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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2000-11-25 09:02 PM

The crowd had slowly gathered 'round the table of roulette
To watch the stranger standing there who'd won fourteen straight bets.
Fourteen bets without a miss! They'd never seen it done!
The mounting chips that he had won looked like they weighed a ton.
The rest of the casino floor lay still - deserted there.
The slot machines were silent and the poker tables bare
As word had spread throughout the room of that tall stranger's run
The gamblers came from everywhere to join in on the fun.

I was there - just one small child -my first trip into town.
I never would have had the chance if sitters had been found,
But there I was, to dad's chagrin and momma's proud delight
To be a small participant on that amazing night.

His chips were growing steadily as he won two bets more.
Another one! And then-again! The large crowd roared and roared!
Eighteen! Nineteen! He went on, his fortune growing fast.
Each gambler there was wondering how long this run could last.

Then, suddenly, the stranger stood and took a sip of gin,
Then pushed the stacks of colored chips way out in front of him.
He said,"I'm growing tired, my friends. Here's what I'm gonna do.
I want to bet the whole amount on number 42."

The crowd was stunned! Was this man mad to do what he had done?
The rules say when you're way ahead you take the cash and run.
But he just smiled out at the crowd - another sip of gin -
Then motioned in a lazy wave to let the wheel spin.

The only sound for miles, it seemed, came from that spinning ball.
It echoed through the corridors and sounded down the hall.
Still, round and round the spheroid flew. When all was said and done
The silver marble came to rest on number 41.

The large crowd quickly dissappated, sadly shaking heads,
Back to seeking flushes, placing chips on blacks and reds.
The stranger stood there - who could know how bad this man must feel!
He tipped his cap in wry salute toward the spinning wheel.

He saw me standing, watching him. He looked at me and smiled.
He said, "You'll find a lesson here although you're just a child.
No matter how you live your life, you'll never truly feel
Until you wager all you have on one spin of the wheel."

So many years have long since passed from that casino night.
So many years to realize the stranger had been right.
My life is a successful one - few ups but fewer downs,
Reason, not emotions, keep my feet on solid ground.

I take what life may offer and I never take a chance,
Not in my work, not in my home, not even in romance.
I should be happy with myself, but how I really feel
Is the urge to put it all against just one spin of the wheel.

My chips are on the table. I'm as ready as I'll get
But, now that I am willing, there's no one to take my bet.
The tables have been long since closed till now, at last, I see
That there are no more spinning wheel chances left for me.

So late in life I realize the chances that I've missed.
Instead of wagering on life, I just chose to exist.
How sad I didn't live my life with vigor, zest and zeal,
And took the opportunity to play that spinning wheel.

© Copyright 2000 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
Posts 5918
1 posted 2000-11-25 09:14 PM

Oh my gosh, I got caught up in your poem seeing every detail. Amazing. The subject being, to me, that sometimes life is worth the experience from one spin of the wheel. *giggling* mine seems to have had many, not much boring about it. I loved this poem because it captivated me and kept me spellbound throughout. Thank you so much for the read.

Love I leave with you my friend whether it be in your life or of yet the essense of your dreams. [URL=]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
2 posted 2000-11-25 09:16 PM

An oldie but goodie, m'deer... Gotta love those days of #1..

I guess I've taken more than one risk in my day... Won some and lost some... and I guess I'll probably be taking a few more before I'm through...

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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3 posted 2000-11-25 09:29 PM

Wish I had that kind of courage...thanks for this poetic spin...ya make me think, you do!
Professor Gloom
Member Elite
since 2000-07-23
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of Depression
4 posted 2000-11-25 09:35 PM

It's to play the game, take the chance,
done it many times myself, always lost.

Your writing is a story in rhyme,
I like that,
well done.


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

5 posted 2000-11-25 09:50 PM

I take what life may offer and I never take a chance,
Not in my work, not in my home, not even in romance.
I should be happy with myself, but how I really feel
Is the urge to put it all against just one spin of the wheel.

My chips are on the table. I'm as ready as I'll get
But, now that I am willing, there's no one to take my bet.
The tables have been long since closed till now, at last, I see
That there are no more spinning wheel chances left for me.

So late in life I realize the chances that I've missed.
Instead of wagering on life, I just chose to exist.
How sad I didn't live my life with vigor, zest and zeal,
And took the opportunity to play that spinning wheel.

