears to my eyes. In your words, in your heart and now in our minds...she lives forever. This poem is exquisite for one who also was.

~ Ruth

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

17 posted 2001-02-02 08:32 PM

Thank you for the link, Marge. I didn't know about it. Such a lovely child, Martie. One of His most beautiful gardeners...can't wait to meet her in the clouds...
Member Empyrean
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18 posted 2001-02-02 10:36 PM

suthern--to be moved to tears by poem is a high compliment...thank you so much for reading it and I'm glad a bit of her touched you.

Kathleen--Thank you for the bravo...I'm glad writing from the heart brings it.

Spit Fire--You expressed it perfectly...thank you sweet one.

Rosemary--Thank you for all you do to help me keep her memory alive...hugs and love to you and Dale.

Karilea--Just put me in the sunroom...with all the windows open.

Ruth--You reply touched my heart...thank you.

Member Ascendant
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state of confusion
19 posted 2001-02-03 08:54 PM

What a tender tribute - at once sad and happy.


Member Empyrean
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20 posted 2001-02-03 10:23 PM

Corinne--Yes, that's it exactly, thank you.
Senior Member
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21 posted 2001-02-03 11:20 PM

Hi Martie...

You have a surprizzze e-mail... I had planned ahead... Your going to be surprised. We got it on Michelle's site... But you need to look there's more... I spent most the day at April Dawn's grave until they closed and kicked me out. Then I came home to find you. Tell me if your like the pics.

love always, dale

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
22 posted 2001-02-04 11:37 AM

Okay, so you know how to get to the cowboy too.  It goes without saying that this one really touches deep but the understanding along with it really tears at the ole heart.  Beautifully penned my friend with all the beauty of a whisper finally shedding some light.

If you find yourself stranded in a storm
...then reach for my hand and we will play in the puddles together

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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23 posted 2001-02-04 01:23 PM

Denise--Sorry I missed you before...yes, the gardener in the sky...thank you for going through Michelle's door.

Dale--thankyou for the wonderful surprise...You and Rosemary are the best!!

Mark--Thank you for being such a good friend!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
24 posted 2001-02-05 12:13 PM

Consider the Sun Room now named in honor of Martie's Place....
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