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Mistletoe Angel
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0 posted 2000-12-26 03:48 PM

Let Love Live On
By: Noah Eaton

There’s much I’m saddened to see as I look all around me
It makes me want to cry after years of beautiful love and amour-propre that much turns into lechery
Valentines and sweet words gets replaced by Viagra
Sweet couples holding hands becomes an obscene enigma
And everyone around me forgets their hopes and dreams to find true love in knight errant, they just want to get someone into bed
I’m deeply saddened as I see this all happen, it is so hard for me to find someone to talk to when everyone around me’s so jaundiced

Left, right, day and night, I always see hearts get broken, sinking in the quicksands of malice
I feel like I want to scream, as I do my best to help the wounded mend their hearts with love and confidence
As words of sweet romance are replaced with heartless jargon
Selfish talk of condemption replaces the soft music of laud
It takes so much love today to keep you happy, to keep you on your feet
In a greedy world, where the golden brick road is full of twists and turns, it’s painfully difficult to find true peace

But it’s not over, there’s still plenty of time to make a change and make harmony and peace come true again
With the passion of a glowing heart, we can make that old cheer new again, like how it had been
It is difficult to accomplish, but anything is possible if you just believe in this magic
After all, it was once this way, and then everything changed, so the magic to change again must exist

It’s not too late to make this hope come true, love isn’t gone
We have the power and the heart to…let love live on…

Yes, there’s always been some pain and sorrow within the shadows of society
Who’d ever thought these silent silhouettes would stretch and spread this agony so rapidly?
Relationships just crumble in these calamities
So many broken hearts, so little atoning
And I’ve always dreamed and read of all the romantic times when true lovers swooned, and now much is senseless lewd
They just swallow your heart, make it blue, spit it out, and then they’re through with you

Before, I always used to feel that I was suffocating here, while I try to walk a normal pace
Sometimes, I thought I heard the floors of my life were creaking, I just had to keep moving on, or I’d fall through this ambsace
Of all these endless shattered dreams
Sorrow erupting at the seams
It was love’s healing force that helped me keep my balance and find my way
I now stand up, spreading love and light everyday, as I play life’s game, hoping that peace will flourish again someday

We all have a heart, and if we all believe in each other, our hearts ignite a spark
One of love and purity that can keep your heart from falling apart
Love can be lost, but there will always be a true love that you and everyone will find
For everyone belongs to one another, a true love, that will flourish and never will die

It’s not too late to make this hope come true, love isn’t gone
We have the power and the heart to…let love live on…

And so you are lost on this grand langlauf down the mountains of life
This blizzard of dismay has left you cold, snowblindness stings you as you look for your satellite
Cheer up, the spring will come
You will find your sweet true love
Even in this troublesome world, the beauty and magic of love will always be beside you
Guiding you, keeping you warm, shielding you from the worst of this flu

There is much in this world that is vulgar and devastating
Who Wants To Marry A Multi-Millionaire’s greed and selfishness extracts all the love from a sweet white wedding
Poor young boys and girls are victims
To the violence and sex on television
And the news flies so fast today, by this curse
But we still have a love and light that can brighten hearts up, before they take a turn for the worse

To you, I give total faith and love, for I believe in you
I know you will find hope and happiness that is all so true
There is much lost love in the world, much injustice, unfortunately
But this can change, I know it can, as long as you believe…

It’s not too late to make this hope come true, love isn’t gone
We have the power and the heart to…let love live on
It’s not too late to make this hope come true, love isn’t gone
May love and light always shine upon you, may true sweet love forever live on…

© Copyright 2000 Nadia Lockheart - All Rights Reserved
Lady Lightning
since 2000-12-04
Posts 422
1 posted 2000-12-26 04:14 PM

How so very true your words are...

It’s not too late to make this hope come true, love isn’t gone
We have the power and the heart to…let love live on…

It's never too late...Thanks for the "making my heart warm" and "making my mind think" read, Noah....    ~LL~

The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost. author unknown

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 2000-12-26 05:12 PM

So right, it's not just the act, it's the passion and commitment behind the desire...

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