Well if-ins your a gamblin man...
Ill see your bet and raise your anty ...
Lets play for spammy kisses instead of chips  
So... are ya feeling lucky??? LOL
Love your wisdom Michael...
your richer than you'll ever know...but then me thinks you do...just know  
later-lets-play-strip-spammy-poker-gator hehe

Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622
Ala bam a
6 posted 2000-11-25 09:55 PM

Ahhh met Pat Sajack?....Isn't Vanna a fox?....Yanno never cease to amaze me! Of course, waking up the next morning never ceases to amaze me.....but, I'll admit, this is really a great piece...Yanno, I think it's about time I head down to south Florida....need to meet the guy that never ceases to amaze me.....Oh wait a minute....this is Balladeer...right?....never mind....does LongJohn ever post anymore?.....Loved it ' are a very talented wheel spinner my friend..(BTW...if you ever dare to edit another one of my replies or great pieces of poetry, I'm gonna have you exterminated by an Orkin man....)
Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2000-11-26 12:33 PM

If you can spin the wheel like you spin a tale -
it's gotta come up on slot #42 !
Delightfully done.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
8 posted 2000-11-26 12:37 PM

When will I realize that you don't have to come up with "new" ones..."spinning" the old ones will be just fine...

and to think I thought you might be out in the crowd, stacking the deck...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
9 posted 2000-11-26 01:06 AM

Startime..sounds like you've had an exciting life. That's great!! I'm glad you enjoyed  

Nan....Take them!! You may have a lucky spin!'ve got the courage, my friend. Spin that wheel. You're a winner!  

gloom...if you play the game, you don't lose.
The losers are he ones that pass....

Janet MArie...nobody can raise my ante like you! Strip spammy? Sounds intriguing!!!! have my WORD OF HONOR I will NEVER edit a great piece of poetry of yours! (that;s a real safe thing to say!)  

MArge....There you are!!! I was getting the hunting dogs ready for the search!!! Thank God!!!  

sunshine...actually, I stacked the decks earlier. Can I interest you in a game?  

doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812
10 posted 2000-11-26 01:11 AM

you know, michael... i remember this one... i always liked it very that i read it again, it reminds me of the other one, too, though... the newer one about the game show... "who wants to be a millionaire"... and as you said it here and as you referenced it there, it's very true... you sure can't win it all if you don't bet the whole enchilada... *sigh*... well... this is poignant and special, as are you and i was going to say i enjoyed reading the repost but sometimes i find it hard to express exactly what i feel, believe it or not.. spinning wheel? millionaire? hmmm... place your bets.. and i'll place mine and hopefully there will be winners, y'know? ((hug)) you are one fine writer, my 'deer poet

- all you can ever really ask out of life is a sincere apology and some decent poetry -

Paula Finn
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since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
11 posted 2000-11-26 01:44 AM

I beleive in taking get hurt but what a way to live
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
12 posted 2000-11-26 01:45 AM

I love it!   What else is there to be said?  
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lost in blue pages
13 posted 2000-11-26 10:37 AM

this was a great read, feeling the tense and sensation....great imagery.

love it.


Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

14 posted 2000-11-26 10:55 AM

  This reminded me of a song by Blood, Sweat and Tears.  I loved it!

What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the words I have read in my life.

Walt Whitman

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
15 posted 2000-11-26 02:10 PM


Good lessons here sir! And wonderful poetry.  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

16 posted 2000-11-26 02:15 PM

I remember this oldie but goodie very well!! One of your best!!


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
17 posted 2000-11-26 09:00 PM

"So late in life I realize the chances that I've missed.
Instead of wagering on life, I just chose to exist."

Oh ... I know these lines well.  You know ... you never cease to amaze me. The wisdom you weave into your tales is like music to my ears.  The soft and perfect flow, the wonderful, thought-provoking messages ... I sure do like your style Michael!  

Best wishes and hugs,

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
18 posted 2000-11-26 09:29 PM

Doreen...yep, placing the bets and hoping to win is all we can do. Thank you....

Paula....I'm with you, my friend  

Temptress...that says it all!!!!

Charisma...I'm glad!!!! Thank you !  

Rose...right you are!! What goes up...must come down....eventually  

deVine one....a hard lesson sometimes...but worthwhile  

Denise...I hope the "oldie" refers to the poem and not me!!!   Thanks, Ms. Snyder  

Kit...Oh, I love your comments and I like your style too...very much!!!  

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